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Laws and Regulations
​"Education Law of the People's Republic of China"

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March 18, 1995,Adopted by the Third Session of the Eighth National People’s Congress

August 27, 2009, according toStanding Committee of the Eleventh National People's CongressThe first revision of the "Decision on Amending Some Laws" of the 10th Meeting

December 27, 2015, according toThe Standing Committee of the Twelfth National People's CongressThe second revision of the "Decision on Amending the Education Law of the People's Republic of China" at the 18th meeting)

April 29, 2021,The 28th Session of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress passed the "Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Amending the Education Law of the People's Republic of China",Effective from April 30, 2021。

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Chapter 1 General Provisions

Chapter 2 Basic Education System

Chapter 3 Schools and other educational institutions

Chapter 4 Teachers and Other Educators

Chapter 5 Educated Persons

Chapter 6 Education and Society

Chapter 7 Education Investment and Condition Guarantee

Chapter 8 Educational Foreign Exchanges and Cooperation

Chapter 9 Legal Liability

Chapter 10 Supplementary Provisions

Full text of the law

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1In order to develop education,Improve the quality of the entire nation,Promote the construction of socialist material civilization and spiritual civilization,According to the Constitution,Enact this law。

Article 2Education at all levels and types within the territory of the People’s Republic of China,This law applies。

Article 3The country adheres to the leadership of the Communist Party of China,Adhere to Marxism-Leninism、Mao Zedong Thought、Deng Xiaoping Theory、Important Thought of "Three Represents"、Scientific Outlook on Development、Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era is guided by,Follow the basic principles established by the Constitution,Develop socialist education。

Article 4Education is the foundation of socialist modernization,To improve the comprehensive quality of the people、Promote the all-round development of people、Enhance the innovative and creative vitality of the Chinese nation、It is of decisive significance to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,The state ensures the priority development of education。

The whole society should care about and support the development of education.

The whole society should respect teachers.

Article 5Education must serve socialist modernization、Serve the people,Must be combined with productive labor and social practice,Cultivation of socialist builders and successors with comprehensive development of moral, intellectual, physical, artistic and labor skills。

Article 6Education should adhere to cultivating moral character and cultivating people,Strengthen the education of socialist core values ​​for educated people,Enhance the social responsibility of educated people、Innovative spirit and practical ability。

The country promotes patriotism among educated people、Collectivism、Education of socialism with Chinese characteristics,Carry out ideal、Morality、Discipline、Rule of law、Education for national defense and national unity。

Article 7Education should inherit and carry forward China’s excellent traditional culture、Revolutionary Culture、Advanced Socialist Culture,Absorb all the outstanding achievements of the development of human civilization。

Article 8Educational activities must be in line with the public interests of the country and society.

The state implements the separation of education and religion。No organization or individual may use religion to carry out activities that hinder the national education system。

Article 9Citizen of the People's Republic of ChinaHave the right and obligation to receive education.

Citizens regardless of nationality、Race、Gender、Occupation、Property Status、Religious beliefs, etc.,Enjoy equal educational opportunities in accordance with the law。

Article 10The state responds to the characteristics and needs of each ethnic minority,Helping various minority areas develop education。

The state supports remote and poverty-stricken areas to develop education.

The state supports and develops education for disabled people.

Article 11The country adapts to the needs of the development of the socialist market economy and social progress,Promote education reform,Promote the coordinated development of all types of education at all levels、Connection,Improving the modern national education system,Sound lifelong education system,Improving the level of education modernization。

The state takes measures to promote educational equity,Promote balanced development of education。

State support、Encourage and organize educational scientific research,Promote educational scientific research results,Promote the improvement of education quality。

Article 12The national common spoken and written language is the basic educational and teaching language for schools and other educational institutions,Schools and other educational institutions should use the national common spoken and written language for education and teaching。

Schools and other educational institutions in ethnic autonomous areas with mainly ethnic minority students,Based on reality,Implement bilingual education using the common spoken and written language of the country and the spoken and written language commonly used by the ethnic group or the local ethnic group。

State takes measures,Provide conditions and support for schools and other educational institutions with predominantly minority students to implement bilingual education。

Article 13National organizations and individuals that have made outstanding contributions to the development of education,Give reward。

Article 14The State Council and local people's governments at all levels manage according to levels、The principle of division of labor and responsibility,Leading and managing education work。

Secondary and lower secondary education is under the leadership of the State Council,Managed by local people's government。

Higher education is provided by the State Council and the provinces、Autonomous Region、Managed by the Municipal People’s Government。

Article 15The education administration department of the State Council is in charge of national education work,Overall planning、Coordinate and manage education across the country。

The education administrative departments of local people’s governments at or above the county level are responsible for the education work within their respective administrative regions。

Other relevant departments of the people's governments at or above the county level within their respective scope of responsibilities,Responsible for relevant educational work。

Article 16The State Council and local people's governments at or above the county level shall report education work and education budgets to the People's Congress at the corresponding level or its standing committee、Final accounts,Accept supervision。

Chapter 2 Basic Education System

Article 17

The state implements preschool education、Elementary Education、Secondary Education、School education system of higher education。

The country establishes a scientific academic system。The setting of schools and other educational institutions within the academic system、Enrollment target、Years of study、Enrollment target、Cultivation goals, etc.,Stipulated by the State Council or the education administrative department authorized by the State Council。

Article 18The state formulates preschool education standards,Accelerate the popularization of preschool education,Building coverage in urban and rural areas,Especially the rural preschool education public service system。

People's governments at all levels should take measures,Provide conditions and support for school-age children to receive preschool education。

Article 19National implementationNine-year compulsory educationSystem.

People's governments at all levels take various measures to protect school-age children、Younger studying。

Parents of school-age children, teenagers or othersGuardianAs well as relevant social organizations and individuals have the obligation to educate school-age children、Juvenile accepts and completes the prescribed number of years of compulsory education。

Article 20National implementationVocational EducationSystem and continuing education system.

People's governments at all levels、Relevant administrative departments, industry organizations, and enterprises and institutions should take measures,Develop and ensure citizens’ access to vocational school education or various forms of vocational training。

The state encourages the development of various forms of continuing education,Educate citizens to accept appropriate forms of politics、Economy、Culture、Science、Technology、Education in business and other aspects,Promote mutual recognition and connection of different types of learning outcomes,Promote lifelong learning for all。

Article 21The country implements a national education examination system.

The types of national education examinations are determined by the education administration department of the State Council,And hosted by state-approved institutions that implement educational examinations。

Article 22The country implements an academic certificate system.

Schools and other educational institutions established or recognized with state approval shall comply with relevant state regulations,Issue academic certificate or other academic certificate。

Article 23National implementationDegree System

Degree-granting units award corresponding degrees to those who have reached a certain academic level or professional and technical level in accordance with the law,Issue degree certificate。

Article 24People's governments at all levels、Grassroots mass autonomous organizations and enterprises and institutions should take various measures,Carry out educational work to eliminate illiteracy。

Citizens who have the ability to receive education to eliminate illiteracy in accordance with national regulations,Should receive education to eliminate illiteracy。

Article 25The state implements an education supervision system and an education evaluation system for schools and other educational institutions。

Chapter 3 Schools and other educational institutions

Article 26The state formulates an education development plan,And organize schools and other educational institutions。

The state encourages enterprises and institutions、Social groups、Other social organizations and individual citizens operate schools and other educational institutions in accordance with the law。

State-run schools and other educational institutions,We should adhere to the principle of diligence and frugality。

With financial funds、Schools and other educational institutions that donate assets or participate in the organization shall not be established as for-profit organizations。

Article 27Establishment of schools and other educational institutions,The following basic conditions must be met:

(1) Having organizational structure and articles of association;

(2) Have qualified teachers;

(3) Have teaching places and facilities that meet the prescribed standards、Equipment, etc.;

(4) Have necessary funds for running a school and stable funding sources.

Article 28Establishment of schools and other educational institutions、Changes and Terminations,The review should be conducted in accordance with relevant national regulations、Approved、Registration or filing procedures。

Article 29Schools and other educational institutions exercise the following rights:

(1) Autonomous management in accordance with the articles of association;

(2) Organize and implement education and teaching activities;

(3) Recruiting students or other educated persons;

(4) Management of student status of educated persons,Implement rewards or penalties;

(5) Issue corresponding academic certificates to educated persons;

(6) Appointment of teachers and other staff,Implement rewards or penalties;

(7) Manage and use the facilities and funds of the unit;

(8) Reject any illegal interference by any organization or individual in educational and teaching activities;

(9) Other rights stipulated in laws and regulations.

The state protects the legitimate rights and interests of schools and other educational institutions from infringement。

Article 30Schools and other educational institutions shall fulfill the following obligations:

(1) Comply with laws and regulations;

(2) Implementing the country’s education policy,Implementing national education and teaching standards,Ensure the quality of education and teaching;

(3) Protecting Educated Persons、Legitimate rights and interests of teachers and other employees;

(4) Providing convenience for the educated and their guardians to understand the academic performance and other relevant information of the educated in appropriate ways;

(5) Collect fees in accordance with relevant national regulations and disclose fee items;

(6) Accept supervision in accordance with the law.

Article 31The organizers of schools and other educational institutions shall comply with relevant national regulations,Determine the management system of the school or other educational institution it hosts。

The principal or main administrative person in charge of schools and other educational institutions must have the nationality of the People’s Republic of China、Settled in China、Citizens who meet the qualifications prescribed by the state,The appointment and removal shall be handled in accordance with relevant national regulations。School teaching and other administrative management,Responsible by the principal。

Schools and other educational institutions shall comply with relevant national regulations,Through organizational forms such as the Faculty Congress with teachers as the main body,Ensure faculty and staff participate in democratic management and supervision。

Article 32Schools and other educational institutions with legal person qualifications,Obtain legal person status from the date of approval of establishment or registration。

Schools and other educational institutions enjoy civil rights in civil activities in accordance with the law,Bear civil liability。

State-owned assets in schools and other educational institutions belong to the state。

School-run industries established by schools and other educational institutions bear independent civil liability。

Chapter 4Teachers and other educators

Article 33Teachers have the rights provided by law,Perform obligations stipulated by law,Education that is loyal to the people。

Article 34The state protects the legitimate rights and interests of teachers,Improving teachers’ working and living conditions,Improve the social status of teachers。

Teacher’s salary、Benefits,According to law、Processing of regulations。

Article 35The state implements teacher qualifications、Position、Appointment System,Passed the assessment、Reward、Cultivation and training,Improve the quality of teachers,Strengthen the construction of the teaching team。

Article 36Managers in schools and other educational institutions,Implement education staff system。

Teaching support staff and other professional and technical personnel in schools and other educational institutions,Implementing the appointment system for professional and technical positions。

Chapter 5 Educated Persons

Article 37Educated people are enrolling in school、Advancing to higher education、Enjoy equal rights in employment and other aspects in accordance with the law。

Schools and relevant administrative departments should follow relevant national regulations,Guaranteeing women’s enrollment in school、Advancing to higher education、Employment、Degree awarded、Enjoy equal rights with men in matters such as being sent to study abroad。

Article 38Country、Social requirements for admission、Children from families with financial difficulties、Youth、Youth,Provide various forms of funding。

Article 39Country、Society、Schools and other educational institutions should implement education based on the physical and mental characteristics and needs of persons with disabilities,And provide help and convenience。

Article 40Country、Society、Family、Schools and other educational institutions should create conditions for minors who have committed illegal and criminal acts to receive education。

Article 41Employees have the right and obligation to receive vocational training and continuing education in accordance with the law。

State agency、Enterprises, institutions and other social organizations,Conditions and conveniences should be provided for the study and training of employees of the unit。

Article 42The state encourages schools and other educational institutions、Social organizations take measures,Create conditions for citizens to receive lifelong education。

Article 43Educated persons enjoy the following rights:

(1) Participate in various activities arranged by the education and teaching plan,Use education and teaching facilities、Equipment、Books and Information;

(2) Obtain scholarships in accordance with relevant national regulations、Study loan、bursary;

(3) Receive fair evaluation in terms of academic performance and conduct,Obtain the corresponding academic certificate after completing the required studies、Degree Certificate;

(4) File a complaint to the relevant department if you are not satisfied with the punishment imposed by the school,To school、The teacher violated his personal rights、Property rights and other legal rights and interests,File a complaint or initiate a lawsuit in accordance with the law;

(5) Other rights stipulated in laws and regulations.

Article 44Educated persons shall fulfill the following obligations:

(1) Comply with laws and regulations;

(2) Comply with the student code of conduct,Respect the teacher,Develop good thoughts, moral character and behavioral habits;

(3) Study hard and complete the prescribed learning tasks;

(4) Comply with the management system of the school or other educational institution。

Article 45Education、Sports、Health administrative departments, schools and other educational institutions should improve physical education、Health care facilities,Protect the physical and mental health of students。

Chapter 6 Education and Society

Article 46State agency、Army、Enterprise Organization、Social groups and other social organizations and individuals,Children should be treated according to law、Youth、Create a good social environment for the healthy physical and mental growth of young students。

Article 47The state encourages enterprises and institutions、Social groups and other social organizations and colleges and universities、Teaching in secondary vocational school、Scientific Research、Carry out various forms of cooperation in technology development and promotion。

Enterprise Organization、Social groups and other social organizations and individuals,Can be passed in the appropriate form,Support the construction of the school,Participate in school management。

Article 48State agency、Army、Enterprises, institutions and other social organizations should provide internships for students organized by schools、Provide help and convenience for social practice activities。

Article 49Schools and other educational institutions without affecting normal education and teaching activities,Should actively participate in local social welfare activities。

Article 50Parents or other guardians of minors shall provide necessary conditions for their minor children or other wards to receive education。

Parents or other guardians of minors should cooperate with schools and other educational institutions,Educate their minor children or other wards。

School、Teachers can provide family education guidance to students’ parents。

Article 51Library、Museum、Science and Technology Museum、Cultural Center、Art Museum、Stadiums (fields) and other public cultural and sports facilities,As well as historical and cultural monuments and revolutionary memorial hall (land),should be to the teacher、Students receive preferential treatment,Provide convenience for educated people to receive education。

Broadcast、TV stations (stations) should offer educational programs,Promote the ideological and moral character of educated people、Improvement of cultural and scientific and technological qualities。

Article 52Country、Society establishes and develops facilities for off-campus education for minors。

Schools and other educational institutions should cooperate with grassroots mass autonomous organizations、Enterprise Organization、Social groups cooperate with each other,Strengthening off-campus education for minors。

Article 53The state encourages social groups、Social and cultural institutions and other social organizations and individuals carry out social and cultural education activities that are beneficial to the physical and mental health of the educated。

Chapter 7 Education Investment and Condition Guarantee

Article 54State establishment mainly relies on financial allocation、A system supplemented by raising education funds through other channels,Gradually increase investment in education,Guarantee a stable source of education funds for state-sponsored schools。

Enterprise Organization、Schools and other educational institutions organized by social groups and other social organizations and individuals in accordance with the law,The organizer is responsible for raising school funds,People's governments at all levels can provide appropriate support。

Article 55The proportion of national fiscal education expenditures in gross national product should gradually increase with the development of the national economy and the growth of fiscal revenue。The specific proportion and implementation steps shall be stipulated by the State Council。

The proportion of education funds in the total fiscal expenditures at all levels across the country should gradually increase with the development of the national economy。

Article 56Education expenditures of people’s governments at all levels,In accordance with the principle of unification of administrative power and financial power,Line it separately in the fiscal budget。

The growth of education financial allocations of people’s governments at all levels should be higher than the growth of regular fiscal revenue,And gradually increase the average education cost based on the number of students in school,Guarantee the gradual increase of teachers’ salaries and public funds per student。

Article 57The State Council and local people’s governments at and above the county level shall establish special funds for education,Focus on supporting remote and poor areas、Implementing compulsory education in minority areas。

Article 58The tax authorities collect the education surcharge in full in accordance with the law,Coordinated and managed by the education administration department,Mainly used to implement compulsory education。

Province、Autonomous Region、The people's government of the municipality directly under the Central Government in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State Council,Can decide to impose local surcharges for education,Special funds for exclusive use。

Article 59The state adopts preferential measures,Encourage and support schools to carry out work-study programs and social services without affecting normal education and teaching,Establishing school-run industries。

Article 60Nationally encouraged territory、Overseas social organizations and individuals donate to support education。

Article 61National financeEducation Funds、Donations to education from social organizations and individuals,Must be used for education,No misappropriation、Withholding。

Article 62The state encourages the use of finance、Credit means,Support the development of education。

Article 63People's governments at all levels and their education administrative departments should strengthen the supervision and management of education funds for schools and other educational institutions,Improving the efficiency of education investment。

Article 64Local people’s governments at all levels and their relevant administrative departments must incorporate school infrastructure into urban and rural construction plans,Coordinate the arrangement of the school’s infrastructure land and required materials,Priority shall be implemented in accordance with relevant national regulations、Preferential policies。

Article 65Publication and distribution of textbooks and teaching books and materials by people's governments at all levels,Towards teaching instruments、Production and supply of equipment,For books and materials used in school education, teaching and scientific research、Teaching Instruments、Import of equipment,Priority shall be implemented in accordance with relevant national regulations、Preferential policies。

Article 66The state promotes education informatization,Accelerate the construction of educational information infrastructure,Use information technology to promote the popularization and sharing of high-quality educational resources,Improve the level of education, teaching and education management。

People’s governments at or above the county level and their relevant departments shall develop educational information technology and other modern teaching methods,Relevant administrative departments should prioritize arrangements,Give support。

The state encourages schools and other educational institutions to promote the use of modern teaching methods。

Chapter 8 Educational Foreign Exchanges and Cooperation

Article 67The state encourages foreign exchanges and cooperation in education,Support schools and other educational institutions to introduce high-quality educational resources,Carry out Sino-foreign cooperative education in accordance with the law,Develop international education services,Cultivating international talents。

Adhere to independence in education’s foreign exchanges and cooperation、m88 online sports bettingEquality and mutual benefit、Principle of mutual respect,Must not violate Chinese laws,No harm to national sovereignty、Safety and social public interest。

Article 68Chinese citizens going abroadStudy Abroad、Research、Carry out academic exchanges or teach,Processed in accordance with relevant national regulations。

Article 69After individuals outside China meet the conditions stipulated by the state and go through relevant procedures,Can enter schools and other educational institutions in China to study、Research、Carry out academic exchanges or teach,Their legitimate rights and interests are protected by the state。

Article 70Degree certificates issued by China to overseas educational institutions、Recognition of academic certificates and other academic certificates,Processed in accordance with international treaties concluded or acceded to by the People's Republic of China,Or handle it in accordance with relevant national regulations。

Chapter 9 Legal Liability

Article 71Violation of relevant national regulations,Not allocating education funds according to the budget,Appropriated within a time limit by the people's government at the same level;Serious circumstances,Directly responsible supervisors and other directly responsible personnel,Punishment according to law。

Violation of national financial system、Financial System,Misappropriation、Withholding education funds,It was misappropriated and ordered to be returned within a time limit by the superior authority、Deduction of funds,The directly responsible supervisor and other directly responsible personnel,Punishment according to law;Constituting a crime,Pursuing criminal responsibility according to law。

Article 72Gang fighting、picking quarrels and causing trouble,Disturbing the order of education and teaching in schools and other educational institutions or damaging school buildings、Site and other property,Public security management penalties imposed by the public security organs;Constituting a crime,Pursuing criminal responsibility according to law。

Occupying the premises of schools and other educational institutions、Site and other property,Bear civil liability in accordance with the law。

Article 73Knowingly that school buildings or educational and teaching facilities are in danger,without taking measures,Causing casualties or heavy property losses,Directly responsible supervisors and other directly responsible personnel,Pursuing criminal responsibility according to law。

Article 74Violation of relevant national regulations,Charging fees from schools or other educational institutions,Ordered by the government to refund the fees collected;Directly responsible supervisors and other directly responsible personnel,Punishment according to law。

Article 75Violation of relevant national regulations,Hosting schools or other educational institutions,Cancelled by the education administrative department or other relevant administrative departments;Those with illegal gains,Confiscation of illegal income;Directly responsible supervisors and other directly responsible personnel,Punishment according to law。

Article 76Schools or other educational institutions recruit students in violation of relevant national regulations,Students who are ordered to be returned by the education administration department or other relevant administrative departments,Refund of fees charged;To school、Other educational institutions gave warning,A fine of not more than five times the illegal income may be imposed;Serious circumstances,Ordered to suspend relevant enrollment qualifications for more than one year and less than three years,Until the admission qualification is revoked、Revocation of school license;Directly responsible supervisors and other directly responsible personnel,Punishment according to law;Constituting a crime,Pursuing criminal responsibility according to law。

Article 77

Abuse of power in recruiting students、Neglect of Duty、Practice for personal gain,Personnel who are not eligible for admission and are ordered to be returned by the education administration department or other relevant administrative departments;Directly responsible supervisors and other directly responsible personnel,Punishment according to law;Constituting a crime,Pursuing criminal responsibility according to law。

Stealing、Impersonating someone else’s identity,Replacing the admission qualification obtained by others,The education administrative department or other relevant administrative departments shall order the revocation of admission qualifications,And ordered to stop taking relevant national education examinations for more than two years and less than five years;Already obtained degree certificate、Academic certificate or other academic certificate,The relevant certificate is revoked by the issuing authority;Already become a public official,Expelled according to law;Constituting violations of public security management,Public security management penalties shall be imposed by the public security organs in accordance with the law;Constituting a crime,Pursuing criminal responsibility according to law。

Collusion with others,Allow others to impersonate my identity,Replacing the admission qualification obtained by me,Ordered by the education administrative department or other relevant administrative departments to stop participating in relevant national education examinations for not less than one year but not more than three years;Those with illegal gains,Confiscation of illegal income;Already become a public official,Punishment according to law;Constituting violations of public security management,Public security management penalties shall be imposed by the public security organs in accordance with the law;Constituting a crime,Pursuing criminal responsibility according to law。

Organization、Instructing to steal or impersonate another person’s identity,Replacing the admission qualification obtained by others,Those with illegal gains,Confiscation of illegal income;Belonging to public officials,Punishment according to law;Constituting violations of public security management,Public security management penalties shall be imposed by the public security organs in accordance with the law;Constituting a crime,Pursuing criminal responsibility according to law。

Those whose admission qualifications have been replaced and whose rights have been infringed,Can request reinstatement of their admission status。

Article 78Schools and other educational institutions charge fees from educated persons in violation of relevant national regulations,The education administrative department or other relevant administrative departments shall order the refund of the fees collected;Directly responsible supervisors and other directly responsible personnel,Punishment according to law。

Article 79A candidate who has one of the following behaviors in the national education examination,The staff of the educational examination institution organizing the examination shall take necessary measures at the examination site to stop them and terminate their continued participation in the examination;The educational examination institution that organizes the examination may cancel its relevant examination qualifications or examination results;Serious circumstances,Ordered by the education administration department to stop participating in relevant national education examinations for more than one year and less than three years;Constituting violations of public security management,Public security management penalties shall be imposed by the public security organs in accordance with the law;Constituting a crime,Pursuing criminal responsibility according to law:

(1) Illegally obtaining examination questions or answers;

(2) Carrying or using exam cheating equipment and materials;

(3) Plagiarizing other people’s answers;

(4) Letting others take the exam on your behalf;

(5) Other cheating behaviors to obtain examination results by improper means。

Article 80Any organization or individual has one of the following behaviors in the national education examination,Those with illegal gains,Illegal gains confiscated by the public security organs,A fine of not less than one time but not more than five times the illegal income shall be imposed;Serious circumstances,Detention for not less than five days but not more than fifteen days;Constituting a crime,Pursuing criminal responsibility according to law;Belonging to state agency staff,Should also be punished according to law:

(1) Organizing cheating;

(2) Pass the examCheatingEquipments and other methods that provide help or convenience for cheating;

(3) Taking the exam on behalf of others;

(4) Leaked before the end of the exam、Distributing exam questions or answers;

(5) Other behaviors that disrupt the order of the examination.

Article 81Holding the National Education Examination,Education Administration Department、Educational examination institutions have neglected management,Causing disorder in the examination room、Serious cheating,Directly responsible supervisors and other directly responsible personnel,Punishment according to law;Constituting a crime,Pursuing criminal responsibility according to law。

Article 82Schools or other educational institutions violate the provisions of this law,Issue degree certificate、Academic certificate or other academic certificate,The certificate is declared invalid by the education administration department or other relevant administrative departments,Ordered to take back or confiscate;Those with illegal gains,Confiscation of illegal income;Serious circumstances,Ordered to suspend relevant enrollment qualifications for more than one year and less than three years,Until the admission qualification is revoked、Qualification for issuing certificate;Directly responsible supervisors and other directly responsible personnel,Punishment according to law。

Made by any organization or individual other than those specified in the preceding paragraph、Sales、Issue counterfeitDegree CertificateAcademic certificateor otherAcademic Certificate,Constituting violations of public security management,Public security management penalties shall be imposed by the public security organs in accordance with the law;Constituting a crime,Pursuing criminal responsibility according to law。

To cheat、Plagiarism、Obtaining a degree certificate through plagiarism and other fraudulent practices or other improper means、Academic certificate or other academic certificate,The relevant certificate is revoked by the issuing authority。Purchase、Using fake degree certificate、Academic certificate or other academic certificate,Constituting violations of public security management,Public security management penalties shall be imposed by the public security organs in accordance with the law。

Article 83Violation of the provisions of this law,Violating teachers、Educated person、Legitimate rights and interests of schools or other educational institutions,Cause losses、Damaged,Should bear civil liability in accordance with the law。

Chapter 10 Supplementary Provisions

Article 84Military school education is regulated by the Central Military Commission in accordance with the principles of this law。

Religious school education shall be separately stipulated by the State Council.

Article 85Measures for overseas organizations and individuals to run schools and cooperate in running schools in China,Stipulated by the State Council。

Article 86This law shall come into effect on September 1, 1995.

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