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Safety Promotion
    Safety Promotion
    Self-examination report of the language laboratory of the School of Language, Culture and Communication

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    In accordance with the college laboratory safety inspection requirements,The Department of Foreign Languages ​​conducted a self-inspection on Shude Building20Language Laboratory, Peide Building2Language Laboratory and Pei Tak Building1an electronic reading room. The self-examination situation is as follows:

    1、The power supply of the language laboratory is intact;

    2、The language laboratory policy sign has been posted on the wall;

    3、The laboratory network cable socket is aging and has been replaced in time;

    4、The side strips of some classroom windows are cracked,Already reported to the Logistics Department,The reply is the recent overall maintenance of the college;

    5、Replaced201401414Low pressure fire extinguisher for classroom.

    To ensure the smooth progress of college teaching,We will insist on long-term m88 online bettingregular safety inspections in the laboratory,Promptly deal with problems when found,Ensuring the safety of the language laboratory。


                                              School of Language, Culture and Communication


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