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m88 online bettingAll m88 live casino and sports bettingm88 live casino and sports bettingcopywriting about spring,Not as good as the spring beauty of Mingde at this moment

The spring breeze flows through March, and the world begins to bloom

Whether it is the open central square or a quiet corner of the campus

Everyone can see the rising sun

To touch the spirit of plants and trees

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Let’s marvel at the beautiful colors of a tree

Use the lens to catch the light and shadow leaking between the branches

Walking along the flower path as the bell rings for the end of get out of class

These are the little surprises that Mingde people keep in mind






A gust of wind blows

There will be a romantic rain of petals from the sky

Flowing down to the ends of your hair

A thin layer is also spread on the ground like snow








Xinxin Vitality Yiyi is deeply affectionate

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Every strand of willow stretches happily

The beauty of spring is different

But she must be vivid and vivid








The water is bright and the clouds are rolling

Carefully pick up the dropped Yingchun

The brightness of flowers is like the afterglow in the corner of your eyes

While bidding farewell to the north wind

While counting the steps of spring approaching







The flowers on the street have bloomed, and the willows on the shore are new and green

The bright spring is here

Take a breath of the sweet fragrance of spring

Bring a good mood
Come and find the most beautiful scenery on campus


Source of picture and text|Party Committee (Party Committee Student) Work Department

Mingderong Media Center


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