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  April 24, 1939

Mao Zedong spoke at the preliminary summary conference of the production movement of the Anti -Japanese Military and Political University。Speaking point out: The same agency that resists Datong,The mission of the first stage of production has been completed,This proves that the plan determined by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China can be realized。History for thousands of years as an official without farming,Readers do not cultivate fields,If the National Party and Government Military,The party's party,As an official,Everyone does,Isn't that a new China yet? You combine the workers, peasants and business soldiers。You are studying for learning,The wasteland is farm,Making Kiln Caves to make shoes is a job,Office cooperative is a business,​​You are military again,You are a combination of workers, peasants and business soldiers on a person,Cultural and military cooperation,Combination of knowledge and labor,Can be regarded as the first in the world。Division of revolution、The standard of non -revolutionary and counter -revolutionary intellectuals is only one,Just depends on whether he is a combination of the same workers and agriculture。We can not only organize workers and peasants,Training workers and peasants,and also do workers and peasants,So we will be more revolutionary。Revolutionary intellectuals are only combined with workers and farmers,can become a real revolutionary intellectual。

  April 24, 1945

Mao Zedong submitted a written political report on the Seven CPC National Congress of the Communist Party of China。The report analyzes the international and domestic situation,systematically summarized the two different guidance routes in the Anti -Japanese War and the basic experience of the people's war,Elaborate the general program and specific program of the Communist Party of China at the stage of the national democratic revolution,It is pointed out that the Chinese people should strive to defeat the invaders、Build the future of New China。

About the general program,Report states: Our proposition is,After completely defeating the Japanese invaders,Establish a national system of a united front under the leadership of the working class under the leadership of the working class,That is the national system of new democraticism。

About the specific program,The main content of the report is: completely eliminate Japanese aggressors,Do not compromise halfway; abolish the Kuomintang m88 best betting websiteone -party dictatorship,Establish a joint government of democracy; strive for the freedom of the people; implement the unity of the people; establish the army of the people; implement rural reforms (implementation of rent reduction and interest rate reduction during the anti -Japanese period); development of ethnic industries; development of cultural and educational undertakings,Unity intellectuals; fight for ethnic minorities in politics、Economy、Liberation and development of culture; establish peace、Independent、Democratic diplomacy。In these specific programs,The most important thing is to establish a joint government。All these specific programs,With,It is impossible to achieve smoothly in China。

Report talks about judging the historical role of a political party,point out: The policies and practices of all Chinese political parties in the Chinese people are good or bad、Size,In the final analysis,See if it helps the development of the Chinese people's productivity and its help,See it is a restraint of productivity,Still liberating productivity。

Report talk about the problem of absorbing foreign capital,Point out: For the development of industry,Need a large number of capital。Where do you come from? However, two aspects: mainly depend on the Chinese people to accumulate capital,At the same time with the help of foreign aid。Obief of the Chinese Law、Under the conditions of the Chinese economy,Foreign investment is what we are welcome。A career that is beneficial to both Chinese people and foreign people,It is China who is getting a consolidated domestic peace and international peace,After getting a thorough political reform and land reform,Able to develop large -scale and modern agriculture。On this basis,The capacity of foreign investment will be very vast。A political backstream and economic poverty China,Not only is it very unfavorable to the Chinese people,It is also unfavorable to foreign people。

The report also pointed out: the Communist Party of China with the theoretical and thought of Marxism -Leninism,New work style in the Chinese people,The main thing is the combination of theory and practice,The style of closely linked with the people and the style of self -criticism。These three styles are significant signs that the Communist Party distinguished from other political parties,is the way to make the party's route、The fundamental guarantee of policy and policies can be successfully implemented。Serving the people wholeheartedly,It is not separated from the masses for a moment; everything starts from the interests of the people,instead of starting from the interests of individuals or small groups; the consistency of responsibility to the people and the party's leadership agency; these are our starting point。It should make each comrade m88 online sports bettingclear,All remarks and actions of the Communists,It must be the greatest interest of the most vast people,The highest standard supported by the most popular people。This report revenue "Mao Zedong Selected Works" Volume 3。

On the same day, Mao Zedong made a verbal explanation of the written political report on "On the United Government" at the Seven Congress of the Communist Party of China。When talking about the route problem: Our route,Our program,Summary with a sentence,is "the anti -imperialist and anti -feudal revolution of the people led by the proletariat"。The main part of the people is farmers,Forgot that farmers have no Chinese democratic revolution,There is no Chinese socialist revolution,There is no revolution。But as a party,As a leadership idea,We and farmers must distinguish between boundaries,Don't mix with farmers。I said don’t mix with farmers,means to increase the peasant one step,Improve the level of the proletariat。If you don't believe this,Not Marxists。In the future, we will engage in mechanization,To engage in collective,That is to improve them。About policy aspect,He listed eleven questions。Where,About capitalism,Point out: For this question,Some people in our party are not clear for a long time,There is a populist thought。This kind of thought,Party members who are from farmers accounted for the majority of the party for a long time exist。so -called populism,It is to develop directly from the feudal economy to the socialist economy,In the middle of the development of capitalism。Russia's populist is like this。Our comrades are very anxious about eliminating capitalism,It's too urgent。We are not afraid of developing capitalism。Talking about personality and party spirit,Point out: Some people say that the Communist Party is going to eliminate personalities,As long as the opinions of the party spirit are incorrect。Party spirit is universal,Personality is specialty,No universality is not based on the particularity of the building。Where is there any universal nature? No party members' personality,Where can I have a party spirit? Equins all kinds of differences,Results will cancel unity,Dipping the particularity without unity。He also advocates,To tell the truth within the party,"Don't steal、Not pretend、Not blowing ",Every Communist Party member should be like this。His proposal to read five Malaysian works: "Communist Declaration"、"Socialism from the development of science"、"Two Strategy of the Democratic Party in the Democratic Revolution"、"" Left "childish disease in the Communist Movement" and "A Concise Course of the Party History of the Communist Party (Bu)"。This report revenue income "Mao Zedong's Collection" Volume 3。

  April 24, 1998  

Jiang Zemin pointed out in the speech at the expansion m88 online sports bettingof the Central Military Commission: The sensitivity of the army for the development of science and technology,far exceeds other departments。You can see it clearly now,Knowledge as an important military element,The role of the military construction and military struggle is becoming more and more prominent。Future informatization war,In a sense,,is the contest of knowledge。Challenge to welcome world military changes,On the one hand, we have to do "hardware" such as weapons and equipment,On the other hand, we must attach great importance to improving the role of "software" such as system establishment。System establishment scientific and reasonable,Can better absorb the results of high -tech development,Give full play to the enthusiasm and creativity of talents,Improve leadership、Command and management efficiency,Optimize the system function of the entire army,The best combination of people and weapons。Adjustment and reform of the preparation of the system will produce military economic benefits、Fighting power。Part of the content of this speech income "Jiang Zemin's theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics (special excerpts)"。

  April 24, 2011  

Hu Jintao's speech at the 00th anniversary of the establishment of Tsinghua University,To comprehensively improve the quality of higher education。He pointed out: Higher education is an important combination point for the first productivity and talent first resources of science and technology,It has a very important position and role in national development。Continuously improve quality,Is the lifeline of higher education,It must always run through the talent training of talents in colleges and universities、Scientific Studies、Social Service、In various tasks of cultural heritage and innovation。Must adapt to the realization of economy and society is good and fast development、Promote the comprehensive development of people、Requirements to promote the harmonious progress of society,Adhere to the connotative development road,Drawing on international advanced concepts and experience,Comprehensively improve the quality of higher education,Continuously provide strong talent guarantee and intellectual support for socialist modernization。To comprehensively improve the quality of higher education, we must vigorously improve the level of talent training、Enhanced scientific research ability、Serving economic and social development、Promoting cultural heritage innovation。

Looking back at party history


Around April 24th Mao Zedong and Zhu De、The Nanchang Uprising led by Chen Yi is in the victory meeting of Ninggang City City。According to Mao Zedong's opinion,It is determined to be based on the middle section of the Luo Xiao Mountains,Movement of mass struggle,Implementation of the Land Revolution,Develop north,Guidelines for guerrillas m88 best betting websiteto the south。and decide to establish the Fourth Army of the Workers and Peasants Revolutionary Army,June renamed the Fourth Army of the Red Army (referred to as the Red Fourth Army)。


April 24th North China Military Region No. 18、19、Twenty Corps captured Taiyuan, Shanxi Province,The Taiyuan Campaign, which lasted more than 6 months, annihilated more than 135,000 Kuomintang Army,More than 84,000 people who defend the enemy,End the reactionary rule of Yan Xishan in Shanxi 38 years。April 29,Datong defending the enemy to accept peace adaptation,Shanxi Province will be liberated so far。


On April 24,point out: People's governments at all levels must organize the general rules of the people at all levels,Hold a people's congress meeting on schedule,Among them, big cities must meet at least three times a year,The county must meet at least twice; all major tasks of the people's governments at all levels,Reports shall be submitted to the people's representative meetings at all levels,and discuss and review at the people's congress; all major issues should be discussed and decided by the representative meeting。On the same day,The Government Council also issues instructions,Requires cities with more than 100,000 people to hold district people's congresses。


On April 24th, my country successfully launched the first artificial earth satellite- "Oriental Red" No. 1。Satellite running track,The closest point to the earth is 439 kilometers,The farthest point is 2384 kilometers,River plane and earth equatorial angle 68.5 degrees,114 minutes around Earth。Satellite weight 173 kg。"Oriental Red" No. 1 launched successful,Make my country the fifth country in the world to develop and launch artificial earth satellites,It marks that my country has achieved a historic major breakthrough in the research of Aerospace's technology。


On April 24th, the "Trial Measures on the Taxation of State -owned Enterprises' Constitutional Reform of Enterprises" formulated by the State Council was transferred to the Ministry of Finance,The way to make a state -owned enterprise originally paid the country,Taxes to the state in accordance with the tax and tax rates stipulated by the state。


On April 24th, the eighth meeting of the Standing Committee of the 12th National People's Congress passed the revised "Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China"。

History moment

In April 1945, Mao Zedong and Zhu De were at the seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

In April 1945, Mao Zedong and Zhu De were at the seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

Source: Communist Party Member Network

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