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Mingde College
[Summer Social Practice] Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology's "Heart-to-Heart Messenger·Heart-Bridge Envoy" summer social practice team went to Xi'an, Shaanxi Province to carry out summer "Three Going to the Countryside" social practice

We stepped into the community center with great expectations,We were greeted by a group of lively and lovely children。This is a special social practice activity。

The first day of the event,We not only bring knowledge and skills,More willing to listen、Heart of understanding and companionship。Activity starts,The children take turns introducing themselves,Their voices are crisp,Bright smile,Every introduction is full of personality and innocence。Some children even bravely raised their hands,Performed singing、Talents such as dancing or telling jokes,That moment,I saw the light in their eyes,That is a symbol of confidence and courage,This is also the spirit we most want to convey during this trip。

The development of the two games "Counting Ducks" and "Every Seven Passes",Not only tested the children’s mathematical ability and reaction speed,It also cultivated their teamwork spirit in the laughter。Competition and cooperation in games,Let the children learn to respect each other,The importance of understanding rules。Introduction of points mechanism,Inspiring children’s enthusiasm for participation,End of each round,Whether winner or participant,Everyone gained a full sense of accomplishment and self-confidence。During the game,I observed,Some children show leadership skills in games,Some children find a sense of belonging in the team,This made me deeply aware,Games are not just a way of entertainment,It is also a tool for education,It can stimulate children’s potential,Develop their team spirit。

Homework tutoring session after the game,Becomes a bridge for us to have in-depth communication with our children。Every child is a unique individual,They have different study habits and interests。During the tutoring process,I try to start from their interests,Guide them to think,Encourage them to express,Help them overcome difficulties in learning。I see,When children are with our help,Gradually found a solution to the problem,That sense of accomplishment and increased self-confidence,Made me feel the power of education。Coaching is more than just the transfer of knowledge,It is more of an emotional exchange,It is the establishment of trust,It is a testimony of growth。

Although one day’s activities are short,But it made me realize deeply,Education is not just the imparting of knowledge,It’s a touch of the soul。Every child is a unique seed,They need more than just sunlight and moisture,What we need m88 slot machine casinomore m88 slot machine casinois understanding and companionship,It is encouragement and guidance。As an educator,We not only teach knowledge,We must become children’s friends,Listen to their voices,Inspire their potential,Inspire their potential。

The next day,We go through some fun and simple activities,More than just a deep connection with the kids,Also promotes the all-round development of children,Let them learn in joy,Growing up in the game。First,The mini-game is to beat the drum and pass flowers。When we get started,With cheerful music playing,Follow the rhythm of this music,Everyone excitedly passed the balloons。The music suddenly stopped,Children holding balloons answer questions,The whole class rang out with appreciation for the children’s courage and appreciation for answering the questions。When the balloon is passed,There was another sound of joy,Everyone has experienced the fun of this game。Through this little game,Can cultivate unity, friendship and concentration skills。The game can not only increase the tacit understanding of teamwork,It can also improve their hand-eye coordination and coping abilities。紧Continue,We led the children to play the idiom game of you draw and I guess。Game starts,The children can’t wait to go up and participate in the drawings themselves,Children guessing idioms racked their brains。Everyone had a great time in this process,The classroom is full of laughter。This little game not only exercises their expression skills,Also let them learn idioms in the game,Enhance language understanding。At the same time,This interactive game helps cultivate children’s sense of competition,Has a positive impact on their psychological growth and social skills。We also organize the process of coloring pictures。This is a very interesting and creative little activity。First,Everyone chooses a favorite picture,Then based on the lines and color areas on the picture,Choose your own color carefully。Can use watercolor pens、Tools such as crayons or colored pencils,Fill in each area one stroke at a time。In this process,They will give full play to their imagination and creativity,Choose the color you think is most suitable for each area。After a period of patient and meticulous filling,The original black and white pictures glow with the charm of color in his skillful hands,Become lifelike。This process not only exercises children’s hands-on ability,It also allowed them to enjoy the fun of creation。Finally we have a small awards ceremony。Pass every round of today’s game,Record the winner of each game,Record it in the form of points,The one with the highest points is finally counted,Different prizes were awarded successively。To conclude today’s activities。

The third day is to promote mutual understanding and friendship among children,Improve their expression skills and self-confidence,We organized an event with the theme of "Children's Happy Time" in Hanlin Community on July 24, 2024。A total of 13 children participated in the event,Include self-introduction、Performance、Play the drum and pass the flowers、Number sorting and manual production, etc.。Through games and craft activities,Develop their teamwork and communication skills,Let them spend an unforgettable afternoon in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere。Activity process self-introduction session at the beginning of the m88 online sports bettingactivity,m88 live casino and sports bettingWe conducted a self-introduction session。Under the guidance of big friends,The children take turns on stage,Take 1 minute to introduce your name、Age and hobbies。Some children are shy,Some children are generous,But they all try to express themselves。Pass this link,Children can get to know each other initially,Lay the foundation for subsequent activities。The performance link is in the performance link,The children showed off various talents。Some sing、Some dancing、Some tell stories,Various forms。Every child received applause and encouragement,Increased self-confidence。This link allows children to show their strengths,Let everyone see their versatility。Game 1: Drumming and Passing Flowers The drumming and passing flowers game increases the fun of the activity。The children passed the bouquets nervously and excitedly,When the drumming stops,Who is holding the bouquet,Whoever is going to perform a show on stage。This link not only exercises their reaction ability,It also taught them to face challenges bravely。Game 2: Number sorting number sorting game tests children’s teamwork and communication skills。They need to cooperate with each other,Complete tasks quickly。Pass Game,Children learned to cooperate,Also experienced the power of team。Handmade session: The cup is projected in the handmade session,Children use markers to draw on transparent cups,Make cup projection。They get creative,Create unique works。This link cultivates their creativity and hands-on ability,Also let them experience the joy of success。Event ends event last,We summarized and shared。The children shared their feelings and gains,Expressed love for the event。We also praised and encouraged the children who performed well。The effect of the event is through this event,The children not only enhanced their understanding of each other,It also improved expression skills and self-confidence。In games and craft activities,They learned teamwork and communication。At the same time,The activity also allowed them to spend a pleasant afternoon,Gained friendship and growth。 This event has achieved good results。Children actively participate,Harmonious atmosphere。But there are also some problems,If some children are too nervous when introducing themselves,Need more encouragement and support。We will continue to improve the activity plan in the future,Provide more display opportunities,Let every child fully express himself。At the same time,We will also strengthen security measures,Ensure the event is safe and smooth。

Day 4,We held a special event in the community,The theme is "Popular Knowledge on Campus Bullying"。This activity not only taught primary school students a lot about school bullying,It also taught me how to live in harmony with my classmates,Create a warm place together、Friendly learning environment。 When the event starts,We first played a video to primary school students,The content is about real cases of school bullying。Children in the video are laughing at each other over trivial things、Exclusion,Even fight。See these images,I feel very sad in my heart,Because I understand how painful it is for those children who are bullied。 Continue,We explained to them what school bullying is。Original,Bullying is not just physical harm,Also includes verbal sarcasm、Attacks on the Internet,m88 live casino and sports bettingEven deliberately m88 slot machine casinoexclude and isolate others。We tell them,Everyone may become a perpetrator or victim of bullying,So understanding and preventing school bullying is important for each of us。 What impressed me most in the event was the role-playing session。We were divided into several groups,Each group will conduct a simulation based on the given scenario。In the group situation I am in, a classmate was teased by other classmates because of his poor grades。By playing different roles,I deeply understand the feelings of the victim,Also understand the responsibility of bystanders。This session teaches us to think from the perspective of others,Be brave enough to stand up and protect your classmates who are being bullied。 The end of the event,We asked primary school students to discuss how to prevent and respond to school bullying。Everyone spoke enthusiastically,made ​​a lot of good suggestions。For example,When we see bullying,Tell the teacher or parents in time;If you are bullied,Don’t be afraid to ask for help,Because everyone has the right to learn and grow in an environment without fear。 Through this event,I believe they realize that school bullying is a serious problem,It not only hurts the victim physically and mentally,It also destroys the harmonious atmosphere on campus。But at the same time,I also see hope,Because each of us can be a little warrior against bullying。As long as we unite,Face and solve problems with love and courage,Our campus will become better。 This "Campus Bullying Science Popularization Knowledge" activity,Let them learn valuable knowledge,It also made them understand the importance of friendship and justice。I will share the knowledge I learned today with my family and friends,Let more people understand campus bullying,Work together to create a harmony、Friendly campus environment efforts。Campus is a place for growth,Let’s work together,Together we will protect this pure sky,Let the flowers of friendship and knowledge bloom freely here。

On the fifth day, we told the students what campus bullying is and preventive measures,First tell the students about the specific bullying scene,And anti-bullying methods,Then team members went through relevant videos to show them prevention skills and countermeasures,Also warn students not to be bullies,Once school bullying is discovered,Should tell the teachers and classmates around you immediately,Tell your parents immediately after returning home。Students actively answered questions in class,Team members happily chatting with them during recess,Unknowingly, we were also infected by their vitality。Students use the knowledge they have learned,Vividly describe to other students what they did when encountering school bullying。Students share their own methods with each other。Intense discussion,Then we prepared a small game for the students to look at pictures and describe colors to train their reaction ability。Everyone actively participated,The students lined up in a long line to identify the colors in front of the teacher,Finally, the team members prepared building blocks to exercise their hands-on skills。Those who think alone,Those who share building experiences,Everyone is immersed in the world of building blocks。Team members hope to do their best to protect the hearts of children。Light up the light of children’s hearts with love and responsibility。

The content of the sixth m88 online sports bettingday m88 online bettingis about popularizing science knowledge and sharing your own experience,Prepare a brightly colored road,And prepared some popular science knowledge cards,Content covers natural sciences、Humanities, history, etc.。Popular Science Drumming and Flower Passing Game Session,First,Introducing the rules of the game to children: When the Drums Sound,The bouquets begin to be passed in sequence,When the drumming stops,Whose hand is the bouquet,Whoever draws a popular science knowledge card,And answer the questions above。With the cheerful drumbeat,Flower balls are quickly passed in the hands of children,The scene was full of tension and excitement。When the drums stop,The child who got the bouquet bravely drew the card,Facing various interesting science questions,Some children answered quickly,Won everyone’s praise;But with the teacher’s patient explanation,But with the teacher’s patient explanation,I also learned new knowledge。In the experience sharing session,The children actively took the stage to speak,Expressed his feelings and gains from this psychological education practice。The teacher summarizes this activity,Emphasized the importance of sharing experiences and learning popular science knowledge,Encourage children to continue to maintain a positive attitude in their future lives,Continuously explore and learn。Through this practical activity,We saw the curious eyes of the children,Feel their thirst for knowledge and love for life。In the experience sharing session,The children not only exercised their expression skills,We also gained inspiration and encouragement from each other’s experiences。The popular science drumming and flower passing game allows children to learn a wealth of popular science knowledge in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere,Stimulated their interest in science。At the same time,Activities also enhance teamwork and communication skills among children,Let them grow together in mutual help and support。

Last day,We first choose the games the children want to play,Then the award ceremony was held,The children are very satisfied with our activities。Our goal is to let the children happily participate in these seven days of activities。

The road to education,Although long and difficult,But as long as we walk hand in hand,It will definitely create more possibilities,Let every child fly freely under the sunshine of love,Bloom your own brilliance。

Walking with childlike innocence,Using games as a bridge,Not only did we have a day full of laughter and growth,I also gained valuable practical experience and life insights。The road to education,There is a long way to go,But as long as we have love in our hearts,There is light in the eyes,You will definitely be able to lead the children to a better future。

Previous article: [Summer Social Practice] Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology's "Promoting Rural Revitalization" summer social practice team went to Shangluo City, Shaanxi Province to carry out summer "three rural areas" social practice

Next article: [Summer Social Practice] Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology's "Pursuing the Red Footprints and Promoting the Revolutionary Spirit" Red Revolution Education Practice Team went to Yan'an City, Shaanxi Province to carry out the summer "Three Going to the Countryside" social practice