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    The Logistics and Security Department takes multiple measures to welcome the start of school with high-quality services

    Back-to-school season,The Logistics and Security Department follows the opinions of the school supervisor,Carefully deployed,Overall arrangements,Vice Minister Yuan Xiaoyong leads all staff of the department,Actively collaborate with logistics industry groups,Give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of every party member in the party branch directly under the Logistics and Security Department,Up and down are united,Go all out,Take multiple measures,Welcome the start of school with high-quality service。                  

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    All preparations are ready  

    Changyuandao"The troops have not moved,Food and grass first”。Logistics and Security Department on personnel,Seize the cadres、Party members and technical backbones,Require all staff to work one week in advance。Each department carries out heart-warming education,All logistics staff have a good spirit,With full enthusiasm,quickly devoted themselves to their respective jobs。To welcome back students smoothly,The Logistics and Security Department set up 12 tents at the gate on the 27th,Move 14 tables、34 chairs。The m88 live casino and sports bettingm88 best betting websiteschool security team has set up a safe passage at the gate as required by the school,Make sureStudents can return to school in an orderly manner。Ecological Gardening Department to each department office、School conference room、Flowers placed in the library and outdoor flower beds,Trim the hedge shape,Thoroughly cleaned the green area。Property management personnel requirementsAll apartments and classrooms must be cleaned on the 26th,Make sureTeachers and students can stay and study.PropertyWeeding the school public areas, classrooms, and college square roads2 times,Participated by 18 people,Scrub the trash can 2 times。Plumbing and electricity class staff will pair the desks and chairs in each classroom one by one、Door lock inspected、Repair。Ensure that first-year students can study when they return to school on the 28th。The fleet conducts inspection on the existing 15 vehiclesCleaningDisinfectionMaintenance and replacement of accessoriesIn view of the problem of insufficient transportation capacity, actively contact the passenger transportation company to rentA 50-seater bus,Ensure good functioning and safe operation。Students return to schoolFirst twoDay, Dahuang is picking up students at the Weiqu subway station16tripTotal806students.  

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    Pick up students returning to school at Weiqu Metro Station   

    According to the Provincial Department of Education and epidemic prevention and control requirements,Students, parents and vehicles are not allowed to enter the campus。For the convenience of students,The Logistics and Security Department fully cooperates,Rented7 tricycles、1 van,Arrange 2 campus sightseeing buses to transport students’ luggage for free。For ease of identification and management,To each driverProductiongot a work permit and posted a conspicuous signThe words "Free Luggage Transporter".First dayRaining,LogisticsEquip raincoats to frontline workers.The weather is cold,According to the instructions of Deputy Secretary Dong Hao of the school,Brew ginger cola for the staff on duty at the gate and Qiulin Cross to keep out the cold。All logistics management and technical posts cooperate with the school guards on duty,Actively clear the traffic、Carrying luggage。Contact Luan Town three days in advanceRelevant departments, applyHuanshan Squadron traffic police cooperate on dutyComprehensive law enforcement brigade cooperates with law enforcement,Effectively ensures the smooth flow of the road at the school gate。  

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    On duty in a civilized manner and clear the roads    


    Carrying luggage  

    Seize epidemic prevention at work、Safety、Service quality and other key points,Emphasis on timeliness、High standards。LogisticsPrepare COVID-19 and spring infectious disease bulletin boards in advance16。Distribute 26 temperature measuring guns at the school gate,200 masks。The property management arranged for personnel to clean up 22 rooms in the isolation area,Peracetic acid disinfection of college public areas 18 kg,Disinfect 30kg of 84 disinfectant in various areas such as apartment buildings and teaching buildings。The school health center cooperates with the school to prepare for the inspection work for the opening of the school, 2 major items m88 online bettingand m88 online sports betting5 minor items,Active contact can do nucleic acid testing for 2,000 peopleHospital, set up a pre-examination triage station at the school health center2 places,Prepare 500 masks for epidemic prevention supplies,84 disinfectant 2000ml,Purchase a UV lamp,Level 2 protectionServer10 sets. studentFirst twoBack to school, school health clinicEvery dayArrived5 medical staff (1 person on duty at the gate),Total nucleic acid samples620Person-times (including those arranged by the Human Resources Department8 teachers), all test results so farNormal  


    Disinfection work  

    Communicate and coordinate with the logistics industry group to make it clearEach before the 27thServiceThe unit is clean and strictAccording to processDisinfection.All service units will be open for business on the 27th,Clear the business hours of each service unit。Do itm88 live casino and sports betting”Status: Supermarket and54 suppliers docking,15 employees and more than 30 temporary support people completed the supermarket inventory ordering and loading in only 2 days,Realizing the Supermarket in the Back-to-School Season"Full shelves”Run。The water station completed the recruitment of water delivery workers within one day、Water delivery truck maintenance and stocking。The water station stocks an average of 400 barrels per day,Realized water delivery"Full warehouse cycle” status。The laundry room completed the maintenance of 88 washing machines in the school in one day、Cleaning work,And disinfected the laundry room。Rookie Station completed area elimination、Shelf organization、m88 online sports bettingm88 slot machine casinoSystem debugging,And express delivery features for students starting school,Make emergency plans in advance,Implemented the college express delivery system"full status”Operation。The restaurant project team contacted 43 employees、100 merchants cleaned in advance、Disinfection work。Communicate with 9 suppliers at the same time,Require adequate daily supply of food,Realized the overall canteen project "Full Hall"Run. Under the current situation of students returning to school in batches,Supermarket has a complete range of goodsThe canteen operates smoothly and meets the material needs of teachers and students returning to school.  


    New crown epidemic prevention work  

    as ofMarch 1, 20:00Welcome returning students6324 people, reached the school leadershipProposed’s safety and orderly requirements. make sureParents are satisfied, students are satisfied, social satisfaction  


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