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Introduction to the College
Introduction to the School of Information Engineering

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Enter21century,The information industry has become the world’s largest industry,Development of information science and technology,Changing people’s production and lifestyle。Information science and technology are important development areas of the information industry,Internet+、Big data、Artificial Intelligence、Cloud computing、Internet of Things、Made in China2025、Communications and other emerging industries,No need for a large number of professional talents。  

Currently enrolled students in the School of Information Engineering3300Yu Ren,is the largest "engineering" second-level college of Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology,The majors of the college are set up to meet the development of the information industry,Computer Science and Technology offered in total、Communication Engineering、Software Engineering、Artificial Intelligence、Internet of Things Engineering、E-commerce、Electronic Information Engineering、Data science and big data technology, etc.8Undergraduate majors, where,The communication engineering major is a national first-class major,Computer science and technology major is the first-class major in Shaanxi Province; computer science and technology、Communication Engineering、Software Engineering、The Internet of Things project was established to build the college’s famous majors and characteristic majors。Relying on the construction of national first-class undergraduate m88 online bettingmajor in communication engineeringShaanxi Beidou University.  

The School of Information Engineering implements "students as the root"、Education-oriented、Teachers first、The school philosophy of “responsibility first”,Carry out in-depth school-enterprise cooperation、Integration of industry and education,Actively promote military-civilian integration projects,Led by “new engineering” and “new national standards”,Deepen professional construction,Continuously reforming the curriculum system,Committed to cultivating high-quality applied undergraduate talents。Our institute has successively cooperated with ZTE、Digital China、AsiaInfo Technology (China) Co., Ltd.、Guangdong Yue embedded、Neusoft Ruidao、Four-dimensional number state、Xi'an Hangguang Satellite Measurement and Control Technology Co., Ltd., etc.20Cooperate with more than well-known companies and actively carry out customized classes, "3+1” and other talent training models,Carry out in-depth professional co-construction、Certification training、Internship and Employment、Cooperation in teacher training and other aspects,Practice comprehensive education,Improve students’ practical and social abilities,Cultivation of high-quality applied talents that meet the needs of regional economic development。  

[Teaching Team]  

The School of Information Engineering has strong teaching staff,Have a professional and combined team、Age、A high-level teaching team with reasonable professional titles and academic qualifications,Existing teachers112People, all have a master's degree or above, including a doctorate18People; professor, associate professor and other senior and above titles38person; member of the Teaching Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education2person, famous teaching teacher in Shaanxi Province2People.  

[Quality of talent training]  

High-quality employment affects high-quality enrollment。Graduates are mainly employed in universities、Medium-sized enterprises and government agencies,Last three years,The average one-time employment rate of graduates exceeds88.7%, total242Fresh graduates reached the national admission threshold for the postgraduate entrance examination, and the admission rate15.44%, where2021The online m88 best betting websiteadmission m88 best betting websiterate for the postgraduate entrance examination for electronic information majors reached15.7%  

[Experimental teaching conditions]    

The School of Information Engineering has the "Computer Experimental Teaching Center" and the "Electronics and Communications Experimental Teaching Center"2A Shaanxi Provincial Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center. Has various laboratories20Remaining rooms, total area2500More than square meters, total equipment2000More than one set, total value 2000More than 10,000 yuan,In recent years, we have cooperated with China Satellite Measurement and Control Center、Beidou Open Laboratory cooperates to establish the "Beidou Satellite Laboratory",Established "Communication and Navigation Experimental Teaching Center" and "Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Experimental Teaching Center",Established a "Mobile Internet Development Laboratory" with Digital China,Joined with Xuejiao to establish a orientationOracle's "Joint Laboratory for Data Intelligent Analysis and Processing"。With the support of the Shaanxi Province Private College Development Fund, the "Communications and Information Technology" was also built+Smart Laboratory”、“Spatial-temporal Big Data Experiment Center” and other high-level laboratories。can support computer science and technology、Software Engineering、E-commerce、Big data、Communication Engineering、Electronic Information Engineering、Internet of Things Engineering and other majors 100The experimental teaching tasks of more than one course support the "Internet+”Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition、Mathematical Modeling Competition、Electronic Design Competition、International Aquatic Robot Competition and other discipline competitions。  

[Integration of industry and education]  

Information Engineering College Integrated Enterprise、Industry、Society、Government and other resource advantages,With colleges and universities、Scientific research institutes and enterprises have carried out strategic cooperation and joint training,Exploring professional co-construction、Joint scientific research、Course Experiment、Production internship、Enterprise training、Joint efforts in engineering certification, innovation and entrepreneurship, etc.,Formed a multi-faceted m88 slot machine casinom88 best betting websiteindustry-university-research practice teaching community。Established the Mingde Institute of Technology branch of Shaanxi Mobile Application Technology Engineering Research Center with the School of Software of Northwestern Polytechnical University,Established a smart military camp joint innovation experimental center with Shaanxi Alloy Information Technology Co., Ltd.。Currently withQi’anxin, Guangdong Embedded Communications,Digital China, AsiaInfo Technology, etc.10Yu companies have established school-enterprise cooperation relationships and established20More than on-campus and off-campus internship training bases,Support students’ thinking and research abilities、Hands-on practical ability、Improvement of innovation and entrepreneurship capabilities。  

[Education and Teaching Achievements]  

School of Information Engineering has advanced teaching concepts,Remarkable achievements in education and teaching reform。Won the list of "Shaanxi Provincial Innovation Experimental Zone for Training Model of High-quality Applied Talents in Electronic Information"1; "Electronics and Communications Shaanxi Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center" was built、"Computer Shaanxi Province Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center" each1; Won the title of “Excellent Teaching Team of Shaanxi Province in Communication Engineering Major”。Won the “Second Prize for National Teaching Achievements”1item, "Second Prize for Higher Education Teaching Achievements in Shaanxi Province"2items; won the provincial and ministerial level scientific and technological achievement award13items; won the "National Quality Course"、"Shaanxi Province Quality Courses" each1item; won the "Shaanxi Province Quality Resource Sharing Course"3item;3courses were rated as provincial first-class courses by Shaanxi Province。Editor-in-Chief of General Higher Education "Tenth Five-Year Plan"、"Eleventh Five-Year Plan"、“Twelfth Five-Year Plan” and “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” national planning textbooks7Department; won the first prize of Shaanxi Province Excellent Teaching Materials1Item, second prize3Item.  

[Student Awards]  

The college participates extensively in subject competitions,Remarkable results have been achieved。In recent years, he has won the second prize in m88 online bettingthe m88 live casino and sports bettingNational Undergraduate Mathematical Modeling Competition in various subject competitions1item, first prize in Shaanxi Province40Yu Xiang, China International “Internet+"College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition Shaanxi Division Silver Award1items, first prize in Shaanxi Division of National College Student Electronic Design Competition10Yu Xiang, the college won the “Datang Cup” National College Student Mobile Communications5GTechnical Competition、National University Internet of Things Application Innovation Competition、National Robot Competition International Humanoid Robot Olympiad、China Robot and Artificial Intelligence Competition、Lanqiao Cup National Software and Information Technology Professional Talent Competition、National College Student Information Technology Innovation Application Competition、"JingshiIUVCup" National College Student Communication Network Deployment and Optimization Design Competition、Won national awards in international aquatic robot competitions and other subject competitions100Remainder, provincial award200remainder。Discipline competition has distinctive features、Outstanding features,Being in the advanced ranks among similar institutions。    


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