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About strengthening Teachers’ Day、Mid-Autumn Festival、Notice on integrity and self-discipline during the National Day
2021-09-10  点击:[]

All grassroots party committees (party branches) and units:

coincidentally2021Teachers’ Day、Mid-Autumn Festival、As the National Day approaches,In order to continue to consolidate and implement the spirit of the Eight Provisions of the Central Committee and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech on strengthening work m88 slot machine casinostyle construction since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,Continuously strengthen the construction of the work style of party members and cadres and the construction of teacher ethics and ethics,Strictly guard against the rebound of the "four winds" issue,Create a clean and upright festival atmosphere,The notice on strengthening the integrity and self-discipline during the "Three Festivals" is as follows:

1. Improve political stance and strengthen awareness of responsibility

Party organizations at all levels of the school、All departments must improve their political positions,Implement the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the party,Guide the majority of party members, cadres and faculty to lead by example from a political perspective,Firmly establish the “Four Consciousnesses”,Strictly implement the spirit of the eight central regulations,Take the lead in complying with the regulations on integrity and self-discipline,Resolutely put an end to "holiday corruption"。We must combine the study and education of party history,Guide faculty and staff to vigorously carry forward the party’s fine traditions,Study typical deeds of teachers’ morality and ethics,Play the leading role of advanced models,Provide strong spiritual motivation for the high-quality development of the school during the “14th Five-Year Plan”。Party members and leading cadres at all levels,Especially the party organizations at all levels within the school、The main responsible comrades of each department must effectively assume the responsibility of the first person responsible for party style and clean government,Strengthen restraint on relatives and staff,Educate and guide party members, cadres and faculty to establish a strong awareness of rules,Strictly observe the bottom line of discipline,Strengthen self-discipline,Create a clean and upright atmosphere、Civilized and m88 online bettingfrugal holiday atmosphere。

2. Strengthen the awareness of discipline and strictly abide by rules and disciplines

Party organizations at all levels must combine party history study and education、Discipline education and publicity activities,Continue to strengthen warning education,Take various forms to organize and study the typical issues that violate the spirit of the eight central regulations reported by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission,As well as typical issues that violate the Ten Codes of Professional Conduct for Teachers recently reported by the Ministry of Education,Education guides school party members and cadres and teachers to take warnings,Self-respect, self-examination, self-policing, and self-motivation。

Party members and cadres must conscientiously implement the spirit of the eight central regulations and the "Regulations on Disciplinary Punishments of the Communist Party of China", the "Code of Integrity and Self-Discipline of the Communist Party of China" and other intra-party laws and regulations,Illegal official receptions are strictly prohibited during the holidays,It is strictly prohibited to eat or drink with public funds in violation of regulations、Travel and participate in high-consumption entertainment、Fitness activities,It is strictly prohibited to use public funds to conduct mutual visits、Gift giving、Banquets and other activities;Strictly prohibited from entering or exiting private clubs,It is strictly prohibited to use your position to arrange travel for relatives and friends、Visiting relatives and friends and other activities;Strictly prohibited when visiting relatives and friends、Accepting banquets and receptions at public funds during the tour,It is strictly prohibited to use public funds to provide catering, accommodation and other reception arrangements for personal events。It is strictly prohibited to hold weddings and funerals,Activities such as taking advantage of opportunities to make money。

m88 best betting websiteAll teachers must strictly abide by the Ministry of Education's "Regulations on Strictly Prohibiting Teachers from Illegal Acceptance of Gifts and Money from Students and Parents",It is strictly prohibited to ask for or accept gifts from students and parents in any way、Properties such as securities and payment vouchers;It is strictly prohibited to participate in exams arranged by students and parents that may affect the test、A banquet for assessment and evaluation;It is strictly prohibited to participate in tours arranged and paid for by students and parents、Fitness, leisure and other entertainment activities;It is strictly prohibited to ask students and parents to pay or reimburse expenses that should be borne by the teacher personally or by his relatives;Promoting books to students is strictly prohibited、Newspapers、Daily necessities、Get rebates for social insurance and other commercial services;Other behaviors that take advantage of one’s position to seek improper benefits are strictly prohibited。

3. Strengthen supervision of discipline enforcement and continue to uphold discipline

The school party committee will unblock supervision and reporting channels,Reflect on the masses、Clues to the "Four Styles" Problems During the Festival Found During Supervision and Inspection and Undercover Investigations、Quickly verify and handle important public opinions,Disciplinary violations discovered will be punished strictly in accordance with disciplines and regulations,While holding those directly responsible accountable, we should also seriously hold relevant leaders accountable。

Supervision and reporting hotline:029-85603228  15991385081

Supervision and reporting email:dwzzxcb@mdit.edu.cn



    Committee of the Communist Party of China Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology



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