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Counselor team
Li Lu

Li Lu,Member of the Communist Party of China,Graduated with a master's degree in mechanical engineering from the School of Mechanical and Precision Instrument Engineering of Xi'an University of Technology,Counselor,Secretary of the Youth League Committee of the College。Participated in scientific research projects m88 slot machine casinosuch as Shaanxi Provincial Science and Technology Achievements Transfer and Promotion Plan Achievements Transformation Project (Design and Optimization of Volatile Organic Compounds Treatment Equipment Based on Circulating Fluidization Technology) during graduate school5item, publishedSCIOne article, won the "Internet+"Second Prize in College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition and Third Prize in the "Huawei Cup" 15th China Postgraduate Mathematical Modeling Competition,Won first-class scholarships m88 online sports bettingand the title of “Three Good Student Models” for many times,Rated2020Excellent graduates.

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