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Alumni Interviews
​Interview record with Zhang Jiale, 2015 alumnus of Xi’an Mingde Institute of Technology

Interview with Zhang Jiale, a 2015 alumnus of Xi’an Mingde Institute of Technology

[Editor's Note] Carrying a pen and serving in the army will never regret it, and it will be quenched into steel and become youthful - an exclusive interview with college students who enlisted in the army


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Zhang Jiale,Male,2015 student majoring in aircraft manufacturing engineering at Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology。actively responded to the national call while in school,Joined the army in September 2017。After being discharged as a compulsory soldier,Return to school to continue completing studies,Admitted a postgraduate degree in aeronautical engineering from the School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering m88 slot machine casinoof m88 slot machine casinoNorthwestern Polytechnical University in July 2020。

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(Successfully admitted to m88 slot machine casinoNorthwestern Polytechnical University as a graduate student)


[Military dream, strong military sentiment]


As the saying goes, Chinese people have many wonderful aspirations,Join the army with a pen,Serve the country with loyalty。

When asked why he joined the army,Alumnus Zhang Jiale said: “On the one hand, I was influenced by my father,I have been involved in the military since childhood,Determined to join the army and serve the country; on the other hand,I also hope to get more training in the army。”In fact, before deciding to join the army,Zhang Jiale had a period of confusion - could he adapt to military life?

But with the care and encouragement of relatives and school teachers,Zhang Jiale, who loves the military, finally decided to sign up to join the army。After various selections in September 2017,Zhang Jiale started military life。

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(fifth from left-Zhang Jiale)


[Military life, temper yourself]


When first entering the military camp,Zhang Jiale cannot adapt to military life quickly。Facing strict training,He feels stressed both physically and mentally。

“I can all remember it now,Concerns from old squad leaders and comrades during recruit training。They not only guide me in my free time,Having heart-to-heart conversations more often helps me relieve psychological stress。”

(in training)

Zhang Jiale soon adapted to the rhythm of military m88 best betting websitelife。m88 best betting websiteAfter the recruit training is over,Assigned to work in the fire brigade。


[Between life and death, I choose to move forward]


“I clearly know the path I have chosen,I think as long as you stick to it,There will be different results”。 Recalling the military days of armed police and firefighting,Alumnus Zhang Jiale feels deeply。

(third from left)

While performing a fire-fighting mission,Because many experienced senior non-commissioned officers are on vacation。Zhang Jiale and other newcomers were ordered in the face of danger,Rush to the first scene。

While wearing full protective gear,But because the fire was too big,The road ahead is shrouded in thick smoke,Even with lighting equipment, I can’t even see my fingers clearly。Back or forward? Between this choice of life and death,Zhang Jiale moves forward resolutely,Slowly groping in the dark fog,Going to the deepest part of the fire。

Once young

Mature now


[Preparation in advance, strict requirements


While sharing his story with his fellow students,Zhang Jiale said: “Having the idea of ​​serving the motherland as a soldier is the first step,Also the most important step,But we can’t just stop at this step。”

For students who are interested in joining the army,Alumnus Zhang Jiale also shared his experience:

一、Practice physical fitness。You can keep exercising every day,Push-ups、Three kilometers run、Sit-ups, etc.。If you persist until you enlist in the army,You will quickly adapt m88 live casino and sports bettingto the physical training of the army。

m88 best betting website二、Tidying up housekeeping。The army is a place that pays attention to uniformity,The standards for housekeeping requirements will be very high,Therefore, we must develop good living habits in advance。

三、Learn political theory。The foundation of a qualified soldier is to maintain a high degree of consistency in thought and action。

(accept unified training certificate)

[Seize opportunities and continue to grow]


The country pays great attention to retired college students,Zhang Jiale advises juniors and juniors to keep learning,Make good use of relevant policies introduced by the country, such as:

(1) Establish a special master’s degree enrollment plan for “Retired College Student Soldiers”。

(2) Incorporate the military service status of college students (including college freshmen) into the selection index system for recommended students。

(3) Expand the scope of postgraduate entrance examination bonus points to current college students (including college freshmen)。

(4) A separate enrollment plan for retired college students and soldiers to graduate from junior college to undergraduate。

(5) Relax restrictions on retired college soldiers returning to school and changing majors.

(6) Those with higher vocational (college) education,Admission to adult undergraduate program without examination after retirement,Or those who have passed certain assessments and are admitted to the general undergraduate program; those who have m88 slot machine casinowon third-class merit awards m88 live casino and sports bettingor above,After completing higher vocational (junior college) studies,Admission to general undergraduate program without examination。

(Explaining the preferential treatment policy for college students to retire)

[Message from alumni

This journey in life has limited time,

More experiences are our greatest wealth,

We can’t just listen to other people’s stories,

But be a storyteller.

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