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Alumni Interviews
Xi’an Mingde Institute of Technology 2017 alumnus Zou Runrun’s interview record

Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology 2017 alumnus Zou Runrun interview record

[Editor's note]Run, youth!

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Zou leap leap

Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology

(formerly Mingde College of Northwestern Polytechnical University)

2017Graduate from the Department of Electronic Information Engineering

General Manager of Xi’an Boyunke IoT Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.

Co-founder of Xi'an Jianwei Network Technology Co., Ltd.

     Xi’an Boyunke IoT Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.&Xi'an Jianwei Network Technology Co., Ltd.,Since its establishment,Relying on the advantageous resources of Xi’an universities,Long term engaged in the research and implementation of information solutions and data intelligence services for universities。

     The company's first domestic brand owned byStudent SafetyA centered smart student safety management platform--“I am on campus, since2018Since its launch in 2015, it has served the whole country27Provinces, cities and autonomous regions350More than 10 colleges and universities, serving more than 100 teachers and students in total500Ten thousand.

     “University Smart Logistics Service PlatformBased onI am on campus's data advantage, toDaily life of teachers and studentsService-centered,Integrated daily maintenance service for teachers and students,Users can report for repair anytime and anywhere、Grab an order、Dispatch、Repair、Reviews, etc.。Utilizing the Internet platform to achieve maintenance quality、Maintenance efficiency、Maintenance worker assessment、Consumables Management、People Analysis、Workload and working hours analysis、Informatization such as maintenance area analysis、Transparency,Traceable process management,Scientific, effective and reasonable allocation of resources,Improve logistics service efficiency and management level。

[Down-to-earth, strict with self-discipline

       Recalling his college days at Mingde College, Zou Runrun said:While studying,Mr. Song, who teaches physics, has the deepest influence on me,Communicate the most。First lesson,He proposedConcepts, ideas, frameworks, methods’s new thinking is particularly memorable to me,And encourage us not only in learning,We must apply it flexibly in our life and work in the future。

       Although Mingde is not a first-class prestigious school,But it has a first-class teacher team,To cultivate every student with care。Now I see that my alma mater is developing better and better,Happy from the bottom of my heart。

       During college,Zou Runrun lived a very fulfilling life,He spends most of his time focusing on studying,m88 best betting websiteDown to earth,Take every minute seriously,Strive to try various things。He once served as a class cadre,Actively participate in the work of the student union and some social practice activities organized by the school。In addition,He showed his English skills in Model United Nations、Show a cheerful and straightforward personality,Meet and make many like-minded friends,It was these experiences that accumulated experience for his later entrepreneurship。

[Not afraid of difficulties, bravely brave

       While studying as a graduate student,He actively participates in school innovation and entrepreneurship activities,3Achieved in yearsInternet+”, Challenge Cup and mobile terminal competition and other national and provincial awards12Item.

       Zou Runrun said:Competition is towards practice,Valuable experience in verifying the feasibility of ideas。Problems or needs that you can discover from the market through competition,Filter by requirements,Analysis and determination,Evaluate the functional modules of the project,And realize it through technology development,To solve problems and needs。

[Self-employed business, through thick and thin

       The beginning of business,Funds、Manpower and other issues once made Zou Runrun feel very difficult: He once stayed up all night because of project problems; he would also have disagreements with his friends during communication; he would stay up all night with his colleagues because of a customer demand,Welcome dawn in the studio; also encounter customer breach of contract at work、The customer cannot be connected、Funds overdue、Problems such as talent job-hopping。

       But at school、Friend、m88 best betting websiteWith the support of relatives,Research the market through the team、Optimize product、Recruit talents、Career is gradually on the right track。

       What impressed me most was that once when I was doing a project, the requirements put forward by the university were relatively strict,Due to my own mistakes, the project had problems that were not applicable to the actual scenario,Conflicts occurred in many communications with customers,Resulting in all efforts being wasted。

       Faced with difficulties, Zou Runrun said:Entrepreneurship is about overcoming difficulties、Go forward bravely,In layman’s terms, it means discovering the problem,Solve the problem,What goes around comes around。

[A long road to product, a long lifetime of searching

      “I am on campusSmart Student Safety Management Platform,Covering multiple scenes in colleges and universities,Including attendance management、Health check-in、Registration for leaving school、Full process management of leave application、Welcome Management、dormitory management、Reporting out of town、Application to stay in school、Psychological consultation, etc.。

       On the entire network mini programtop100On the list,I am on campusMini program ranking54,Ranked third in the education category。Meanwhile,Received by CCTV、People's Daily Online,Ministry of Education、Reported by many media such as Toutiao and highly recognized by universities inside and outside the province。

      Faced with impressive results, Zou Runrun said:The concept of smart campus is actually very big,In the beginning we just discovered the problems and needs,Hope to solve it through our own capabilities and technical means。from18Years of development to date,From solving a small problem in a department,To solve a big problem in a school,From a project,To a product,To today’s platform。Currently our definition is not just a smart campus,It is a digital and intelligent campus。

     Since the establishment,In the process of exploring the product road,The Zou Runrun team always adheres to the path of sustainable development,Focus on business refinement,Find customer/Users’ core pain points and efforts to solve them.

     A long road to product, a long lifetime of searching,The road to entrepreneurship is always on the road。

[Message from alumni

Once at a certain moment

We thought we had grown up

One day, we finally found out

Growth apart from age

There is still courage and strength

And some necessary sacrifice

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