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Policies and regulations
    Policies and regulations
    Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 30--Financial Statement Presentation

    Chapter 1 General Provisions
    Article 1 In order to standardize the presentation of financial statements,Ensure that the financial statements of the same company in different periods and different companies in the same period are comparable to each other,According to "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises——Basic Principles", formulates this code.
    Article 2 Financial statements are about the financial status of the company、Structured presentation of operating results and cash flows。Financial statements should include at least the following components:
    (1) Balance sheet;
    (2) Income statement;
    (3) Cash flow statement;
    (4) Owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity,The same below) Change table;
    (5) Notes.
    Article 3 Preparation and presentation of cash flow statement,Special presentation requirements of other accounting standards,Applicable to "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises"31No.——Cash Flow Statement" and other relevant accounting standards.
    Chapter 2 Basic requirements
    Article 4 Enterprises should be based on continuing operations,Based on actual transactions and events,In accordance with the "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises——Basic Standards" and other accounting standards for recognition and measurement,Prepare financial statements on this basis。
    Enterprises should not replace recognition and measurement with note disclosure.
    It is no longer reasonable to prepare financial statements on a going concern basis,Enterprises should use other bases to prepare financial statements,and disclose this fact in a note。
    Article 5 The presentation of financial statement items should be consistent across accounting periods,No changes allowed,Except for the following circumstances:
    (1) Accounting standards require changes in the presentation of financial statement items。
    (2) After a major change in the nature of the enterprise’s business,Changing the presentation of financial statement items can provide more reliability、More relevant accounting information。
    Article 6 Items with different properties or functions,Should be presented separately in financial statements,Except items that are not important。
    Items with similar properties or functions,The category to which it belongs is important,Should be presented separately in the financial statements according to their categories。
    Importance,Refers to the omission or misstatement of an item in the financial statement that will affect users’ economic decisions based on it,This project is important。Importance should be based on the environment in which the enterprise is located,m88 live casino and sports bettingJudge based on the nature and amount of the project。
    Article 7 Amounts of asset items and liability items in financial statements、The amounts of income items and expense items must not offset each other,Except otherwise provided by other accounting standards。
    Asset items are presented at net amount after deducting impairment provisions,Not an offset。
    Profit and loss arising from non-routine activities,Presented as net amount after deducting expenses from revenue,Not an offset。
    Article 8 Presentation of financial statements for the current period,At least comparative data for the previous comparable accounting period for all presented items should be provided,And instructions related to understanding the current period's financial statements,Except otherwise provided by other accounting standards。
    According to the provisions of Article 5 of this Code,The presentation of financial statement items has changed,The comparative data of the previous period should be adjusted according to the presentation requirements of the current period,And disclose the reason and nature of the adjustment in the notes,and the adjusted amount of each item。It is not feasible to adjust the comparative data of the previous period,The reasons why adjustments cannot be made should be disclosed in the notes。Not feasible,It means that the enterprise is still unable to adopt a provision after making all reasonable efforts。
    Article 9 Enterprises should disclose at least the following items in a prominent position in their financial statements:
    (1) The name of the reporting enterprise.
    (2) Balance sheet date or accounting period covered by financial statements。
    (3) RMB amount unit.
    (4) Financial statements are consolidated financial statements,Should be marked。
    Article 10 Enterprises should prepare financial statements at least annually。Annual financial statements covering a period shorter than one year,The period covered by annual financial statements that should be disclosed,And the reason why it is shorter than one year。
    Providing interim financial reports to external parties,Should also follow the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises32No.——Interim Financial Report" provisions.
    Article 11 Items required by this standard to be presented separately in financial statements,Should be presented separately。Items required to be presented separately under other accounting standards,Separate presentation items should be added。
    Chapter 3 Balance Sheet
    Article 12 Assets and liabilities should be current assets and non-current assets respectively、Display of current liabilities and non-current liabilities。
    Various assets or liabilities of financial enterprises,Listing by liquidity provides reliable and more relevant information,Can be listed in order of their liquidity。
    Article 13 Assets that meet one of the following conditions,Should be classified as current assets:
    (1) Expected to be realized within a normal business cycle、Sell or consume。
    (2) Mainly held for trading purposes.
    (3) It is expected that within one year from m88 best betting websitethe balance sheet date (one year inclusive,The same below) Realization。
    (4) Within one year from m88 best betting websitethe balance sheet date,Cash or cash equivalents with no restrictions on the ability to exchange other assets or settle liabilities。
    Article 14 Assets other than current assets should be classified as non-current assets,And should be classified and listed according to their nature。
    Article 15 Liabilities that meet one of the following conditions,Should be classified as current liabilities:
    (1) It is expected to be paid off within a normal operating cycle.
    (2) Mainly held for trading purposes.
    (3) It shall be repaid when due within one year from m88 best betting websitethe balance sheet date。
    (4) Enterprises have no right to postpone repayment for more than one year after m88 best betting websitethe balance sheet date。
    Article 16 Liabilities other than current liabilities should be classified as non-current liabilities,And should be classified and listed according to their nature。

    Article 17 For liabilities due within one year from m88 best betting websitethe balance sheet date,The enterprise expects to be able to voluntarily extend its repayment obligations to more than one year after the balance sheet date,Should be classified as non-current liabilities;Unable to voluntarily extend the payment obligations,Even after the balance sheet date、The rescheduling repayment plan agreement was signed before the financial report was approved for issuance,This liability should still be classified as current liabilities。
    Article 18 The enterprise breached the long-term loan agreement on or before m88 best betting websitethe balance sheet date,A liability that results in the lender being able to demand repayment at any time,Should be classified as current liabilities。
    The lender agrees on or before m88 best betting websitethe balance sheet date to provide a grace period of more than one year after the balance sheet date,The enterprise can correct the breach of contract within this period,And the lender cannot require repayment at any time,This liability should be classified as non-current liabilities。
    Other long-term liabilities with similar situations,Compare the first and second paragraphs above。
    Article 19 The asset class in the balance sheet should at least m88 best betting websiteseparately list items reflecting the following information:
    (1) Monetary funds;
    (2) Receivables and prepayments;
    (3) Trading investment;
    (4) Inventory;
    (5) Held-to-maturity investment;
    (6) Long-term equity investment;
    (7) Investment real estate;
    (8) Fixed assets;
    (9) Biological assets;

    (10) Deferred income tax assets;
    (11) Intangible assets.
    Article 20 The asset class in the balance sheet should at least include the total items of current assets and non-current assets。
    Article 21 The liabilities category in the balance sheet should at least m88 best betting websiteseparately list items reflecting the following information:
    (1) Short-term borrowing;
    (2) Amounts payable and received in advance;
    (3) Taxes payable;
    (4) Employee compensation payable;
    (5) Estimated liabilities;
    (6) Long-term borrowing;
    (7) Long-term payables;
    (8) Bonds payable;
    (9) Deferred income tax liabilities.
    Article 22 The liability category in the balance sheet should at least include current liabilities、Total items of non-current liabilities and liabilities。
    Article 23 The owners’ equity category in the balance sheet should at least m88 best betting websiteseparately list items reflecting the following information:
    (1) Paid-in capital (or share capital);
    (2) Capital reserve;
    (3) Surplus reserve;

    m88 live casino and sports betting(4) Undistributed profits.
    In the consolidated balance sheet,Minority shareholders’ interests should be presented separately in the owner’s equity category。
    Article 24 The owners’ equity category in the balance sheet should include the total items of owners’ equity。
    Article 25 The balance sheet should list total assets items,Total liabilities and owners’ equity items。
    Chapter 4 Income statement
    Article 26 Expenses should be classified according to functions,Divided into costs incurred in doing business、Management expenses、Sales expenses and financial expenses, etc.。
    Article 27 The income statement should at least separately present items reflecting the following information:
    (1) Operating income;
    (2) Operating costs;
    (3) Business tax;
    (4) Management expenses;
    (5) Sales expenses;
    (6) Financial expenses;
    (7) Investment income;
    (8) Gains and losses from changes in fair value;
    (9) Asset impairment losses;

    (10) Profit and loss from disposal of non-current assets;
    (11) Income tax expenses;
    (12) Net profit.
    Financial enterprises can list income statement items according to their particularity。
    Article 28 In the consolidated income statement,Enterprises should separately list the profits and losses attributable to the parent company and the profits and losses attributable to minority shareholders under the net profit item。
    Chapter 5 Statement of changes in owners’ equity
    Article 29 The statement of changes in owners’ equity should reflect the current increases and decreases in each component that constitutes owners’ equity。Profit and loss for the current period、Gains and losses directly recognized in owners’ equity、And with the owner (or shareholder,Changes in owner's equity caused by capital transactions,Should be listed separately。
    Article 30 The statement of changes in owners’ equity should at least m88 best betting websiteseparately list items reflecting the following information:
    (1) Net profit;
    (2) Items of gains and losses directly included in owners’ equity and their total amount;
    (3) Cumulative impact amount of changes in accounting policies and correction of errors;
    (4) Owners invest capital and distribute profits to owners, etc.;
    (5) Surplus reserves withdrawn in accordance with regulations;
    (6) Paid-in capital (or share capital)、Capital reserve、Surplus reserve、Undistributed profits
    The opening and closing balances and their reconciliation.

    Chapter 6 Note
    Article 31 The note is on the balance sheet、Income statement、Text description or detailed information of items listed in statements such as cash flow statement and statement of changes in owner's equity,And an explanation of the failure to list items in these reports, etc.。
    Article 32 Notes should disclose the basis for the preparation of financial statements,Relevant information should be related to the balance sheet、Income statement、The items listed in the cash flow statement, statement of changes in owner's equity and other statements are cross-referenced。
    Article 33 Notes should generally be disclosed in the following order:
    (1) Basis for the preparation of financial statements.
    (2) Statement of compliance with accounting m88 online sports bettingm88 slot machine casinostandards for enterprises.
    (3) Description of important accounting policies,Including the measurement basis of financial statement items and the basis for determining accounting policies, etc.。
    (4) Description of important accounting estimates,Include assets that are likely to result within the next accounting period、The basis for determining accounting estimates for significant adjustments to the book value of liabilities, etc.。
    (5) Description of changes in accounting policies and accounting estimates and error corrections。
    (6) Already on the balance sheet、Income statement、Further explanation of important items presented in the cash flow statement and statement of changes in owner's equity,Including the amount and composition of after-tax profits from discontinued operations。
    (7) Contingency and commitment matters、Non-adjusting events after m88 best betting websitethe balance sheet date、Matters that need to be explained, such as related party relationships and transactions。
    Article 34 Enterprises should disclose in the notes after m88 best betting websitethe balance sheet date、The total amount of dividends proposed or announced and the amount of dividends per share (or the total amount of profits distributed to investors) before the date of approval of the financial report。
    Article 35 The following items are not disclosed in other information published with the financial statements,Enterprises should disclose in the notes:
    (1) Company registration place、Organizational form and headquarters address。
    (2) The business nature and main business activities of the enterprise.
    (3) The name of the parent company and the ultimate parent company of the group。

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