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  March 25, 1940

Mao Zedong drafted the instructions for the Studies of the CPC Central Committee and the Central Military Commission to draft the stubborn struggle strategy。Telegraph pointed out: In the struggle against the stubborn faction to attack me,When the stubborn elements did not change to open pseudo -army and public as traitors,Specifically pointed out that someone surrendered to the Japanese invaders or refers to someone is a traitor and publicized and Chen reported that the Kuomintang is inappropriate。Doing this not only does not understand the society,Lost the sympathy of the middle school,and causing the Kuomintang's anger,And hinders us to work united with stubbornly united in the anti -rubbing told for a while。Therefore, in addition to the public transformation into a pseudo -army and open enemies, in the future,Do not disclose that someone is a traitor。Special be cautious for the Central Army,Some rubbing people,It should only collect its friction materials,Don't wear a big hat easily。and let the cadres understand,The so -called national and Communist cooperation,It mainly cooperates with the Central Army,My all cadres are in strengthening the work of all troops,We must pay special attention to the solidarity and persuasion of the Central Army。

  March 25, 1982

Deng Xiaoping met with the Brazilian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Gralo, m88 live casino and sports m88 online bettingbettingtalked about strengthening the issue of cooperation between the third world countries: Although our third world country is politically、Economically made progress,But there are always some people in the world who look down on us,Want to bully us,Therefore, we must attach great importance to the relationship between the development of the third world countries。Now the third world developing countries have some things that can be used by each other,This is very different from the past。In terms of newer science and technology,Cooperation without developed countries,In other widely aspects,Cooperation between home home home,It can be solved to some extent。This is an important part of the development of developing countries itself。

  March 25, 1984

Deng Xiaoping met with Japanese Prime Minister, Zeng Kanghima, who talked about China ’s goal, pointed out:,GDP of national product reaches 800 US dollars,It is to establish a well -off society in China at the end of this century。This well -off society,It is called Chinese -style modernization。Twist of two times,Xiaokang Society,Chinese -style modernization,These are our new concepts。Twist of two times,Divided into the first ten years and the next ten years,The first ten years mainly prepared for the faster development of the next ten years。This preparation includes four aspects,One is energy,One is transportation,One is raw material,One is intelligence。This requires a lot of funds,We are very lacking,So you must adhere to the open policy,Welcome to cooperation of international funds。Part of this conversation is based on the title "Development of Sino -Japanese Relations",Income "Selection of Deng Xiaoping" Volume 3。

  March 25, 1985

Deng Xiaoping met with 19 American press peopleWhen talking about the contribution of China to humans when it comes to visiting the Chinese group: contribute to humans,I am in two aspects: First, we get rid of poverty,It shows that the country that accounts for a quarter of human beings has done this,can make more contributions to human beings。This contribution,Including the experience of how to develop its own country with an underdeveloped country,can also provide more help to their development。Second, every step of China develops,Increase international peace forces。China is a peaceful and stable force。We need peace most,Don’t want war。Our first task is to oppose hegemony,Maintaining the world peace。

He talked about China's reform and opening up policy pointed out: From the start of our strategic goals,Call our construction as the four modernizations of socialism。We often talk about four modernization,It is often easy to ignore the subject: socialism。In order to achieve the four modernization of socialism,We have formulated a series of guidelines and policies。The biggest policy is two open,That is, an open policy for internal and external。Open policy has begun to work now。We will open to the outside world to open some unhealthy factors,But compare,The biggest benefit is that it has developed social productivity。

  March 25, 2013

Xi Jinping delivered a speech at the International Conference Center of Tanzani Niire,Comprehensively explain the peace and peace of China in the new period、Policy proposition of promoting development。He emphasized,Promoting China -Africa cooperation is the common wish of the people of both parties,Is the general trend、Human m88 online bettingHeart m88 online bettingBest。Under the new situation,The importance of China -Africa relations is not reduced but increased,The common interests of the two parties are not reduced but increased,Chinese development will not weaken for non -relationships、It will only be strengthened。First,Treat African friends,Let's talk about one"True" word。We always take the development of unity with African countries as an important basis for China's foreign policy,This will never change due to China's own development and international status。China will continue to support each other with Africa on issues involving the core interests of the other party and major concerns。China sincerely wish and firmly support Africa joint self -improvement,Promote Africa peace and development。Second,Carry out non -cooperation with non -cooperation,Let's speak a "real" word。As long as it is a commitment made by China,It will definitely be done without discounting。China will continue to provide due to the development of Africa、Do not add any political conditions for help。Third,Strengthen China -Africa Friendship,Let's speak a "pro" word。The people of China and Africa have a natural sense of closeness。We need to pay more attention to China -Africa humanities exchange,Actively promote youth exchange,Make China -Africa friendly career followers。 Fourth,Solve problems in cooperation,Let's speak a word "sincerity"。China Frankly faces new situations and new problems facing China -Africa relations,With mutual respect、The spirit of win -win cooperation will be properly solved。

Looking back at party history


  March 25th -May 4th Northwest Field Corps under the command of Peng m88 best betting websiteDehuai,Perform the ten times m88 online sports bettingthe enemy of my own,Make it in the dilemma of fatigue and lack of food,Obtained youth、Yangma River、Three Battle and Three Battle of Pinglong Town,A total of more than 14,000 enemies,The foundation for shattering Hu Zongnan's offense。


  March 25th -April 13th Session of the Seventh National People's Congress was held。The meeting decided to set up Hainan Province、Establish a Special Economic Zone of Hainan; approve the reform plan of the State Council institution,The first time after the first time of various departments "fixed functions、Fixed Organization、Fixedly preparation "" three setting "work。Meeting Election Yang Shangkun as President,Wanli is the chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress,Deng Xiaoping is chairman of the National Central Military Commission,Determined Li Peng as the Premier of the State Council。


  March 25th Executive Meeting of the State Council adopted the "China 21st Century Fair Avera",Determine the implementation of sustainable development strategies。


  March 25th Xi Jinping gave a speech at the Tannianreir International Conference Center,For the first time proposed the "true and sincere" concept of non -policy concepts and correct righteousness。

History moment


March 25, 1949,Mao Zedong reviews the troops at Xiyuan Airport in Peiping。


Source: Communist Party Member Network


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