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Alumni Interviews
Xi’an Mingde Institute of Technology 2021 alumna Guo Lili’s interview record

Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology 2021 alumni Guo Lili Interview Record

[Editor’s note]Huixin Wanzi Blooming toward the sun

[Character introduction]

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Guo Lili

2016-2019Year :Shaanxi Vocational and Technical College of Finance and Economics Marketing (College)

2019-2021Year: Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology Marketing (Undergraduate)

2021Year-Present: Yulin College Agronomy and Seed Industry (Master)

[Be a countercurrentFish

The environment is like a river,Everyone is a m88 live casino and sports bettingfish in the river,As the river flows downstream,Most people chooseGo with the flow;When the river flows high,Only a very small number of people chooseGoing against the current

In junior college, many people said:Why do you want to upgrade from a junior college to a bachelor's degree? Get a bachelor's degree certificate,Aren’t you going to find a job in the end?

Guo Lili said:I just realized that my time as a junior college student was spent quietly like this,Looking back suddenly,It seems that you can still vaguely see the shadow of the one who failed in the college entrance examination。Upgrading to undergraduate level is to fill the gaps in my heart,I tell myself that I can’t stop pursuing my dreams,It is an effort to make up for one’s youth!

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[Want to use my bodyLet us encourage you together

Tao Yuanming’s poem says:The prime years will never come again,It’s hard to wake up every day。Encouragement in time,Time waits for no one。Two years since coming to Mingde,Time flies by like a flash,Graduation is approaching in a blink of an eye。Guo Lili said:University should try its best not to leave any regrets for itself,m88 best betting websiteMust seize the opportunity,Courage your dreams。

Why she finally chose the postgraduate entrance examination among many paths, Guo Lili said:The postgraduate entrance examination is to improve yourself,There is a higher platform,In order to develop better。This is something she has carefully considered,The result of repeated consideration,It is also a reflection of her growing maturity。

[Rectify oneself and govern others

A good person can control what he thinks、Thinking、The person who did it。The cold wind in winter is very cold,While others were still immersed in sleep, she had already memorized the words,Day after day,Rain or shine。

Guo Lili said:Be sure to know what you want,Clear goals are really important。She every morning630Get up,7Click to go out and start reviewing in the library, evening10Click back to the dormitory,Immovable。Learning is like a mountain full of treasures,But it takes diligence to open up the road to the top of the mountain; learning is also a vast ocean,Only through hard work can you sail up the river。

She said:You must have your own plan for the postgraduate entrance examination,I will share m88 best betting websitemy sprint plan with you,Hope it will be helpful to the students。

When talking about the success of the postgraduate entrance examination, Guo Lili said:I am particularly grateful to the school for providing us with a postgraduate entrance examination classroom--Zhongnan Academy,During the epidemic, there are also considerate test delivery services and online remote retest classrooms; thank you also to Teacher Peng Jing,He carefully and thoughtfully inquired about my application information,Provide application suggestions,Very warm and caring。Selfless help from teachers and classmates、Care and love from relatives and friends,Give her the courage to keep moving forward,Confidence to overcome difficulties,Finally in2021Successfully passed the postgraduate entrance examination of Yulin College.

[Accumulate a short step to reach a thousand miles away

About the postgraduate entrance examination, Guo Lili said:The postgraduate entrance examination is mainly about mentality,The pressure is always there,When I get tired later,Just be firm in your goals,Clear your direction。This is a boring process,Everyone must learn to find ways to m88 best betting websiterelease emotions,Balance between work and rest、Relaxation and relaxation,Believe that every effort will be rewarded。

[Message from alumni

Towards ambitious goals, dare to believe, dare to excel

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