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    Training lecture on striving to create a municipal demonstration unit for domestic waste classification in Xi'an

    m88 live casino and sports betting In order to create a good campusLifeEnvironment,Improving the quality construction level of school health civilization,Strive to create a municipal demonstration unit for domestic waste classification m88 best betting websitem88 online bettingin Xi'an。Follow Vice President Wang Binning’s education first,Level training,The key is implementation,Work instructions that leave no dead ends。4monthOn the afternoon of the 8th, the School Waste Classification Special Office specially invited the Chang'an District Urban Management Bureau Waste Classification Center,Municipal elite lecturer Wang Shengqiang gives to all school staff、Property management staff、Catering employees gave a training lecture on garbage classification。Deputy leader of the school domestic waste classification leading group、Shi Lingchao, Minister of Logistics and Security Department, presided over the meeting。

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    province roseTeacherfromXi’anLet’s start with the m88 live casino and sports bettingcurrent status of the city’s garbageEveryoneUnderstanding the current severe situation faced by garbage disposal,fingerThe work of sorting and distributing garbage is imminent, without delay。Analyzed Germany、The management of waste classification in Japan and other countries,And the detailed garbage classification and formal garbage classification system they established,Conducive to the construction of our school’s garbage classification system。Finally she focused on the explanationLegislation of "Xi'an Domestic Waste Classification Management Regulations"With RegulationsemphasisThe garbage classification work needs to be done“Everyone participates m88 online sports bettingm88 slot machine casinoand manages together.”Refined classified deliveryStandardize shipping behavior、Classified disposal, etc.,Legal liability clarified。

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    Training site

           PassedGarbage classificationLectureEnable faculty and staff to participate in trainingClassify garbageKnowledgeWith a systematic understanding and in-depth understanding, it is clearResponsibility on one’s own shouldersImproved confidence in doing a good job in classifying domestic waste and strengthenedCreating a campus environment, determination to benefit future generations

    (文/Zhang Shaofang, picture/Xie Yongchun)

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