To celebrate the 73rd anniversary of the founding of New China,Welcome the 20th victory of the party to hold,Inheritance of the Spirit of the Red Revolution,Rich vacation campus cultural life,The Youth League Committee of the School of the Academy extensively carried out a series of campus activities during the National Day holiday,Inspired the majority of young students to listen to the party、Go with the party,Running better results m88 online bettingm88 live casino and sports bettingon the track of youth。
On the morning of October 1,The School Youth League Committee held the theme of the "Twenty National Congress of the Communist Party of the Party"。6:55,School National Flag Guard Gao Qing's bright five -star red flag,Wearing a dress,Take a neat and healthy step towards the national flag pole of the center square。7 o'clock,The bright national anthem sounds,The bright five -star red flag accompanies "The Volunteer March",Bathing in the morning wind,Ran Ran rising。At this sacred moment,The heart of the red is deeply shocked。
"My and My Motherland" essay activity is hosted by the Youth League Committee of the School of Information Engineering,Students praise the prosperity of the motherland,The happy life of the people,The rapid development of technology, etc.; Depicts the positive spiritual style reflected by the harmonious society; expressing the pride and pride as a Chinese。Students are determined to live up to Shaohua,Endless for Endeter。"Penmo Dan Xin" calligraphy and painting collection activities are undertaken by the Youth League Committee of the School of Intelligent Manufacturing and Control Technology。The works of the students promoted m88 com live casino registerm88 online sports bettingthe traditional Chinese culture,Write the spirit of the times,Pulse of the Acura Times,Expressed the love of the motherland。"I love you,China "Red Song will be hosted by the Youth League Committee of Language and Culture Communication。October 1st to 6th,Hold 3 games of the Red Song Club,Participate in more than 200 students,The classmates sang the song "Beautiful China", "My and My Motherland", "This Youth worthy of pride", "Singing the Motherland", "The National", "Juvenile", "Dragon's Heir", etc.,The students are full of emotions,Singing the party proudly、Singing the motherland。The figure of youth shows positive and optimism under the glory of the party、The upward spiritual appearance,Expressing the best blessing of the motherland。"My Chinese Heart" handwritten newspaper drawing activity is hosted by the Youth League Committee of the School of Economics and Management。The students expressed the feelings of young people's family feelings and times through their works,Enhanced the students' national self -confidence,Inspired young students to develop forge ahead。"The motherland in the heart" recitation will be hosted by the Youth League Committee m88 sports bettingm88 online bettingof the School of Art and Design。The students expressed their love for the great motherland with recitation; they sang the great rivers and mountains of the motherland、Gorgeous scenery、Long civilization、Humanities; the entire event makes people feel enthusiastic,Passion Surging,Thoughts of thoughts。"Always follow the party" movie viewing activity is hosted by the Youth League Committee of the College of Vocational and Technical。Viewing the movie,Revisiting the classic film "My and My Motherland", "Founding of the Country", "Changjin Lake", "Flash Red Star", "Action of Red Sea", "War Wolf 2"。Show the Chinese story through the film,Leading young people to promote upward energy。
At the same time,National Day holiday,The student club has also held a variety of color,Various forms of community activities。The College Student Art Troupe held the "Music Night" online instrumental exchanges and sharing session; the harmonica club held the "Mingde Lake Covenant" community exchange activity; 3 games; Feixun Computer Association held a online "Deep Search of Algorithms" skills sharing session; chromosomal animation club held a "Chinese love" hand -painted m88 sports bettingwork competition;,Celebrate m88 slot machine casinothe happy birthday of the motherland! Traditional Chinese Culture Society holds online "Flying Flowers Order"、"Idioms Connect Dragon"、Ancient Poetry Sharing and other activity skate clubs、TG e -sports agency、Magic Association、Painting and Calligraphy Association held an internal exchanges of the community。
Shengshi Birthday,Family Guo Tongqing。11 series of activities,"Red Gene" among young students,Encourage students to use language、Singing、Use text、Display the new image of the motherland with painting and calligraphy、New style、New achievements,Inspired teachers and students with a good spiritual style and excellent achievements for the 20th gift of the party!