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Policy System
"Law of the People's Republic of China on the National Standard Spoken and Written Language"

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The "Law of the People's Republic of China on the Standard Spoken and Written Language" was adopted at the 18th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of ChinaPassed on October 31, 2000,Now announced,Effective from January 1, 2001。


head Record

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Chapter 2 Use of national common spoken and written language

Chapter 3 Management and Supervision

Chapter 4 Supplementary Provisions

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1 To promote the standardization of national common spoken and written language、Standardization and its healthy development,Enable the national common language to play a better role in social life,Promote all ethnic groups、Economic and cultural exchanges among regions,According to the Constitution,Enact this law。

Article 2 The national common spoken and written language referred to in this law is Mandarin and standardized Chinese characters。

Article 3 The state promotes Mandarin and standardizes Chinese characters.

Article 4 Citizens have the right to learn and use the country’s common spoken and written language。The state provides conditions for citizens to learn and use the national common spoken and written language。Local people’s governments at all levels and their relevant departments should m88 online sports bettingtake measures,Promote Mandarin and standardize Chinese characters。

Article 5 The use of the national common spoken and written language should be conducive to safeguarding national sovereignty and national dignity,Conducive to national unity and national unity,Conducive to the construction of socialist material civilization and spiritual civilization。

Article 6 The state promulgates norms and standards for the national common spoken and written language,Manage the social application of the country’s common spoken and written language,Support the teaching and scientific research of the national common language,Promote the standardization of national common spoken and written language、Enrich and develop。

Article 7 The state rewards organizations and individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the cause of the country’s universal spoken and written language。

Article 8 All ethnic groups have the freedom to use and develop their own spoken and written languages。The use of ethnic minority languages ​​is in accordance with the Constitution、Relevant provisions of the Regional Ethnic Autonomy Law and other laws。

Chapter 2 Use of national common spoken and written language

Article 9 State agencies use Mandarin and standardized Chinese characters as the official language。Unless otherwise provided by law。

Article 10 Schools and other educational institutions use Mandarin and standardized Chinese characters as the basic educational and teaching vocabulary。Unless otherwise provided by law。Schools and other educational institutions teach Mandarin and standardized Chinese characters through Chinese language courses。Chinese teaching materials used,Should comply with the norms and standards of the national common language。

Article 11 Chinese publications should comply with the norms and standards of the country’s common spoken and written language。Foreign language characters need to be used in Chinese publications,Necessary annotations should be made in the national common language。

Article 12 Radio station、The TV station uses Mandarin as the basic broadcast language。Need to use a foreign language as the broadcast language,Subject to approval by the Radio and Television Department of the State Council。

Article 13 The public service industry uses standardized Chinese characters as the basic service characters。m88 online sports bettingDue to public service needs,Signboard、Advertisement、Notice、Signs and other signs that use foreign characters and also use Chinese,Standard Chinese characters should be used。Promote the use of Mandarin as the service language in the public service industry。

Article 14 The following situations,The basic language and characters should be the national common language:

(1) Phrases used in radio, movies, and television;

(2) Words used for facilities in public places;

(3) Words used on signboards and advertisements;

(4) Name of enterprise and institution;

(5) Packaging and description of goods sold within the country.

Article 15 The national common language used in information processing and information technology products should comply with national norms and standards。

Article 16 Relevant provisions in this chapter,Under the following circumstances,Dialects available:

(1) Staff of state agencies really need to use it when performing official duties;

(2) Broadcasting terms approved by the Radio and Television Department of the State Council or the provincial radio and television department;

(3) Needed to be used in opera, film and television and other art forms;

(4) It is really necessary to use it in publishing, teaching and research.

Article 17 Relevant provisions in this chapter,Under the following circumstances,You can keep or use traditional Chinese characters、Various characters:

(1) Cultural relics;

(2) Variants in surnames;

(3) Calligraphy, seal cutting and other artistic works;

(4) Handwriting of inscriptions and signboards;

(5) Needed for use in publishing, teaching, and research;

(6) Special circumstances approved by relevant departments of the State Council.

Article 18 The national common language uses the "Chinese Pinyin Scheme" as a spelling and phonetic notation tool。

"Chinese Pinyin Scheme" is a Chinese name、Unified specifications for Roman alphabet spelling of place names and Chinese documents,And used in areas where Chinese characters are inconvenient or cannot be used。Chinese Pinyin should be taught in primary education。

Article 19 Any position where Mandarin is the working language,The staff should have the ability to speak Mandarin。An announcer who uses Mandarin as his working language、Program host and film and television actor、Teacher、Putonghua proficiency of state agency staff,Should meet the national grade standards respectively; for those who have not yet reached m88 slot machine casinothe national Mandarin grade standards,Training for each situation。

Article 20 Teaching Chinese as a foreign language should teach Mandarin and standardized Chinese characters.

Chapter 3 Management and Supervision

Article 21 The national common spoken and written language work is planned and guided by the language work department of the State Council、Management SupervisionThe relevant departments of the State Council manage the use of the national common language of this system。

Article 22 Local language and writing departments and other relevant departments,Manage and supervise the use of the national common spoken and written language within this administrative region。

Article 23 The industrial and commercial administrative departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall determine the name of the enterprise in accordance with the law、Manage and supervise product names and advertising terms and words。

Article 24 The language and writing department of the State Council promulgated the Mandarin proficiency test grade standards。

Article 25 Foreign name、Translation of place names and other proper nouns and scientific and technical terms into the national common language,Organized and approved by the language and writing department of the State Council or other relevant departments。

Article 26 Violation of relevant provisions of Chapter 2 of this Law,Not using the language in accordance with the norms and standards of the national common language,Citizens can make criticisms and suggestions。

The use of personnel terms specified in Paragraph 2 of Article 19 of this Law violates the relevant provisions of Chapter 2 of this Law,Relevant units should criticize and educate those directly responsible; those who refuse to correct,Processed by relevant units。

Facilities and signs in urban public places、Words used in advertisements violate the relevant provisions of Chapter 2 of this Law,Ordered by the relevant administrative department to make corrections; refusing to make corrections,Warn,And urge them to make corrections within a deadline。

Article 27 Violation of the provisions of this law,Interfere with others’ learning and use of the country’s common spoken and written language,The relevant administrative departments shall order corrections within a time limit,and warn。

Chapter 4 Supplementary Provisions

Article 28 This law comes fromEffective January 1, 2001.

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