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Computer Experiment Teaching Demonstration Center
Computer Experiment Teaching Demonstration Center

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The Computer Experiment Teaching Demonstration Center of the School of Information Engineering (hereinafter referred to as the Center) is the provincial-level Computer Experiment Teaching Demonstration Center of Shaanxi Province,is the computer category of our school andICTAn important base for talent training. The center currently has8professional laboratories and1research bases, with a construction area of ​​approximately1248square meters, equipment1165/Set.


The Computer Experiment Teaching Demonstration Center undertakes computer-based tasks for all non-computer major computer public basic courses in the school as well as computer major professional courses、Course Design、Graduation project、Experimental teaching tasks such as on-campus production internships and subject competitions。In recent years,The number of experimental projects on and off campus and the number of teaching hours undertaken by the center have increased year by year,2021School year and2022The number of experimental projects undertaken in and outside the school during the academic year is125and150, the number of teaching hours is426008and680468。The center plays a very important role in cultivating high-quality applied talents in the school。

The center currently has full-time experimental teachers and technical staff11name, including senior professional title4First name, intermediate professional title7People.

Organizational structure:

The center is under the direct leadership of the dean of the college,The deputy dean in charge of the laboratory will be the person in charge of the center,The deputy director of the center is the person directly responsible for the center,The manager of each laboratory is the person directly responsible for the laboratory。

Deputy Director of the Center under the leadership of schools and colleges,Full responsibility for the security of the center、Management and construction work,Main responsibilities are: formulating and establishing the central safety responsibility system and rules and regulations,Determine the managers of each laboratory in the center,Organization、Supervise laboratory managers to do daily laboratory safety and maintenance work,Carry out laboratory safety inspection,And implement rectification of safety hazards,Do a good job in the collection and reporting of center m88 live casino and sports m88 online bettingbettingdata and the planning and construction of the laboratory, etc.,Ensure the orderly development of computer experimental teaching in the entire hospital。

The manager of each laboratory is the person directly responsible for the laboratory。The main responsibilities are: under the leadership of the deputy director of the center,Responsible for the daily management of the laboratory、Maintenance and Safety Work,Ensure normal teaching activities in the laboratory,And keep various records of laboratory management work,Actively participate in various scientific research activities and experimental teaching work。

Lab introduction:

Intelligent Hardware Design Center

The Intelligent Hardware Design Center mainly targets electronics throughout the school、Computer、Automation and other related majors,Mainly cultivate students’ abilities in hardware circuit design and embedded software development。The main courses currently offered are: MCU project training、SCM principle and application experiment、Microcomputer Principle and Interface Technology Experiment、Computer training on assembly and interface technology、Computer composition principle experiment and embedded system experiment, etc.。


Software Development and Application Laboratory

The software development and application laboratory is mainly aimed at computer-related majors,Based on software development and application,Improve students’ practical and innovative abilities。The courses currently offered are:WebFront-end programming,PythonProgramming、Data collection and web crawler、Software testing technology、Algorithm Analysis and Design、Operating System、Database Principles and Applications、LinuxGet on the machine,J2EEPractical courses such as practical training.

ICTComprehensive Laboratory

ICTComprehensive laboratory equipped with high performanceGPUServer3Taiwan and cloud laboratory system course resource packages and other high-quality teaching resources and multimedia teaching systems,Mainly for computer classes in the whole school、Electronic information related majors opened,Based on information science、Based on data science and communication technology,Combining advanced technology with industry applications,Utilize high-performance servers and advanced intelligent terminals,Combined with powerful teaching platform resources,Through intelligent application scenarios in different fields,Cultivate students’ understanding of majors and industries,Improve students’ practical innovation ability,Achieve the cultivation of high-quality applied talents。The main courses offered are: cloud computing and big data operation and maintenance、Data collection and web crawler operation、Database principles and applications on computer、pythonProgramming on the computer,RLanguage data analysis on computer, data structure on computer,Linuxoperating system,AndroidProgramming on the computer, machine learning on the computer,NoSQLGet on the machine,SparkBasic computer training, deep learning computer training, etc.

  Description: 688ac20bd3b65e79d9061ac26e85843

E-commerce Comprehensive Laboratory

The e-commerce laboratory is installed with Zheke m88 live casino and sports bettinge-commerce、Logistics m88 best betting websiteManagement、Customer Relations、Supply chain management4Servers of e-commerce course simulation teaching software。The laboratory caters to the current status and trends of e-commerce development in the new era,Cultivate practical teaching adapted to the current situation for students。In order to combine with the rapid development of the computer industry,Expand students’ knowledge level,Deepen students’ understanding of theoretical courses,Transform theoretical knowledge into practical applications。The courses currently offered for e-commerce majors mainly include: data structure on the computer、E-commerce、WEBFront end,PythonProgramming and e-commerce introduction,webFront-end programming on the computer,Software testing technology on the computer、E-commerce logistics on the machine、operating system,Database principles and applications on computer、E-commerce system analysis and design on computer、Object-oriented programming on computer, etc.。

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Mobile Internet Development Laboratory

The mobile Internet development laboratory is mainly aimed at computer science and technology、Software Engineering、E-commerce and big data majors。The main courses currently offered are:AndroidProgramming on the computer,PythonProgramming on the computer,Data structure on the computer、operating system,Learning software engineering methods of human-computer interaction、WEBFront-end programming on the computer,LinuxOnline computer, database principles and applications, website construction andWebLearning on computer programming and object-oriented programming, etc.

  Description: a7db4bbafdb8643a3a468a26c381f0f

Software Engineering Comprehensive Laboratory

Software Engineering Comprehensive Laboratory is mainly aimed at computer-related majors,Guide software development and software management with engineering ideas and methods,Improve students’ software development level。The courses currently offered are:WebFront-end programming, website construction andWebProgramming on the computer、Data structure on the computer、Database principles and applications on computer、Object-oriented programming (JAVA) Computer training, software requirements analysis,LinuxPractical courses such as operating system training.

Network and System Laboratory

The network and system laboratory has a layer 2 switch、Layer 3 switches, routers and other equipment,And equipped with multimedia teaching software。Network and systems experiments are mainly aimed at computer science and technology、Software Engineering、E-commerce and other majors。The main courses currently offered are:LinuxOnline computer, website construction andWebProgramming on the computer、Object-oriented programming on computer、Computer network computer、Network security training、Network engineering training and computer-based software engineering methods of human-computer interaction, etc.。

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Big Data Laboratory:

The laboratory provides a big data platform for students to practice,Data collection is possible through the platform,Computing Storage,Analysis and mining, etc.,Cultivate students’ ability to collect and process big data data sources。Through practice, students can master all aspects and knowledge of the development and operation of big data m88 live casino and sports bettingcomputer platforms。The big data laboratory m88 best betting websiteis mainly aimed at data science and big data technology majors,The main courses currently offered are:HadoopBasic computer training,SparkWorking with cluster technology、Big data security technology on the computer、Data warehousehiveTechnical training、Industrial big data and cloud computing experiment、Internet data acquisition technology on the computer、Cloud computing and big data operation and maintenance on the computer、Data collection and web crawler operation、Database principles and applications on computer、pythonProgramming on the computer, etc.

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Underwater Robot Research Laboratory

The Aquatic Robot Research Laboratory is an innovative laboratory with independent management。Underwater Robot Research Laboratory Equipment4A computer that can be used independently,Underwater robotic fish training pool,Bionic Robot Fish,Can provide students with underwater robot research。This laboratory is mainly used for research on control algorithms for robotic fish in water,Research on intelligent vehicle path planning algorithms and other methods,Provide artificial intelligence research platform for students,Further improve students’ ability to comprehensively apply knowledge and innovation。

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Central results:

In recent years,Center staff continue to improve themselves、Pioneering and innovative,While fully ensuring the completion of various experimental teaching tasks in the school、On the basis of equipment maintenance and experimental technical service support,Actively carry out education, teaching and scientific research,Currently completed provincial scientific research project2items, school-level scientific research projects2items, published academic papers30Remaining articles, applied for utility model patent6Xiang, chief editor and co-editor of textbooks6Department.

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Subject Competition:

In recent years,The robot team of the School of Information Engineering represented the school in the International Aquatic Robot Competition、China Robot and Artificial Intelligence Competition、National Robot Championship,Won the first prize at the international level20First prize, second prize20First prize, third prize28items, including the champion6Item, runner-up9Xiang, third runner-up4items; national first prize11First prize, second prize10Remaining items, third prize10items; provincial first prize1First prize, second prize1Excellent results in items,The instructor has been rated as an outstanding instructor many times in a row,Our school has also won the Outstanding Organization Award many times in a row。

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Award-winning status of the International Aquatic Robot Competition


Award-winning status of China Robot and Artificial Intelligence Competition

    Description: C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\WeChat Files\b6d62c7c9714cd2907d65362515a5d3.png

National Robot Championship Awards



    Description: F:\Work\Robot Fish Competition\2017 Robot Fish Competition\2017 International Aquatic Robot\Robot Fish\Certificate\IMG_20170825_123857.jpg     

School-enterprise cooperation:

In order to further realize resource sharing,Improve laboratory level,Strengthening students’ practical ability,Meet the needs of society and market,The Center and Huaqing Vision、Neusoft、Digital China、Shaanxi Mobile Application Technology Engineering Center and m88 slot machine casinoother units have established m88 online sports bettinglong-term industry-university-research cooperation relationships。




Security Management

The Computer Experiment Teaching Demonstration Center always follows the spirit and instructions of superior leaders,Firmly establish the ideology of safety first,Make safety work a priority throughout the year,By formulating rules and regulations、Regular inspections and random inspections, etc.,Troubleshoot and promptly resolve security risks,Perform laboratory safety management,Ensure the normal operation of the laboratory,Maintain the normal order of teaching and scientific research activities,Protect the lives and property of teachers, students and employees。

The center is clear firstLaboratory Safety Responsibility,Develop laboratory safety rules and regulations,developed one after another"Emergency Plan for Computer Experimental Teaching Center"、"Measures for the Classification and Grading Management of Laboratories"、"Laboratory Safety Management Responsibility Letter"、"Instructions for Teachers of Computer Experiment Courses"、"Implementation Measures for Safety Management of Computer Experimental Teaching Center"Experimental safety managementAspectsRules and Regulations,And regularly organize laboratory teachers to conduct safety training and learning