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The Network Information Center enters the School of Economics and Management,Implementing information services on campus

   To further improve the quality of information m88 slot machine casinoservices,Accelerate the pace of school digital construction,Improve the information literacy of faculty and staff,Network Information Center atIn-depth visit to the School of Economics and Management on April 26,The "Information Services Campus Tour" event was successfully held。This event is carefully planned and organized by the Network Information Center,Received extensive participation and positive response from faculty and staff of the School of Economics and Management。

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Event starts,The person in charge of the Network Information Center introduced the school information system architecture and development history,Shows m88 slot machine casinothe achievements of smart campus construction,Let faculty and staff have a deeper understanding of the application and advantages of information services on campus。

In addition,In order to allow participating teachers to feel the charm of information services more intuitively,This event is specially conducted through online platform,Actual demonstration of the application of each business system in daily management activities。Through these vivid demonstrations,Everyone has deeply realized the great convenience brought by information services。

The successful holding of the information service campus tour,Not only shows the school’s achievements m88 online sports bettingin information construction,It also laid a solid foundation for future digital development,The Network Information Center will further deepen the integration and application of information technology and education and teaching,Provide better educational resources and services to teachers and students throughout the school。

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