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    Carry out a school-wide safety inspection before the start of school

    Based on the relevant documents of the Department of Education and the arrangements of the school leadership meeting,requestFurther strengthening campus safety management,Ensure the safety of lives and property of teachers and students,Lead and organized by the Security and Stability OfficeThe Logistics Management Office joins hands with the Logistics Industry Group andParty CommitteeStudent Affairs Department (Study and Engineering Department), Smart Security Police Department, in9:30 am on September 4, 2024,Jointly launched a school-wide safety inspection operation.

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    This safety inspection operation aims to comprehensively sort out possible safety hazards on campus,Prevent it before it happens,Create a safe environment for all teachers and students in the school、Stable、Harmonious learning and living environment。The investigation work is coordinated by the Logistics Management Office,Logistics Industry Group provides professional support,The Ministry of Education and Engineering actively participates,Multi-department linkage formed、Good situation for coordinated operations。

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    In the process of investigation,The inspection team goes deep into every corner of the campus,Towards the teaching building、dormitory、Canteen、Supermarket、Lab、Comprehensive and detailed inspections were conducted in key areas such as libraries。Inspection covers fire safety、Food m88 online sports bettingSafety、Electricity safety、Building safety and many other aspects,Make sure there are no dead ends、Don’t go through the motions。

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    In terms of fire safety,The m88 live casino and sports bettinginspection team focused on checking whether the fire protection facilities and equipment in each area are intact and effective,Is the evacuation route clear and unobstructed,Is the fire safety responsibility system in place。simultaneously,Also organized fire drills,Improve the fire safety awareness and self-rescue ability of teachers and students。

    Food safety is the top priority of campus safety。Inspection team’s purchase of food ingredients in the canteen、Storage、Processing and other links are strictly controlled,Ensure reliable food sources、Processing process specifications、Storage conditions met。Also,Concerned about the quality of supermarket products、Shelf life etc. were checked,Ensure teachers and students can purchase safe and secure products。

    Electricity safety,The m88 live casino and sports bettinginspection team focused on investigating the illegal use of electrical appliances、Indiscriminate wiring of wires and other behaviors,Comprehensive overhaul and maintenance of electrical facilities。simultaneously,We also strengthened the education and management of students’ electricity safety,Guide students to develop good electricity usage habits。

    Construction safety,The inspection team inspected the buildings on campus one by one,Focus on checking the stability of the building structure、The safety of exterior wall decoration and potential risks such as falling objects from height。For the issues found,The inspection team immediately formulated rectification measures and supervised the passage of this major safety inspection,Xi’an Mingde Institute of Technology further consolidates the campus security defense line,Provides greater safety for teachers and students of the school、Stable learning and living environment。m88 slot machine casinosimultaneously,It also further enhanced the safety awareness and prevention capabilities of teachers and students,To build harmony、Safe Campus has laid a solid foundation。

      Future,Xi’an Mingde Institute of Technology will continue to strengthen campus safety management,Continuously improve the safety management mechanism,Ensure campus safety, stability, harmony and orderly development。

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