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"Counselor Said Growth" —— 30th issue Counselor talks about micro -lesson
2024-03-12 Author of the Student Department of the Party Committee: Tang Songxuan Review: Tong Yangzi 点击:[]

March 11,"Counselor Said Growth" -Eremore of the 30th issue of the Micro class "Spring Breeze March Learning Lei Feng,Planting Green and Green Tree Freshy State "National WeChat Patriotic Education Series Activities will be held in school center square,Teacher of the Student Work Department of the Party Committee、Teachers and students from the School of Language and Culture Communication participated in the event。

7 o'clock,The National Flag Guards take a steady step to escort the national flag to the flag -raising platform,Accompanied by the solemn "Volunteer March" sounds,The bright five -star red flag is raised in the breeze,The respect of the teachers and students' hearts to the great motherland is given a lofty salute to the national flag。

After the flag -raising ceremony is over,Language and Culture Communication College 2022 Counselor m88 online sports bettingHuang Xueqi, who stood at the m88 best betting websitenational party and performed the theme of "Spring Wind March Learning,Micro m88 best betting website-class hall for planting green trees and new winds。She said in the micro -class: The spring breeze in March is warm and hopeful,Blows every corner of the ground,Planting hope、Broadcasting green season,We have ushered in the tree planting festival,It also ushered in an important day -learning Lei Fengri。We gather in the bright national underworld,Remember a name together -Lei Feng,A Forever Model Model,Lei Feng's spirit is the precious spiritual wealth of the Chinese nation,His deeds and spirit inspire generations after generation。Spring is the best time for seeds to plant trees and forests,Tree planting green not only beautifies our environment,It also conveys a healthy life、The concept of green development,It is related to the future of every life,related to our common home。She calls on her classmates to take Comrade Lei Feng as a role model,investment in limited life into unlimited service for the people,Inherit the spirit of Lei Feng with actual actions,Together for the construction of a civilized campus、Green Campus and Construction Ecological Civilization、Building a beautiful China contribution force。

Through "Spring Breeze m88 slot machine casinoMarch Learning Lei Feng、Micro m88 best betting website-class hall for planting green trees and new winds,Students said that they should work hard to learn from Comrade Lei Feng,Make selfless dedication、Help others such as Lei Feng integrated into daily learning life,Make society more harmonious and beautiful; actively participate in green environmental protection activities such as trees and afforestation,Let youth bloom gorgeous light in beautiful university time。

Previous:The school carried out the third phase of the third phase of the "Lecture Hall" of the "Academic and Engineering Lecture Hall".

Next:The Student Work Department of the Party Committee organizes the theme of the "National Family Family Planting Commercial Tree" theme tree planting activity

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