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    Student work
    "Promote the spirit of craftsmanship to achieve dreams" -The college invites master craftsmen to enter the school lecture

    In -depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics,Implementing the Chronicle of the Innovation Exchange Conference of the First Great Power Craftsman's Innovation m88 online bettingExchange m88 live casino and sports bettingCongratulations,Vigorously promote the spirit of model workers、Labor spirit、Craftsman Spirit,Stimulate students to grow into talents6month20Day afternoon,Smart manufacturing and control technology college specially invited AVIC Xi'an Aircraft Industry Group Co., Ltd. Senior technician"National Technical Expert"、"National May Day Labor Medal" winner、"Aviation Industry Chief Skills Expert"、"Chief Technician of Shaanxi Province"Huang MenghuisMy hospitalTeachers and studentsI didTitle"The Stage of Growth of High Skills Talents"topicReportThe report will be chaired by Zeng Kai, deputy secretary of the college party committee,SchoolDeputy Secretary of the Party Committee Dong HaoDirector of Human Resources DepartmentBai Qinchuan, Scientific Research OfficeViceDirector Zhou Qiang,Students from the Party CommitteeDeputy Minister Tong Yangzi, Deputy Dean of the College Yin Rui​​All academic cadres, representative representatives of students in all secondary collegesParticipateReport Meeting


    m88 slot machine casinoHuang Menghu opened with his own experience, from"Love is the foundation,Learning is guarantee,Team is the key "threeBigIt tells myself that I work on AVIC West Flying30Unforgettable moment of the year,Describes one after another problem that my country's industrial industrial rapid development of grass -roots workers overcome in China,Showing the spirit of AVIC's hard work and hard work,Drives the family feelings of the home country belonging to the AVIC West Flyer。As a person30Senior technician of the year's work experience,Use your own true and vivid frontline work experience,Tell students that professional skills need to be strong,The theory and practice should be combinedSystem learning and daily work experience accumulation is a professional literacy of an engineering personResponsibility and responsibility is the mission of AVIC West Flyer,"Passing Belt" spirit is the inheritance of AVIC West Flying.andGiveTeachers and studentsShare Huang Menghu StudioSelf2012Since m88 best betting websitethe establishment of the yearachieved achievementsLead everyone to recognize the importance of the team at work

    Huang Menghu combined with your own work30Personal experience of the year,For the teachers and students present, I have taken a practical educational class with practical experience。LectureFinally,Huang MenghuTell students,No matter what occupation is doing well, it is a good occupation,We are making it in China2025On the road,Equipment manufacturing industry faces an unprecedented good situation in the futureWe want to learn Gu Wenchang with"Don't treat Fengsha,Just let the wind sand bury me "bold,To love work,Keep learning improvement,Integrate into the team,I believe that I can do my job well,Make your own achievements!

    After the lecture is over,Deputy Secretary of the School Party Committee Dong Hao issued a special professor certificate for Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology for Huang Menghu,The report will end in the warm applause of the teachers and students,Teachers and students m88 slot machine casinoparticipating m88 online sports bettingin the meeting got up and scrambled to take a photo with Huang Menghu。


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