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Student status management
m88 online sports bettingInstructions for handling graduation certificates and degree certificates

 According to relevant regulations on student management in colleges and universities,Academic certificates and degree certificates are lost or damaged,Upon application,The school can issue the corresponding certificate after verification,Graduation certificates and degree certificates have the same validity as the original certificates。

The replacement graduation certificate will be electronically marked on the Higher Education Student Information Network,At the same time, mark the original registered academic certificate as lost and invalid,For verification。

The relevant matters are now notified as follows:

1. Submit materials

1. Applicants should download and fill in the "Application Form" (see attachment) and paste their photos;

m88 live casino and sports betting2. Original ID card (for verification) and copy。If you entrust someone else to do it for you,You must also provide: the applicant’s power of attorney and original and copy of ID card,Original and copy of the trustee’s ID card;

3. Education、Screenshot of degree query (Xuexin.com、Degree Network Printing);

4. 3 recent two-inch paper photos with blue background,Send the electronic version of the photo to email address: songwei8219@163.com

二、Acceptance time: Applicants are required to submit materials on working days during the semester (electronic scanned copies can be submitted and sent tosongwei8219@163.com),The Academic Affairs Office will review and verify。You can receive the certificate three working days after the materials are reviewed。In case of other special m88 best betting websitereasons,The processing time will be extended as appropriate。

三、Graduation Certificate、The degree certificate can only be reissued once,If it is lost again, it will not be replaced。

四、Office location: Office 405, South Mingzhi Building, Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology

五、Contact number: 029-85603000-8219 (Teacher Song)



Academic Affairs Office

May 20, 2022

Next item:Notice on verification of student status information and photos of expected graduates in 2022 (including junior college to bachelor's degree)