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The Network Information Center organized an acceptance meeting for the new functional area information construction project


3month30Sunday morning,The Network Information Center organized the acceptance meeting of the new functional area information construction project in the south of Mingzhi Building207Convened,m88 live casino and sports bettingMembers of the acceptance team are from the Assets Department、Procurement and Supply Center、Composition of relevant persons in charge of the Finance Department。Participating in this acceptance meeting are the Academic Affairs Office、Logistics Management Office、Smart Security Police Department、Relevant personnel of Network Information Center,The meeting was chaired by Hou Zhenfeng, deputy director of the Network Information Center。

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First of all, introduced by Hou Zhenfeng, deputy director of the Network Information CenterBasic situation of the new functional area information construction project.

Secondly,Project manager of Xi’an Wanxiang Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., the project contractorReport project construction status,Covers the specific situation m88 online bettingof the construction of public area facilities and teaching area facilities in the new functional area。

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Subsequently,Each user unit reported situations that occurred during the use of equipment during the trial period of the project,The contractor recorded and answered the questions。Attendees followed the contractor to view the status of the new functional area information construction project,The acceptance team fully affirmed the completion of the project,It is agreed that the results of information construction projects should be promoted and used as soon as possible,Promote the comprehensive improvement of school informatization level。

Last,The acceptance team consults relevant project construction information,m88 online bettingThe project construction status has reached various functions and performance indicators stipulated in the contract,Achieved the expected construction effect,Evaluate the acceptance results on site,And fill in the acceptance report,Unanimously agree that the project has been completed and accepted。


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