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Safety first,Innovation-driven

In order to do a solid job in fire safety work of the Innovation m88 best betting websiteand m88 slot machine casinoEntrepreneurship College,Improve fire safety awareness and emergency response capabilities in all laboratories of the college,On May 21, our hospital held a laboratory fire prevention training meeting at the Engineering Training Center,The meeting was chaired by Qu Feifei, the head of the laboratory。




Training,Qu Feifei emphasizes that the laboratory serves as a place for teachers and students to work and study daily,The fire safety m88 live casino and sports bettingm88 online bettingis directly related to the life and property safety of teachers and students,Calling everyone to be vigilant at all times。

Secondly,Qu Feifei pointed out that fires are often caused by negligence、Aging wires、Caused by illegal operations and other factors,Therefore, each laboratory must strictly abide by fire safety regulations,Strengthen daily inspections and hidden danger inspections,Ensure the integrity and effectiveness of fire protection facilities and equipment。

Last,Everyone watched the laboratory firefighting video,For daily safety awareness,Everyone has a more detailed understanding。

In future work,Innovation m88 best betting websiteand m88 slot machine casinoEntrepreneurship College will continue to promote fire safety work,Standardize laboratory fire safety management,Ensure the stable development of the college’s work。


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