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学校开展“认识艾滋 呵护自我”青春大讲堂防艾知识讲座
2021-11-26 来源:党委学生工作部 作者:刘雄 图:青年志愿者服务团 审核:童杨梓 点击:[]

To further enhance our school students cherish life、Stay away from AIDS,On the morning of November 24,我校青年志愿者服务团邀请国家级青春健康教育主持人、Zhai Yan, the third -level director of the Shaanxi Family Planning Association, as the speaker,Carry out "Knowing AIDS Care You and Me" lecture on youth lecture,Liu Xiong, the school league committee, participated in this event。

服务团禁毒防艾分队队长陈瑾瑜向同学们发出了“认识艾滋 呵护自我”的倡议,Call everyone to strengthen self -protection m88 online bettingm88 online bettingawareness,Responsible for yourself、Responsible for others。Teacher Zhai Yan played through role -playing、互动游戏等方式为同学们全面讲解了艾滋病的致病原理、State of the disease、Transmission path、Prevention and control measures and precautions。In the event,翟晗老师和同学们就“我们应该害怕‘艾滋病病人’还是害怕‘艾滋病本身’”,I started a fierce discussion,Students actively participate、Answer,Finally obtained,We should not be afraid of AIDS patients,Instead, to correctly understand AIDS itself,AIDS is both a social problem and a medical problem,No one can take it lightly。

After lecture,104062004 Student Basyi shared,This lecture of AIDS prevention knowledge,Teacher Huo Yan teachs through knowledge、Case analysis and other forms of the origin of AIDS、Transmission path、Current AIDS epidemic、Challenges faced by school AIDS prevention and control、The characteristics of AIDS popularity have been explained in a simple explanation,Let me know,AIDS has constituted a serious challenge to human survival and development。As a college student of the new era,We should m88 slot machine casinom88 best betting websiteface AIDS、Learn AIDS,Cleansing self -good,Zhi Ai Fang Ai Ai。104052004 Student Yu Ya shared,我很荣幸参加了“认识艾滋呵护自我”为主题的青春健康大讲堂知识讲座,Teacher Huo Yan solve doubts to the students,While broadening the field of vision,Let us learn some measures to prevent AIDS,Today's lecture made me understand,We have to clean up,Maintain a good living habit,Also care and respect AIDS patients,Let's join hands,Use youth and wisdom to curb the spread of Royal AIDS。

After the meeting,Teacher Liu Xiong, the school Youth League Committee, said,He hopes that students can fully recognize the harm of AIDS,Start from yourself,Enhance self -protection awareness,Publication of "Ai Ai" knowledge infiltration into daily life、Learning、At work,Fresh "AIDS" knowledge to every corner of the school。

本次“认识艾滋 呵护自我”青春大讲堂起到了积极的宣传教育效果,Let the students spread to AIDS、Prevention, etc.、Science understanding,Really understand civilization、Health、The importance of an orderly lifestyle。

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