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What are the common software piracy infringements?

The main forms of software piracy and infringement are as follows:

m88 best betting website(1) Copying and selling copies of software products as they are without authorization;

(2) Collect popular software,Make a "highlight plate" copy and sell;

(3) When selling computer hardware,Unauthorized preinstallation of software into hardware;

(4)At customer request,Copy or burn copies of software for users without authorization;

(5) The end user expands the scope of installation and use without authorization;

(6) Selling software through the Internet without authorization or uploading software to the Internet without authorization to provide it to Internet users;

(7) Download unauthorized m88 best betting websitesoftware from the Internet and copy and sell it,Or used in other ways beyond the scope of licensed sales;

(8) Deliberately avoiding or destroying the technical measures taken by copyright owners to protect their software copyright;

(9) Deliberately deleting or changing software rights management information。Rights management information refers to identifying works、Author of the work、Information about the owners of any rights to the work,or letter regarding terms and conditions of use of the work

What is a patent

Patent is the abbreviation of patent right.It refers to an invention,Invention、m88 best betting websiteSubmit a patent application to the Patent Administration Department of the State Council for utility models or designs,After passing the legal review,The exclusive right granted to the patent applicant for the invention within a specified period。

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