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In memory of the revolutionary heroes,Inheriting the red gene - the Student Party Branch of the School of Economics and Management went to Xi'an Martyrs Cemetery to carry out theme party day activities
2024-09-30 School of Economics and Management Author: Zhang Peng Review: He Wenju 点击:[]

To deeply commemorate the revolutionary martyrs,Continuous red bloodline,Promote the spirit of patriotism,On September 30, Martyrs’ Day,The Student Party Branch of the School of Economics and Management actively responded to the Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League、Provincial Youth Federation’s call,Luo Fuhui, Secretary of the First Student Party Branch,Under the leadership of Zhang Peng, Secretary of the Sixth Party Branch,Branch party members and party activists went to Xi’an Martyrs Cemetery to carry out “Memorial of Revolutionary Heroes,Inheriting the Red Gene” theme party day event。

All members are neatly dressed,With infinite admiration for the revolutionary martyrs,Seriously stepping into the Xi’an Martyrs Cemetery。Green pines and cypresses in the cemetery,Quiet and solemn,The atmosphere is dignified and solemn。m88 online bettingm88 slot machine casinoAll personnel bowed and observed silence at the Martyrs Monument,To express our deep memory of the revolutionary martyrs。After the silence,The representative of the Provincial Youth Federation delivered a touching speech,By reviewing the heroic deeds of the revolutionary martyrs,Praise the martyrs for not being afraid of sacrifice,Patriotic spirit of sacrificing one’s life for the country,Calling everyone to remember history,Don’t forget your original intention,Forge ahead,Inherit the revolutionary legacy,Fight for the cause of the party for life。

In the deep mournful music,All personnel conducted a solemn oath ceremony。Everyone raise their right fists,Sign up solemnly in front of the Martyrs Monument,The sonorous and powerful oath echoed over the cemetery,Highlights the responsibility and responsibility of young people in the new era。

Teachers, students and party members laid flowers on the tombstones of the martyrs one by one,Everyone stopped and stared at the tombstones of the martyrs,Bow affectionately,Express deep memory and high respect for the revolutionary martyrs。Blooming flowers,Not only a tribute to the lives of revolutionary martyrs,It is the continuation and inheritance of red genes by young people in the new era。

m88 live casino gamesm88 live casino and sports bettingThis theme party day event,It is a profound party spirit education and patriotism education,Inspiring the patriotic enthusiasm and fighting spirit of teachers, students and party members,It also inspires the young people of Mingde to continue to inherit and carry forward the fine traditions and lofty spirit of the revolutionary martyrs,Strong ideals and beliefs,Keep in mind the original intention and mission,Contribute youth to the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with practical actions。

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