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June 14, 1944

"Liberation Daily" published Mao Zedong's editorial "Memorial United Nations Day,Defend Xi'an and Northwest! 》。Social Acting points out: Europe and Pacific have already turned into offense,Europe has entered the decisive battle stage,But Japanese invaders are still attacking China,China not only has no signs of the offensive,And can’t stop retreating,This is the new situation in China today。There are also two situations in China,The battlefield behind the enemy is offensive,The front battlefield is retreat。What is the reason for this? the reason is simple,The Communist Party insists on unity and democracy,There is full of patriotism and persistent vigor that is full of the patriotism of the enemy and defending the country。The Kuomintang is not,No unity and democratic policy,It is known to both at home and abroad; I only know that reaching out to ask for things from the allies,Relying on the allies to fight Japan,Few intentional intentions and plans。We hope that our government and the Kuomintang ruler will immediately conduct serious self -criticism,Modify your own policy。Only unity and democracy,Leaving these,Military crisis cannot be resolved。The most serious task at present is to defend Xi'an,Defend Shaanxi and Northwest。This editorial income "Mao Zedong's Collection" Volume 3。

June 14, 1950

The Second Session of the First Session of the CPPCC National Committee was held in Beijing。Mao Zedong to the opening speech,Point out: We have a great and correct "Common Program" as a guidelines for the discussion of the inspection work。"Common Program" must be fully implemented,This is the current fundamental Dafa of our country。The People's Political Consultative Conference and the National Committee they have selected,It is the unity of all nations across the country、Democratic class、Democratic parties、Political Organization of the great united front of people's organizations and democrats from all walks of life,We must consolidate this unity,Consolidate our united front,Leading the people of the whole country to achieve their own purposes steadily。

Liu Shaoqi's "Report on Land Reform Issues",For the "Land Reform Law of the People's Republic of China (Draft)" and some things that should be noted in the land reform,Perform specific instructions。Report points out: Basic content of land reform,is the land of the landlord class,allocated to farmers who have no land。This,As a class,The class of the landlord is abolished in the society,Change the land ownership of feudal exploitation into farmers' land ownership。such a reform,It is true that the biggest and thorough reform in Chinese history has been the largest and most thorough reform。Why do this reform? general speaking,Because the original land system in China is extremely unreasonable。Ninety percent of the land in the countryside is Zhongnong、Poverty -stricken farmers and part of the employment of farming species,But they only have ownership of some land,There is no ownership of most land。To change this situation,It must be in accordance with m88 slot machine casinom88 live casino and sports bettingthe provisions of Article 1 of the Draft Law Reform Law,Abolishment of land ownership of the landlord class feudal exploitation,The land ownership of farmers is implemented,To liberate rural productivity,Develop agricultural production,Open the road for the industrialization of New China。Our general route in land reform,It should be relied on poor farmers、Employment farmers,Unity Zhongnong,Neutral rich farmers,Step steps to eliminate the feudal exploitation system in separate ways,Develop agricultural production。

At the meeting the next day,Chen Yun's work on the economic situation、Report on the issues of industrial and commercial and taxation。The report points out: At present, some difficulties have occurred in industrial and commercial industries,This is a temporary difficulty brought about by the social and economic structure in the reorganization。Solve these difficulties,It can be done for about three years to complete。For the exchange of products,The state allows private capital to operate business,The people's government protects the interests of all capitalists who are conducive to national economy and people's livelihood,But at the same time opposes all acts that are harmful to the people's livelihood and engage in speculative troubles; the state -owned economy is the leadership of all socio -economic ingredients。These are the basic starting points for our adjustment of public and private economic relations。

Zhou Enlai made a political report at the 16th conference,point out: We must take care of the unity of policies and leaders,Also pay attention to local conditions,Don't focus everything to the central government。If you want to do the work of governments at all levels,It is responsible for layer,Division is responsible,Concentrated Leaders,division of labor cooperation。Report emphasized: from policy,China's economic construction today is the new democraticism,Not socialism;,Not a crowded capital; it is reorganized economic structure,Not destroying the economic structure。

Mao Zedong's closing words on the 23rd on the 23rd on the 23rd on the 23rd, "Do a Complete Revolutionary School"。He pointed out that war and land reform were tested all people in China during the historical period of the new democracy、Two "levels" of all party factions。War level,Already basically passed,Now it is going to pass a level of land reform。As long as the war level、The land reform is all over,The remaining level will be easy to pass,That's one level of socialism,The level of socialist transformation is implemented nationwide。On this big goal,abroad,We must solidly unite the Soviet Union、The main forces of the people's democratic countries and the world in the world; in China,We must consolidate the great prestigious revolutionary united front。To achieve the purpose of consolidating the revolutionary united front,Methods that must be criticized and self -criticism。There are two methods for people's democratic dictatorship,To the enemy is a method of dictatorship。To the people, the opposite of this,Not a compulsive method,Instead of using democratic methods,Work to educate and persuade them。This kind of educational work is the self -education work within the people,The method of criticism and self -criticism is the basic method of self -education。

Mao Zedong's opening and closing words co -compiled income "Mao Zedong's Collection" m88 online bettingVolume 6; Liu Shaoqi'm88 best betting websites report income "Liu Shaoqi Selected Works" next volume; Chen Yun's report revenue "Chen Yunwen Selected" Volume 2。

June 14, 1954

Mao Zedong attended the 30th meeting of the Central People's Government Committee and spoke,Further explains the "Constitution of the People's Republic of China (Draft)"。Speaking point out: This constitutional draft is so people's heart,One of the reasons,It is a method of drafting the opinions of the constitution and the combination of the opinions of the leadership agency and the opinions of the masses。All important legislation must adopt this method。The principle of this draft constitution is basically two: the principles of democracy and the principles of socialism。The principle of people's democracy is stringed in our entire constitution。The other is the principle of socialism。my country now has socialism。Standards in the Constitution,Must complete socialist transformation,Realize the national socialist industrialization of the country。Speaking of the meaning of the constitution,He pointed out: A group must have a charter,A country must also have a charter,The Constitution is a total charter,Is the fundamental Dafa。A form of a fundamental Dafa with a constitution,Fix the principles of people's democracy and socialism,Make the people of the whole country have a clear track,Make the people of the whole country feel a clear and clear and correct road to go,can increase the enthusiasm of the people across the country。Our constitution,Is a constitution of socialist types,But it is not the constitution of completely socialist,It is a constitution during the transition period。We want to unite the people of the whole country now,To unite everything that can be united and should be united,Struggle to build a great socialist country。This constitution is written for this purpose。This speech income "Mao Zedong's Collection" Volume 6。

June 14, 1986

Deng Xiaoping pointed out when meeting the Chairman of the Peruvian Minister's Meeting, Castro, pointed out: Chinese experience can be studied,But I can't copy it。Our important historical experience is oppositionalism。We have done something for decades in the founding of the People's Republic of China,I also experienced very tortuous roads。The most fundamental experience is,When we are exactly based on our own actual,Following the spirit of the spirit of Chairman Mao Zedong's truth -seeking policy,We will succeed,Otherwise, it will be frustrated。After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party,We have formulated a policy of building socialism with Chinese characteristics based on the principles of seeking truth from facts and our actual situation。Proof of more than seven years so far,A series of policies formulated according to their own characteristics are correct for us,Effective。China's experience is in line with China's actual situation,The actual situation of other countries。Be sure to respect history,Respect your own status quo,Starting from your own situation。As a developing country,We always encounter a lot of difficulties in the advance,But as long as you only need to follow your own situation,Adopt independent policy,Federation victory。Make mistakes is inevitable,Summary experience with errors,Explain to the people,Get the support of the people,Difficulty can m88 live casino and sports bettingovercome,Our career will move forward。

June 14, 1994

Jiang Zemin emphasized at the speech at the National Education Work Conference,To put education in the strategic position of priority development。He pointed out: There is a population of nearly 1.2 billion in us like、Resources are relatively insufficient、Countries with relatively backward economy and culture,What is the grand goal of realizing socialist modernization? A decisive significance,It is to transfer economic construction to the track that relies on scientific and technological progress and improve the quality of workers,Really placing education in the strategic position of priority development,Efforts to improve the ideological, moral quality and scientific and cultural quality of the whole nation。This is the fundamental plan to realize my country's modernization。During the process of modernization of socialist modernization,The strategic position of education priority development must always be adhered to,Can't shake。All kinds of schools at all levels must fully implement the party's education policy,Adhere to the direction of socialist school running,The "Four You" newcomers who work hard to cultivate the comprehensive development of morality and physical development。The main part of this speech is "The Hope of Revitalizing the Nation" as the title,Income "Selection of Jiang Zemin" Volume 1。

June 14, 2019

Xi Jinping attended the 19th meeting of the 19th meeting of the head of the head of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and delivered a speech,Point out to discover wisdom from "Shanghai Spirit",Get power from solidarity and cooperation,Make Shanghai Cooperation Organization into a unity and mutual letter、Agreement in safety、mutual benefit and win -win、A model of tolerance and mutual learning,Working together to build a closer to the fate community of the Shanghai m88 online sports bettingCooperation Organization。 He emphasized,Facing the increasing number of global challenges,We want to show the international responsibility,Adhere to the concept of global governance and shared by co -discussion and sharing,Maintain the international system with the United Nations as the core,Promote multilateralism and free trade,Promote the development of international order facing a more fair and reasonable direction。Shanghai Cooperation Organization must improve the partnership layout,Play a more positive role in international and regional affairs,Commonly committed to promoting world -lasting peace and common prosperity。Let us adhere to the "Shanghai Spirit",Gathering Power,pragmatic and acting,Create a better tomorrow for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization。

June 14, 2019

Xi Jinping promoted three suggestions for the three parties when he attended the fifth meeting of China -Russia and Mongolia.。The first is to strategically lead the three parties cooperation。To deepen political mutual trust,Increase mutual support,Respect each other's core interests,Strengthen coordination and cooperation in international and regional affairs。The second is to drive trilogy cooperation with key cooperation。Three parties should promote the implementation of the cooperation project in the China -Mongolia and Russia Economic Corridor framework,Promote the convenience of customs clearance,Promote the upgrade and transformation of key ports,Deepen local cooperation。Third is to expand coordination and cooperation within the m88 online sports bettingframework of Shanghai m88 online sports bettingCooperation Organization。The Shanghai Cooperation Organization is maintaining the security and stability of the area、The role of promoting the development and prosperity of various countries is more prominent。More and more countries hope to strengthen cooperation with the Supreme Organization。I hope that Mongolia will play its own advantages,In -depth participation in the cooperation of SCO Organization,More regional cooperation opportunities,More effectively promoting China -Russia and Mongolia cooperation。

Looking back at party history


June 14th -23rd National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference held a second meeting。The central issue of the meeting is to discuss the issue of reforming the feudal land system。Will on the way,Liu Shaoqi's "Report on Land Reform Issues",clarify the significance of land reform and party policy and policies。Mao Zedong calls in the closing words, including the national bourgeoisie、People from all walks of life including the democratic parties actively support land reform,Like a good war level in the past,Over good land reform,In the future, I will pass the Socialist Pass,Do a complete revolutionary school。The meeting discussed and agreed with Liu Shaoqi's report and the draft land reform law proposed by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China。


June 14th -August 13th, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a national financial work conference。The meeting focused on the implementation of the general route during the implementation of the transition period,It proposed the first five -year construction plan in my country。This draft plan started from 1951,After many modifications,Submit this meeting discussion。The basic task of the first five -year plan,It is the main force to focus on the 156 key projects designed by the Soviet Union、Industrial construction composed of 649 construction units above the limit,Establish the preliminary foundation of my country's socialist industrialization; develop some collective ownership of agricultural production cooperatives,and develop handicraft production cooperatives,Establish a preliminary foundation for the socialist transformation of agriculture and handicrafts; basically incorporate capitalist industry and commerce into various forms of national capitalist tracks,Establish the basis for the socialist transformation of private industry and commerce。within five years,The total investment in the country's economic and cultural and educational construction is more than 76 billion yuan (equivalent to more than 700 million gold)。Use such a large amount of investment for national construction,This is unprecedented in Chinese history。This plan later officially passed at the second meeting of the first National People's Congress in July 1955。The formulation and implementation of the first five -year plan,It lays a preliminary foundation for my country's socialist industrialization,and start to form a highly concentrated planned economic management system。

History moment

From June 14th to 23rd, 1950, the Second Session of the First National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference was held in Beijing.

From June 14th to 23rd, 1950, the Second Session of the First National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference was held in Beijing.

Source: Communist Party Member Network

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