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    Fire evacuation emergency drill activities

    Source: Logistics Management Office  Text: She Yuancheng  Picture: Xie Yongchun  

    forFurther additionQiangshiStudy m88 online sports bettingof fire safety knowledge, master fire escape skills and extinguishmentInitial stageFire ability.Noon on June 21st,Logistics Management Office Joint Party Committee Student Work Department,A fire safety emergency evacuation drill was held in LiuyuanLeaders of each secondary college and all Liuyuan students attendedDrill.  

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    Before the drill, Mr. Li Chuanbin from the Student Affairs Department of the Party CommitteeGiveTeachers and students participating in the drillExplained in detailNotesandEmergency measures.  

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    Fire drill inStart at m88 slot machine casino12:30,As simulated smoke is released and fire alarms sound,Students under the direction of the teacher,Breaking thick smoke,Bent over,Cat walking,Cover your mouth and nose with a wet towel,Evacuate the apartment quickly and orderly along the designated stairs and evacuation routes,Arrived at safe zoneThe entire exercise process continues10 minutes,The entire exercise was safe and smooth,Good results。  

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    Disaster is ruthless,Life is priceless,Only by adhering to the principle m88 best betting websiteof m88 online bettingputting prevention first,Safety work principle that disaster prevention is better than disaster relief,Only can you nip the danger in the bud。Passed this timeDrill activities improvedDivisionHealthy fire safety awareness and emergency escape skillsThe expected purpose of the exercise was achieved.  


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