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Financial system
    Financial system
    Measures for the Management of Travel Expenses of Mingde College of Northwestern Polytechnical University

    Yuan Zi (2018) No. 78

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    Article 1  To standardize the management of college travel expenses,Promote strict economy and oppose waste,Refer to the "Shaanxi Provincial Government Travel Expenses Management Measures" and the travel expense management methods of similar universities in the province,Based on the actual situation of our hospital,Develop these measures。

    Article 2  Travel expenses refer to the temporary travel of business travelers to areas other than their permanent residence (excluding Beilin District, Xi'an City、Xincheng District、Lianhu District、Yanta District、Weiyang District、Baqiao District、Chang'an District、Yi District、Inter-city transportation expenses incurred during business trips in Xianyang City、Accommodation fee、Food subsidy and city transportation expenses。

    Article 3  The responsibilities for the use and management of travel expenses are as follows:

    (1)Business travelers are directly responsible for travel expenses,Authenticity of use of travel expenses、Compliance、Be directly responsible for reasonableness and relevance。Business travelers should understand and abide by relevant financial laws and regulations and the college’s travel expense management measures,Reimburse travel expenses according to regulations and facts。

    (2) All units must strictly implement business trip approval and travel budget management,Control the scale of travel expenses; the person in charge of each unit is responsible for the approval and supervision of the use of travel expenses by the business travelers of the unit and the business travelers who use the unit's funds。

    (3) The Financial Assets Department is responsible for formulating and improving the college’s travel expense management measures,Implement travel expense reimbursement management and provide services in accordance with regulations。

    Article 4  No substantive content is strictly prohibited、Travel activities without clear official purposes; disguised travel in any name and by any means is strictly prohibited; study exchanges and inspections and surveys without substantial content between departments in different places are strictly prohibited。

    Chapter 2  Inter-city transportation fee

    Article 5   Inter-city transportation costs refer to the trains taken by business travelers to areas other than their permanent residence for business purposes、Ship、Expenses incurred by airplanes and other means of transportation。

    Article 6  Business travelers should take transportation according to the prescribed level,Certificate for reimbursement of transportation expenses between cities,The specific standards are as follows:


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    (1) Personnel holding both professional and technical positions and management positions,You can choose transportation according to the "highest" principle。

    (2) Business trip for hospital-level leaders,Due to work needs,One person accompanying you can take the same level of transportation。

    (3) Failure to take transportation according to the prescribed level,In principle, the overspending is the responsibility of the individual。In case of emergencies and other emergencies,Excessive riding occurred,The reason has been stated in writing by the traveler,Reimbursement can be made only after m88 online bettingapproval m88 live casino and sports bettingby the leadership of the competent hospital。

    Article 7 Booking fees incurred due to inter-city transportation costs (30Reimbursement according to the actual amount within the yuan)、Endorsement fee、Refund fee、Civil Aviation Development Fund and other related expense vouchers for reimbursement。

    Article 8 Take a plane、Train、Ships and other means of transportation,Each person can purchase one traffic accident insurance,Pay for additional purchases。

    Article 9Remaining personnel should be strictly controlled when traveling by air,Those with special needs due to urgent business trip,You must obtain prior approval from the leader of the hospital in charge before riding。

    Due to long distance on business trip,Those who are on business trips will not interfere with their official duties、Under the premise of ensuring safety,should choose the economical ride、Convenient means of transportation。

    Chapter 3 Accommodation Fees

    Article 10 Accommodation fee refers to the hotel stay for business travelers during their business trip、Restaurant、Rent expenses incurred in guest houses, etc.。The specific reimbursement standards are as follows (per room per day):

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    Note: Category 1 areas include municipalities, provincial capitals and14Coastal open cities and special economic zones,Other cities、Counties are all Category II areas;Prices rise in Category I areas due to peak season,Accommodation fees can be raised up to the maximum20%

    Article 11 Personnel who hold both professional and technical positions and management positions,You can choose accommodation standards according to the "highest" principle。

    Article 12 Those who are on a business trip should be reimbursed within the standard limit for accommodation fees。Accommodation that does not meet the prescribed standards,Some personal self-care that exceeds the standard。

    In case of special circumstances,Unable to accommodate according to the prescribed standards,The reason has been stated in writing by the traveler,Reimbursement can be made only after m88 online bettingapproval m88 live casino and sports bettingby the leadership of the competent hospital。

    Article 13 People below the hospital level are on a business trip,Two people of the same gender must share a standard room,If the people living together have different positions,You can choose the accommodation standard as high as possible。If the number of business travelers is odd,Or people of the opposite sex on a business trip,A single person can stay in a standard room。The financial department of the college will reimburse the business trip based on the actual number of people and gender。

    Chapter 4  Food subsidy

        Article 14  Meal subsidy refers to the food subsidy provided to business travelers during their business trip。

     Article 15  Meal subsidy for business travelers can be used on a lump sum,Calculated based on the number of natural (calendar) days of business trip,First-class areafor each person per day80yuan,The remaining areas are per person per day60yuan,Same-day round trip per person per day50Yuan.

    (1) Staff traveling on business,In principle, no business reception is allowed,If it is really necessary for work,You should ask the leader of the competent institute for permission in advance,In line with the principle of diligence and thrift,Reimbursed within approved limit,At the same time, the food subsidy for the day is deducted by half。

    (2) Food subsidy is paid according to the standards of the business trip destination,Meal subsidy during the trip will be based on the standard of the final destination on the day。

     Chapter 5  Inner city transportation expenses

      Article 16  City transportation expenses refer to the city transportation expenses incurred by business travelers during their business trips。

    Article 17  Intra-city transportation subsidy is natural for business trips(Calendar)Day calculation, per person per day30Yuan lump sum is used.

    (1) Participate in the meeting、No transportation m88 online bettingsubsidy within the city during m88 live casino and sports bettingthe training period,To and from the station and the train station while in transit、Reimbursement of airport transportation expenses and dedicated bus expenses shall be made according to the actual facts,No longer enjoy the city transportation subsidy;

    (2) Official business trips、Enrollment promotion, etc.,Using transportation and other vehicle expenses sent by the college,No longer enjoy the city transportation subsidy;

    (3)In principle, business travelers are not allowed to take taxis,If you really need to ride due to special circumstances,Related taxi fares can only be reimbursed after m88 online bettingapproval m88 live casino and sports bettingby the leadership of the competent institute。At the same time, the city transportation subsidy on the day will be deducted。

    Chapter 6  Student travel expenses

     Article 18  Students participate in teaching、Scientific Research、Various competitions, sports competitions and other activities,Inter-city transportation and accommodation expenses will be reimbursed according to the standard vouchers for other personnel。Food subsidy is halved according to regional classification。

    The event organizer arranges food and accommodation in a unified manner,According to the organizer’s notice or written explanation and valid receipt。

     Article 19  Students participate in internship、Graduation projects and social practice activities,Based on actual situation,Used on a lump sum basis according to the relevant special funds of the college,The excess will be borne by the student

    Chapter 7  Approval and reimbursement management

        Article 20 Business trip approval

    (1) Business travelers must fill in the "Business Travel Application Form" before traveling for official business (see attachment for details1),Indicate the reason for business trip、Location、Transportation、Estimated number of days、Advance loan fee,Related procedures such as borrowing can be handled only after approval according to the business trip approval authority stipulated by the college。

    (2) Approval authority

         1, general employees traveling within the province must report to the department head for approval.

    2, mid-level personnel traveling within and outside the province must report to the leadership of the competent institute for approval.

    3, Vice-dean-level leaders traveling within and outside the province must report to the dean for approval.

    Article 21  Business trip loan

    Business travelers need to fill in the "Loan Form" when borrowing money (see attachment for details2),The loan can only be borrowed in accordance with the loan approval procedures and authority regulations stipulated by the college。An approved “Business Travel Application Form” must be presented when borrowing money。

    Article 22  Business trip reimbursement

        After the business trip ends,In principle, reimbursement procedures should be completed within one month。The following information should be provided when reimbursing:

      (1) Business trip application form;

      (2) Travel expense reimbursement form;

      (3) Inter-city transportation bills,Includes train tickets、Ship ticket、Flight ticket (itinerary or invoice)、Bus tickets, etc.;

      (4) Accommodation fee invoice or explanation of the situation where the accommodation fee invoice cannot be provided;

      (5) Other materials, such as meeting, training notices, etc.;

      (6) Other related bills,Including membership fees、Training fee、Booking fee、Insurance fee、Transfer or refund fee、UnionPay card transaction records, etc.。

    Expenses incurred by business travelers during their business trip,Should be reimbursed at the same time as grade travel expenses,No subsequent filing is allowed。

    Article 23  Accommodation expenses for business travelers、Air tickets and other expenses should be settled by UnionPay card or bank transfer as much as possible。

    Article 24  Business trip time for business travelers15Days m88 online bettingand m88 online sports bettingless,Food subsidies and city transportation expenses will be paid in full; No.16天之45Within 23135 days or less, it will be distributed at half of the full amount; No.46Days and above will be paid at a quarter of the full standard.

    Article 25  Business travelers go out to attend meetings or training,The organizer shall arrange the food and lodging expenses at its own expense,Reimburse the room and board expenses according to the facts,Round trip meeting、Travel expenses to the training location shall be reimbursed in accordance with regulations。The organizer does not arrange meals and accommodation in a unified manner,Conference、Accommodation and board during training,Round trip meeting、Travel expenses to the training location shall be reimbursed in accordance with regulations。

    Article 26  Calculation of business trip subsidy time

       Departure time, on the same day12The hour is calculated based on the whole day,12The hour will be calculated as half a day. Return time, on the same day12Hours are calculated as whole days,12The hour is calculated as half a day


    Chapter 8  Other relevant provisions

    Article 27  Inviting scholars due to work needs、Experts or relevant personnel from outside the hospital come to the hospital for a meeting、Communication、Visit or go to other places to participate in research,Need to specify the personnel title or rank,Reimburse travel expenses according to the following conditions and compare with the corresponding standards of the college:

      (1) Invitation to the hospital for a meeting,Inter-city transportation expenses for invited personnel can be reimbursed according to travel expenses regulations,Accommodation fees will be reimbursed according to conference fee regulations、Food subsidy、Inner city transportation fees, etc.;

      (2) Invitation to the institute for exchanges、Visited,Inter-city transportation expenses for invited personnel can be reimbursed according to travel expenses regulations,Reimburse accommodation expenses within the specified standard,Food subsidies and city transportation expenses will no longer be provided;

      (3) Invitation to participate in research in other places,Inter-city transportation expenses for invited personnel can be reimbursed according to travel expenses regulations、Accommodation fee、Food subsidy and city transportation expenses。

    Article 28  Business travelers who go home to visit relatives during their business trip,Inter-city transportation expenses will be reimbursed within the cost of taking the specified class of transportation from the destination back to the unit,Exceeding personal self-care;Accommodation expenses will not be reimbursed during the detour and home visit;Food subsidy and city transportation expenses are reimbursed based on the actual number of days of business trip (the number of days of business trip minus the number of days of returning home to visit relatives) and the prescribed standards。

    Article 29  While staff are on a business trip,Expenses for sightseeing or non-work related visits,All are handled by the individual。

       Article 30 Approved by the college to travel abroad for business (including Hong Kong、Australia、Accommodation in Taiwan area、Food subsidy and government miscellaneous contract expenditure standards,As per Ministry of Finance、Finance Bank of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' "Measures for the Management of Funds for Temporary Travel Abroad on Official Business"[2013]516shall be implemented.

    Article 31  Business trip ticket lost,Business travelers must provide a written explanation of the loss,After approval by the department head,Reimbursement according to the following provisions:

      (1) Lost car and ferry ticket,Reimbursement will be based on ordinary hard seats on trains and third-class seats on ships;

      (2) Lost ticket、Accommodation bill,It is necessary to obtain a copy of the original bill stub or accounting page and stamp it with the special invoice seal of the payee before reimbursement;

       m88 live casino and sports m88 best betting websitebetting(3) Disburse food subsidies and city transportation expenses based on the situation description and relevant vouchers。

    Chapter 9  Supervision and Inspection

    Article 32  Each unit should strengthen the internal control and management of the business trip activities and expense reimbursement of its business travelers。Severely deal with those who violate the travel expense management regulations,Consciously accept the supervision and inspection of business trips and related expenditures by relevant departments of the college。

    Article 33  Violation of these regulations,Have one of the following behaviors,The responsible persons of relevant units and parties concerned shall be held accountable in accordance with laws and regulations:

       (1) Fraud and false reporting of travel expenses;

       (2) Expanding the scope and standards of travel expenses without authorization;

       (3) Failure to reimburse travel expenses as required;

       (4) Passing on travel expenses;

       (5) Providing false information;

       (6) Other violations of these regulations.

    For those who violate one of the behaviors listed above,Audited by the college、Discipline inspection and supervision and finance departments ordered corrections,Involving illegal funds,Recover。To those directly responsible and relevant responsible persons,The college will impose sanctions according to regulations。Suspected of illegal activities,Transfer to judicial authorities。


    Chapter 10  Attachment  then

      Article 34  The Financial Assets Department of the college is responsible for interpreting these regulations.

    Article 35  These Measures shall be implemented from the date of issuance.


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