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Admission statistics
Statistical table of admission scores of our college in various provinces from 2006 to 2008 (m88 live casino and sports bettingScience and Engineering)
                  Statistical table of admission scores of our college in each province from 2006 to 2008
m88 live casino and sports bettingScience and Engineering
Province                  2008               2007            2006
  Highest score Lowest score Average score Highest score Lowest score Average score Highest score Lowest score Average score
Shaanxi 504 446 463 509 451 472 515 469 484
Beijing 433 433 433 466 454 460 475 450 458
Hebei 534 505 511 546 538 542 547 511 524
Shanxi 522 419 480 518 484 501 508 437 473
Inner Mongolia 503 483 491 498 495 499      
Liaoning 448 382 418            
Jiangsu 343 296 319 540 529 531      
Zhejiang 510 443 463 526 470 497      
Anhui 537 502 510 503 485 494      
Fujian 484 455 465 490 459 472      
Jiangxi 456 415 427 502 486 494 475 410 448
Shandong 548 512 536 540 517 525 546 522 531
Henan 517 508 512 576 543 550 543 525 534
Guangdong 518 489 498            
Guangxi 432 400 420            
Hainan 552 540 545            
Sichuan 532 512 521 500 454 471 520 494 503
m88 online sports bettingGansu 509 399 457 513 498 503 514 474 488
Xinjiang 480 450 463 453 399 427 482 373 428

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