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March 17, 2021 13:14  点击:[]



Young"Mother of Prairie" is Guima and "Children of the State"


1959,New China encounters the most difficult period in history,Shanghai、Jiangsu、The welfare home in Anhui and other places has retained the abandoned baby several times more than normal years,Thousands of children who have been adopted face the threat of death at any time。In the State Council Premier Zhou Enlai、The concern of Kang Keqing, Chairman of the National Women's Federation,A batch of milk powder is allocated urgently from Inner Mongolia,But this is just a cup m88 online sports bettingof water salary。At that time, the chairman of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Ulanf proposal,Take the orphans from these places to the grassland,Disposal to the Mongolian family fostering。Ulanv's eldest daughter Yun Shubi is still fresh for this historical memory。

Yun Shubi: Sister Kang came to my father (say),Your Inner Mongolia milk more,Can you give Shanghai in the south、Jiangsu orphans? My father said,What should you do if you want to drink it? This is not a long -term,​​What should I do? You just give us that child。

From1960 to 1963,Nearly 3,000 malnutrition orphans have been sent to the grassland,These children,The biggest seven -year -old at that time,The smallest is only a few months。They have a common name- "Children of the State",They have a common mother- "Prairie Mother"。Director Ning Cai, who m88 best betting websitehad put this history on the screen, said,The herdsman family who participated in the adoption promised to the country: "Take a one,Live a,Strong。”

Ningcai: At that time, they adopted children,He has to meet the conditions。So the first thing that must be guaranteed is whether there are cows。Because you have to let her eat because these children,Many people want to raise,But their family has no cow。How did some people do? Hey to sell your own horse。

TV series "Quiet Aimin River" fragment: My name is Biliger,Is the herdsman of the Aimin Gelay Prairie,I used to be an orphan,Shanghai orphan, which is raised by this grassland...

In order not to add a burden on the raising family,Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region mobilized rich materials。In order to make the southern children who love to eat rice, adapt to it as soon as possible,Local distributing them for rice and candy。m88 online bettingThis year,Two -year -old girl from Anhui was named by adoptive parents on the grassland"Tonggraga" means "clear" in Mongolian.

Tonggraga: (to me) Special good,(Mother) Good to me because I quit my job。I just need to say that she must do it for me,How to have difficulties,Also I have never lost things。I am so good now,I am the credit of my parents。So I came here from that place (Anhui),I never regret it again。

Countless grassland mothers use their big minds and warm love to raise these children to raise these children,Carefully take care of them like their children,From this,These"Children of the country" started their new life on the grassland。The Mongolian writer Sa Rentotia, who wrote the novel "Quiet Aimin River", said,Behind this legendary history,Is surpassing nation、Beyond the region、Love beyond m88 slot machine casinoblood,It is the affection and responsibility of watching the help of the Chinese nation。

Sa Rentotia: I found that the grassland people never called who is"Orphan",They are collectively referred to as "children of the country"。In the hearts of these herders in the grassland,No "lone",Only "dear"。


Source: Communist Party Member Network

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