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Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology and Boya Art Vocational High School held a signing and awarding ceremony for the "Quality Student Base"
2022-07-16 ​Source: Admissions and Employment Center Author: Hou Lei Picture: Liu Mingchao Review: Liu Jia 点击:[]

The morning of July 15, 2022,Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology and Boya Art Vocational High School held a signing and awarding ceremony for the "Quality Student Base"。Yang Jianjun, President of Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology、Vice Principal Liu Xing,Dean Gou Bingchen, School of Art and Design、Vice President Feng Qiang,Liu Jia, Director of the Admissions and Employment Center,and School of Art and Design、Relevant personnel from the Admissions and Employment Center attended the meeting。Bai Fan, Chairman of Boya Education Group,Zhang Shengqiang, Principal of Boya Art Vocational Middle School、Vice Principal Lan Le,Liu Peng, principal of Xi’an Ink Painting Studio,Hu Long, President of Xi’an Boya International Education College、Vice President Zhang Song and others attended the signing ceremony。The ceremony was presided over by Vice President Liu Xing。

At the signing ceremony,Principal Yang Jianjun extended a warm welcome to the arrival of the Boya Education Group team,And briefly introduced the school’s history、Teaching staff、Professional features, etc.。He highly affirms the quality of the student pool of Boya Art Vocational m88 best betting websiteMiddle School、Student quality and school running level,Expressed hope through the construction of a “high-quality student base”,Strengthen interaction and exchanges with Xi’an Boya Art Vocational High School,At the same time, we hope that Xi’an Boya Art Vocational High School will continue to support our school’s enrollment work。Subsequently,Dean Gou Bingchen introduced the basic situation of the School of Art and Design,The professional groups of the School of Art and Design highly overlap with the needs of the student groups of Xi’an Boya Art Vocational Middle School,Looking forward to the course design by both parties later、Teaching content、Teaching methods、Carry out more comprehensive aspects of talent training、Longer-term cooperation。

Zhang Shengqiang, Principal of Boya Art Vocational Middle School, from the school’s history、Infrastructure、Teaching staff、Teaching results、Introducing the development of the school in recent years in terms of campus culture and other aspects。Bai Fan, Chairman of Boya Education Group, hopes that both parties will take this cooperation as an opportunity,Develop high-level projects with our school、Multiple levels of interaction,Applying for current students、Form a good closed loop in employment internship,Actively explore new models of talent training。

Final Ceremony,Principal Yang Jianjun signed a "Cooperation Agreement" with Boya Art Vocational m88 best betting websiteHigh School on behalf of our school,Awarded "Quality Student Base" to Boya Art Vocational High School、"Mingde Liberal Arts Education and Teaching Base"、"Employment Internship Base" Plaque。

This licensing ceremony is to promote the exchange and interaction of talents between our school and the source schools、An effective way to optimize the talent delivery and selection mechanism,It is also an important measure to develop channels and channels for enrollment promotion。The establishment of a “high-quality student base”,We will also further strengthen the close connection and efficient linkage of talent training between our school and the source schools。

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