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May 19, 1935

Mao Zedong is about to lead Liu Bocheng in the Yi District with Liu Bocheng, who is about to lead the Dadu River in the Yi District。Talk: The mission of the advance team,Not going to fight,but to promote the party's national policy,Use policy's appeal to reach friendly with Yi Min。As long as we use the whole army to implement discipline and the party's national policy,Get the trust and sympathy of the Yi people,Yi Min will not hit us,It will also help us through the Yi area,Stopping through the Dadu River first。

May 19, 1941

Mao Zedong made a report on "Reform Our Learning" at the Yan'an Senior Cadre Meeting。The report deeply discusses the principle of combining the basic principles of Marxism -Leninism with the actual reality of the Chinese revolution,sharply criticized the subjective style,The importance of "seeking truth from facts" is prominently emphasized,Call the whole party to pay attention to investigation and research,Establish Marxist style that is unified in theory and actual situation。Report points out: I advocate transforming our party's learning methods and learning systems。Twenty years of the Communist Party of China,It is the 20 years of the general truth of Marx Leninism and the specific m88 best betting websitepractice of the Chinese revolution。The Chinese nation with a deep disaster,For 100 years,Its excellent figures fight for sacrifice,Before the successor,Truth of Futing on the country and saving the people,Is a singing and crying。But until the First World War and the October Revolution of Russia,Only found the best truth of Marx Leninism,The best weapon for liberating our nation,and the Communist Party of China is the advocate of this weapon、Propagators and Organizers。The general truth of Marxism -Leninism is combined with the specific practice of the Chinese revolution,new faces of the Chinese revolution are new。But in combination with the general practice of Marxism -Leninism and the specific practice of the Chinese revolution,There is still a big disadvantage,I don’t pay attention to the status quo,Do not pay attention to research history,Do not pay attention to the application of Marxism -Leninism。Many people in our party learn Marxism in our party are directly violating Marxism。Therefore,Learn Marx Leninism Theory,There are two opposite attitudes。A attitude of subjectiveism。This attitude violates the basic principles of the theory and reality the basic principles of the Marxism。Under this attitude,is to study the theory of Marxism -Leninism abstractly。Not to solve the theoretical problem of the Chinese revolution、Strategic issues to Marx、Engels、Lenin、Find a position in Stalin,Find a point of view,Finding method,but to learn theory for simply learning theory。Not targeted,but there is no target。They have no interest in studying today's China and yesterday’s China,Only put interest on the "theoretical" research that is separated from the actual empty hole。Many people do actual work,Research on the object of not paying attention to the objective situation,Often with enthusiasm,Taking feelings as a policy。This style of style,Take yourself,It hurts myself; I taught people,It hurts others; I took the guidance revolution,It hurts the revolution。In short,This anti -scientific anti -Marxist Leninist subjective method,Is the enemy of the Communist Party,Is the enemy of the working class,Is the enemy of the people,Is the enemy of the nation,It is a manifestation of impure party spirit。The other is the attitude of Marx Leninism。Under this attitude,Just don't cut off history。Just understand Greece,Also understand China; not only to understand the history of foreign revolution,Also understand the history of the Chinese revolution; not only to understand China today,Also understand China’s yesterday and the day before yesterday。Under this attitude,It is to go to study the theory of Marxism -Leninism with a destination,It is necessary to combine the theory of Marxism -Leninism with the actual movement of the Chinese revolution,It is to find a position to solve the theoretical and strategic problems of the Chinese revolution,Find a point of view,Finding m88 live casino and sports bettingmethod。This attitude,There is a targeted attitude。"" is the Chinese Revolution,"Ya" is Marx Leninism。This attitude,is the attitude of seeking truth from facts。"Performance" is everything that exists objectively,"Yes" is the internal connection of objective things,That is regular,"Seeking" is what we study。This attitude,The meaning of seeking truth from facts,The heart of no popularity。This attitude,is the expression of party spirit,It is the style of the theory and the actual unity of Marxism -Leninism。This is the attitude that a Communist Party should have at least should have。The report also puts forward three suggestions: (1) proposed to the entire party to thoroughly study the tasks of the surrounding environment.,Talents should be gathered,Working in a division of labor,overcome the state of no organization;,It should be established as the center of studying the actual problems of the Chinese revolution,policy guided by the basic principles of Marxism -Leninism,Abolition of the method of studying Marxism in isolation。Finally emphasized: we have walked many detours。But errors are often correct pilot。In such a vivid and rich Chinese revolutionary environment and the world revolution environment,This transformation of our learning issues,I believe there will be good results。This report and "Rectification of the Party's Style", "Eight Stocks of the opposition",It is one of the must -read files for rectification,It is the basic work of Mao Zedong's construction of party style and learning style。This report income "Mao Zedong Selected Works" Volume 3。

May 19, 1985

Deng Xiaoping's speech at the National Education Work Conference pointed out the urgency of development education: Our country,The strength of the national strength,The size of the economic development stamina,More and more depends on the quality of the workers,Depending on the quantity and quality of intellectuals。a big country with a billion population,Education is going up,The huge advantage of talent resources is that any country cannot compare。With talent advantages,plus an advanced socialist system,Our goal is sure to achieve。The central government proposes to grasp education with great efforts,and grab it from primary and secondary m88 online bettingschools,This is a strategic vision。If you don’t propose such a task to the whole party now,I will mistake the big things,It is necessary to bear the responsibility of history。Haven't we already realized the transfer of national work focus? This focus,It should originally include education。A area,A department,If you only catch the economy,No education,The focus of the job there is that there is no transfer,or incomplete transfer。Leader of Education,Is a lack of vision、Immature leaders,It can not lead to modernization construction。Leaders at all levels should do a good job of education like economic work。Party committees and governments at all levels,Education should not only catch,and hurry up、Grasp,Strict requirements,Speak less empty talk,Duoyan。This speech is based on the title of "Holding Education Education Care",Income "Deng Xiaoping Selected" Volume 3。

May 19, 2015

Xi Jinping pointed out when meeting the representatives of the National Security Organs' summary and commendation conference,Current,my country is in a well -off society in an all -round way、Comprehensive deepening reform、Fully rule the country in accordance with the law、The important period of comprehensive and strict governance of the party,Facing a complex and changeable security and development environment,Various predictable and unpredictable risk factors increased significantly,Maintenance of national security and social stability tasks heavy and arduous。We must attach great importance to strengthening national security work,Unified thoughts and actions into the Party Central Committee's decision -making deployment of national security work,Preventing in accordance with the law、Stop、illegal and criminal activities that strikes our national security and interests。Party committees and governments at all levels should pay attention to、Understanding、Support the work of national security organs,Tongxin cooperates to create a new situation of national security work。 He pointed out,firm ideals and beliefs,Absolute loyalty to the party,It is the consistent requirement of the party and the people to the national security organs,Under the new historical m88 live casino and sports bettingconditions, we must still unswervingly persist and strengthen。To summarize experience,Strict management,Efforts to create a firm and pure、Let the party rest assured、Gan Yu Dedication、Cadre team that can win good wins。

Eye of the Party History


On May 19th, Mao Zedong made a report on "Reform Our Study" at the Yan'an Senior Cadre Meeting,profoundly criticized the bad style of subjectiveism,Marxist style that calls on the whole party to establish theoretical and practical truth -seeking。July 1,The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China made "Decision on Strengthening the Party"。August 1,Make "Decision on Investigation and Research"。September 10th to October 22,The Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China holds a expansion meeting。The meeting decided to launch the ideological revolution in the whole party,Opposition of subjective and sectarian。September 26,The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to set up a Central Learning Research Group,Mao Zedong as the team leader,Wang Jiaxiang is the deputy team leader,The main task is to study Marxist Leninism theory and party historical experience,To overcome the wrong thoughts such as subjectiveism and formalism。At the same time, decide to establish a high -level learning group in various places,Organizational senior cadre learning。


May 19 with friendly consultation,China and the European Union reached a bilateral agreement on China to join the World Trade Organization in Beijing。


May 19th issued the "Opinions on Strong Learning and Practicing the Constitution of Socialism and Rapid to Strengthen the Construction of Ideological and Morality" issued by the Central Spiritual Civilization Construction Guidance Committee。

History moment

May 19, 1950, the People's Liberation Army liberated the Zhoushan Islands. The picture shows the military and civilians of Zhoushan held a celebration and liberation meeting.

May 19, 1950, the People's Liberation Army liberated the Zhoushan Islands. The picture shows the military and civilians of Zhoushan held a celebration and liberation meeting.

Source: Communist Party Member Network

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