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Safety Promotion
    Safety Promotion
    Language Laboratory Management Measures (Teacher Code of Conduct)

    To ensure the normal progress of teaching,Without permission from administrators and teachers,Others are not allowed to enter without authorization。

    1.     Teachers should participate in the training arranged by the School of Language, Culture and Communication before each semester and learn to operate the teaching instruments and equipment in the language laboratory; teachers must bring their own CDs or playback software to the classroom for trial operation in advance。

    2.     Teachers use the laboratory to teach,Must be familiar with the equipment in advance,Understand the equipment operating procedures and matters that should be paid attention to during the use of the equipment,In use,Strictly abide by operating procedures,Contact the administrator promptly if you encounter any problems,No unauthorized m88 online sports bettingmovement、Disassembly of equipment。

    3.     Teacher is teaching in the language laboratory,Must fill in the language laboratory work log carefully。Strictly follow the class schedule,No classes may be adjusted or added at will,If changes are required,Must be reported to the Academic Affairs and Research Department in advance、School of Language, Culture and Communication、Language Experiment Center,Available only after approval。

    4.     Teachers should complete teaching tasks within the specified time,Turn off the power of the device promptly,Indoor lighting,Lock the door when people leave。After the lesson is completed,Teachers and students are not allowed to stay in the language laboratory。

    5.     If the teacher finds that the language laboratory equipment cannot be used properly,The experimental management personnel should m88 live casino and sports bettingbe notified in time to solve the problem,No unauthorized handling。

    6.     Do not set passwords for computers or change machine settings at will,If you need to change the settings under special circumstances,The setting parameters must be restored after the course,If normal teaching is affected due to failure to restore parameters,Your own responsibility。

    7.     Do not install software without permission,If you need to install the course (software) temporarily,The trial manager should be contacted,Administrative personnel will assist with installation after obtaining permission。

    8.     After class,Failure to perform relevant duties,Do not fill in the "Laboratory Work Log",I will bear the corresponding responsibility if any adverse consequences occur。

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