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Drawing room usage management system

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The drawing room is for m88 live casino and sports bettingcourse design for mechanical majors and aircraft majors、A dedicated place for model surveying and mechanical design drawing training,To achieve standardized management,The following management system is specially formulated。  

1. All teachers and students using the drawing room should be awareMaintain indoor orderCare for the interiorHygiene,No smoking、Don’t spit、Do not throw paper scraps and other debris。     

2.When using the drawing room,Should consciously take care of indoor facilities and appliances,BecauseEquipment damage caused by liability accident,The user must be held accountable。    

3.DrawingRoom and indoorFacility and equipment are generally not allowed to be borrowed,When loan is really needed,The borrowing procedures must be completed and approved by the department’m88 live casino and sports bettings academic affairs department。     

4. Without permission, persons not related to professional studies are not allowed to enterDrawingRoom,Do not use any equipment without authorization。No one is allowed to run around in the studio、Playing etc.。      

5. Develop good work habits,Consciously maintain indoor safety and cleanliness when using,Consciously organize related utensils after use,Turn off indoor power equipment, doors, windows, etc.。      

6. If indoor appliances are damaged,Should be reported truthfully,And fill out the registration form。Any damage、Lost device,The reasons should be found out,And handle it in accordance with the relevant school management system。     

7.DrawingAfter daily use of the room,The administrator needs to check the indoor equipment,Check whether the power supply and other m88 online bettingequipment and doors and windows are completely closed。      

8.DrawingNo fireworks indoors。The administrator should organize regular indoor cleaning,Mingjing Frequent examination roomSafe electricity and fire protection measures within 18016_18027,Check indoor equipment frequently,If abnormalities or hidden dangers are discovered, they must be handled and reported in a timely manner。      

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