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Mingde Youth|Goals lead action, diligence creates success

Mingde Youth|Goals lead action, diligence creates success

What is youth like

It’s about working hard

It is a high-spirited struggle

He is diligent and studious


With hard work and struggle

Draw the blueprint of your dream

They are the national scholarship winners

Like a flying flag

Let us appreciate their elegance together

(The following are listed in no particular order)


He Fanchen

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2019Won the second prize of the 12th Shaanxi Province College Student Advanced Mathematics (Undergraduate Group)

2019Won the third prize in the 11th National College Student Mathematics Competition (non-mathematics)

2020Won the second prize in the 13th International Aquatic Robot Competition

2020Won the third prize in the 13th International Aquatic Robot Competition

2020Won the third prize in the 11th Blue Bridge Cup Shaanxi Division

2020Won the third prize in the 22nd China Robot and Artificial Intelligence Competition Cultural Intelligence Creative Competition

2020Won the second prize in the Shaanxi Division of the National University Mathematical Modeling Competition

2020Won the third prize in the 12th National College Student Mathematics Competition (non-mathematics)

2020won the sixth awardInternet+”First Prize in the School Competition of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition

2019-2020School year was ratedMingde Star

[He Fanchen, the harder he works, the luckier he gets

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There is no luck, only unknown efforts.He has proven this sentence with his own efforts time and time again. he said:“How you treat it, how it treats you。For him, learning is like an old friend,Study hard with a positive and optimistic attitude,And he lived up to expectations。

From first entering campus to about to graduate,What has changed is the mental state from youth to maturity,What remains unchanged is the attitude of always working hard and studying。Winning the National Scholarship seems unexpected but reasonable,His hard work and seriousness,Self-discipline and persistence,Every step has laid a solid foundation for winning the award。

Studying makes people busy,But after-school life should also be colorful,Participated in the College Youth Volunteer Service Group、Equity Department of School of Information Engineering。He went to teach,Go to rights protection,He gained a lot of happiness in every experience。

Every time I run hard is to catch up with myself who has high hopes。For He Fanchen,Seriously、Work hard、Autonomous learning is essential,Listen carefully in class,Key review after class,Ask if you don’t understand,It is also very important to learn now and apply it now。This is his way of working hard,It is also a suggestion for our study。

A better future is always hidden in hard work,May this hard-working young man reap his own poetry and distance。


Gao Han

Award-winning status

2018Won the second engineering drawing and award3DModeling Contest3DThird Prize in the Group

2018Year Award19sessioncaticsThird Prize in Online Competition

2019Year-2021Won the first-class scholarship of the school for three consecutive years

2019won the first place21sessioncaticsSecond Prize in Online Competition

2019Won the second prize in the 5th National Comprehensive Skills Competition for Applied Talents

2020Won the special prize in the Shaanxi Division of the National 3D Digital Innovation Design Competition

2020Won the third prize in the national finals of the National 3D Digital Innovation Design Competition

2021Won the third prize in the school’s first job resume exhibition competition

[Gao Han who studies hard and persists in his dreams

Gao Han, majoring in mechanics,Not only achieve excellent results in studies,Won multiple awards in various competitions。She recalled when she first entered school,So I set the goal of taking the postgraduate entrance examination to improve myself。I will stick to my heart in my future life,Hold on to your dream,Get closer to your goal in a down-to-earth manner。

Seemingly calm day after day,One day people will suddenly see the meaning of persistence。This is her motto,She arranges her time reasonably every day to make study plans,Let yourself live a fulfilling and meaningful life。She thinks,Improve yourself、There is no end to learning,In order to give yourself extra points in your future life。Continuously defeat yourself in the face of difficulties,Only in order to better achieve success。

The road is long and long, I will search up and down.Everyone’s success,Not by chance。Gao Han hopes that all students can cherish their time in college,Improve yourself,Learn skills to make your college life meaningful。Life is a process of continuous progress,Hope everyone can get better and better。


Li Zhenghao

Award-winning status

2020Won the first prize m88 slot machine casinoin the National College Student Mathematics Competition (non-mathematics)

2021Won the 8th Annual AwardDatang CupNational College Student Mobile Communications5GThird Prize in Shaanxi Division of Technical Competition

2021Won the first yearForeign Teachers Society·Word Master CupThird Prize in Shaanxi Division of National College Students’ English Vocabulary Proficiency Competition

2021Won the first prize of the 12th school mathematical modeling

2021Won the first prize of the western division team of the 8th National Securities Investment Simulation Training Competition

[Li Zhenghao is brave and forge ahead regardless of the way forward

Li Zhenghao said:On the road to learning,Whether it’s smooth sailing or confused and hesitant,We must never forget our original aspirations,Stick to your goals,Only in this way can we break out of the world。

He joked that he never thought he could get a national scholarship,Every time I compete, I just prepare with my best effort,Welcome in the fullest state,But this unexpected surprise that depends on learning and struggle still comes quietly。

When I first entered school,I have been confused and helpless about the future。But while enriching my college life in extracurricular clubs and competitions, I also tempered myself,Identified my own shortcomings and constantly improved myself,Always restrain yourself with high requirements,Received National Scholarship。He has also experienced bottlenecks and setbacks,But he can still stand up again and challenge himself,This is the reason for his success。

In Li Zhenghao’s opinion,I am a good teacher,Also an enemy。The original intention is faith,It is also the driving force to move forward。Don’t forget your original intention,Fang De always。


Yang Ye

Award-winning status

2018Won the title of advanced individual at the freshman military training regiment level

2020Won the third year"Inspur Cup-Digital economy shared finance"Third Prize in National Competition

2021Won the title of Outstanding Communist Party Member of the School

2021Won the title of Outstanding Communist Youth League Member of the School

2021School of the Year"Accounting major senior leader"Title and letter of appointment

2021Won the school’s three outstanding student models

2018Year—2020Won the first-class scholarship of the school for two consecutive years

[Use this second to not give up Yang Ye chasing new hope in the next second

When Yang Ye is quietly working hard as always,The fruits of your efforts have come quietly。In her opinion,Winning the National Award was an unexpected surprise for her,In everyone’s opinion,This is the harvest and reward that Yang Ye has persisted in for a long time。During freshman to senior year,Poplar leaves have stages、Plan your future with goals。In professional classes,She has strict requirements on herself; she serves as the publicity committee member of her party branch,Actively conduct a census on the Middlebury campus,Regularly participate in social practice activities。Enriching your life both inside and outside of class,Improved my own quality,That’s how I became what I am today。As Yang Ye said:“If you don’t give up this second, there will be hope in the next second.She has always been chasing her dreams and future.

Now Yang Ye is taking the civil service exam,Working on finding a job。Have a clear and clear plan for your future。I believe she will maintain her perseverance and love,Rush to the next splendid mountain and sea。


Nan Jiamin

Award-winning status

2018Won the title of advanced individual at the freshman military training camp level

2018Won the Excellence Award in the English Speech Contest of the School of Language, Culture and Communication

2019Year AwardForeign Scholars Cupand“21Century Coca-Cola CupSecond Prize in English Speech Contest

2019Won the Best Contribution Award at the Northwestern Polytechnical University Model United Nations School Conference

2020Year AwardForeign Scholars CupThird Prize in the School-Level Preliminary Competition of the National English Writing Contest

2020Year AwardForeign Scholars CupSecond Prize in the School Level Preliminary Competition of the National English Speech Contest

2020Won the Best Contribution Award at the Northwestern University Model United Nations Conference

2020Won the second prize in the 5th English Speech Competition of the School of Language, Culture and Communication

2018-2019Won the first-class scholarship of the school

[Nan Jiamin whose love is as long as the years

Love lasts for yearsThese eight short words are Nan Jiamin’s motto。As an English major, she stands out,When talking about learning,Nan Jiamin said that everyone’s study career is not smooth,Only through vicissitudes can we learn something,Due to failure in an eloquence competition during my freshman year,Also let myself know my own shortcomings。She joins clubs in her after-school life to train herself,Improve and correct your own shortcomings,Improve your eloquence skills,Continuous improvement、Improve yourself,Achieve yourself,Overcoming obstacles on the road to success,Show off the momentum to defeat six generals in five levels,Facing setbacks and facing difficulties bravely。

Her message to the junior students:If you don’t accumulate steps, you won’t be able to reach a thousand miles; if you don’t accumulate small streams, you won’t be able to reach a river。No matter what you do, m88 online sports bettingyou m88 live casino and sports bettingmust accumulate slowly,Always maintain a sincere heart for the things you love,Finally led to a qualitative leap。Continuously push yourself every day,Don’t forget your original intention,Fang De always,The door of success will eventually throw an olive branch to you!


Hu Chengzhi

Award-winning status

2019Won the second prize in the English Speech Contest of the School of Language, Culture and Communication

2019Won the Shaanxi University of Science and Technology Model United Nations Most Potential Award (Most Promising

2019Won the school’s Model United Nations School Conference Honorable Mention Award (Honorable Mention

2019Won the Best Contribution Award in the Model United Nations Subject Competition (Contributed Award

2019Obtained Level 4 Certificate

2019Won the 39th session of the school’s 39th Party activist training class as an outstanding student

2019Year AwardForeign Scholars Cupand“21Century Coca-Cola CupEnglish Speech Contest Campus Finals Volunteer Certificate

2020Won the first prize in the school-level preliminary competition of the FLTRP National Talent Cup English Speech Contest

2020Won the second prize in the school-level preliminary competition of the FLTRP Guocai Cup English Reading Contest

2020Won the third prize in the school-level preliminary competition of the FLTRP Guocai Cup English Writing Competition

2020Won the third prize in the poetry recitation competition of the School of Language, Culture and Communication

2020Obtained Level 6 Certificate

2021Obtained Putonghua Certificate (Second Class B)

2021Obtained the fourth professional certificate

2019-2020Won first-class scholarship and national inspirational scholarship in the academic year

[Hu Chengzhi went to a distant place through wind and rain

He saidIt’s not the traffic lights that are funny,Not the time,My countless hesitations。It is this decisiveness,Let him do everything he wants when he wants to do it、Don’t delay。It is this persistence,Let him have excellent academic performance,Life is more meaningful,Meet a better self。

He completed the specified things within the specified time,Listen to the teacher with full attention during class,Complete homework carefully during evening self-study,Participate in club activities in your spare time、Play badminton、Enrich your life by singing etc.。Participate in various competitions,Look for the gap between you and outstanding classmates,Promote yourself to make progress。He knows that hard work may not necessarily lead to immediate results,But never stop striving upward。

He smiled and talked about the future,Postgraduate entrance examination、Take Tour Guide Certificate、Teacher Qualification Certificate Examination……Go and see the scenery you have never seen before,Go and see the distant place in your heart。Clear goals and strong sense of direction,No doubt it will get him where he wants to go。


Meng Xiangfei

Award-winning status

2020Won the 12th National College Student Mathematics CompetitionThird Prize

2020Won the Shaanxi Division of the Undergraduate Group of the National Undergraduate Mathematical Modeling ContestSecond Prize

2020Won the first Youth League Cadre Quality and Ability Competition of the School of Information EngineeringSecond Prize

2020Won the Third Youth League Working Committee Student Union of the School of Information EngineeringExcellent Minister

2021Won the first prize in the 12th Mathematical Modeling School Competition

2021Won the 12th Blue Bridge Cup Shaanxi DivisionC/C++Programming UniversityBGroupSecond Prize

2021Won the China Robot and Artificial Intelligence CompetitionFiraSimulation robot football game:5V5ProjectFirst Prize

2019-2020Won the title of Outstanding Student Union and Community Cadre during the academic year

2019-2020Won the title of Zhongnan Star in the academic year

2020-2021Won the title of outstanding Communist Youth League cadre of the school during the school year

[Traveling in the dim light, Meng Xiangfei is a dream chaser

First meeting Meng Xiangfei,He has the maturity described by Yu Qiuyu: a bright but not dazzling brilliance,A kind of thickness that does not need to be announced。

If you bloom, the breeze will comeJust like his motto,He chases the light in life,Flowers bloom as we move forward,He has the drive to stay up late and write code for the competition,He also has the tenacity to be the first to step into the classroom in the earliest morning light and study hard,Don’t accumulate small flows,There is no way to make a river,Achievements are not achieved overnight,But it comes from his usual down-to-earth attitude,Accumulating steps,Zhi Qianli,Waiting for the flowers to bloom,Waiting for the flowers to bloom。

He said he is not good at expressing,So I joined many clubs in college to improve my expression skills。Continuously recognize your own shortcomings,Know what you want,And actively look for ways to change yourself、Improve yourself,This is also an important reason for his continuous improvement。

For Meng Xiangfei, winning the award is just a reward and encouragement in his pursuit of light,Forward in the twilight,His eternal goal is to forge ahead in pursuit of light,May he encounter the most gorgeous scenery and the most beautiful himself on the road。


Feng Duoer

Award-winning status

2019Won the title of Outstanding Communist Youth League Member of the School

2020Won the first prize in the 12th National College Student Mathematics Competition

2020Year AwardInternet+”Third place in the simulation road show of the simulation innovation and entrepreneurship competition

2020Won the first prize in the Youth League Student Cadres Quality and Ability Competition of the School of Information Engineering

2020Won the third prize m88 slot machine casinoin the National College Student Information Technology Innovation Application Competition

2020Won the third prize in the Ninth National College Student Physics Experiment Competition

2020Obtained CET-4 in English

2021Obtained Putonghua Certificate

2021Won the first prize in the 12th Mathematical Modeling School Competition

2021Won the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Academy Innovation AssociationOutstanding student leadersTitle

2021Won the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Academy Innovation AssociationExcellent memberTitle

[Don’t wait for opportunities, create opportunities Feng Duoer

She said when talking about winning the national scholarship,There are many people better than her。When I first entered Mingde,Her goal is to study hard,Hope to achieve success in college。But as we grow older and broaden our horizons,Make her feel that university is not just about studying,The university is a small society,We must seize the opportunity,Participate in more activities,Improve your irreplaceability and core value。This is her summary of her own university and her advice to Mingde students。

When she is confused or tired while studying,Can run on the playground,Or play badminton,Listen to music,Let your mind relax properly,Go back and study again,Achieving twice the result with half the effort,You will feel a sense of enlightenment next time you encounter the same problem。Feng Duoer made the students understand that knowledge is as important as practice,We also need to improve ourselves more in college。

When talking about the learning atmosphere,Feng Duoer mentioned her outstanding roommates,She told us that it was the positive efforts of her roommates that drove her upward spirit,I also believe that their efforts will make their future shine。


Sun Xiaoqing

Award-winning status

2019Won the fifth award in Shaanxi ProvinceFoster CupFirst Prize in College Student Finance and Taxation Skills Competition

2019Won the Excellence Award in the Third National College Student Environmental Protection Knowledge Competition

2020Won the third prize in the first Dream-Building Cup Scientific Ability Competition

2020Obtained CET-4 in English

2020Year AwardYutong Cup MakingSecond Prize for Individuals in the Financial Category of the Scientific Work Ability Online Competition

2020School of the YearDream Building Tree CupScientific work ability online competition(Individual competition within the school)Individual third prize in the financial cashier settlement post competition

2020Obtained junior accounting certificate

2021Obtained the National Computer Level 2 Certificate

2021Passed the Management Information Engineer ProjectFinancial ManagementCourse training

2018-2019Won the first-class scholarship of the school during the academic year

[Sun Xiaoqing who never gives up and works hard and has self-discipline

The first impression Sun Xiaoqing gives everyone is that he is confident and generous,Gentle and simple。When she first entered the school, she was just like other freshmen,Full of yearning for college life。She participated in the Youth Volunteer Association,Do your best to help your classmates,Make her feel full of accomplishment and happiness。Submit an application for party membership during the freshman year,Actively move closer to the party organization,Became a probationary member of the Communist Party of China in my junior year。Arrange time reasonably in life,Go to the library if you have nothing to do,While learning knowledge, you also improve your own connotation。She believes that learning is the most important thing for a student,She said dreams must be realized through hard work,Persistence is essential on the road to glory。

Can obtain national scholarship,It is their understanding and support,It is their understanding and support,That gave her the courage to fight。Trough times,There is a group of like-minded friends by your side,She thinks this is the most precious gift Mingde has given her。

For her,National scholarship is an incentive,But not all,She has included the postgraduate entrance examination in her future plans,Longing to wander in the sea of ​​learning,Go to a higher platform。Although this is very difficult,But she believes: never give up,Strive for self-discipline,You will definitely have a bright future。


Guo Yanru

Award-winning status

2019Annual Award from the School of Economics and Management“70In this year, we are in the same boat through thick and thinFirst Prize in Keynote Speech Contest

2019—2020Won the first-class scholarship of the school during the academic year

2020Obtained CET-4 in English

2020Won the School Oratory Cup Finals Championship

2021Obtained CET-6 certificate in English

2021Obtained Junior Accountant Certificate

2021Won the second prize m88 slot machine casinoin the National College Business Elite Challenge English Group Finals

[Fighting--Guo Yanru, who makes the impossible a necessity

Be a salary earner for others,Not afraid of wind and snow,Come to me despite the wind and snow,When I first met Guo Yanru, she was simple and plain,The conversation added a bit of perseverance and courage。From being a little confused when I first entered college to finding my confident and sunny self now。In college life, she said that time flies by,She is like a chaser,In pursuit of this short but beautiful college time。

When it comes to learning, she believes that the most important thing is persistence,The tree of patience bears golden fruitNothing can be done without persistence,Behind all success there must be persistence。Although m88 online bettingthere m88 online bettingwill still be countless crashes in this process,But she will give herself time to release the pressure,Every difficulty also gave her a stronger heart to face setbacks。

National scholarship is just a small chapter in her brilliant life,In the future, she will use her hard work to write a better title page。


At our side

They are also very ordinary Mingde students

But they have goals and dreams

Persistence, hard work

That’s how we achieved today

As long as you keep working hard and persist

Excellence will become your label

Come on! Mingde people!

Produced|Party Committee Organization and Propaganda Department

Mingderong Media Center

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