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July 11, 1946

Mao Zedong drafted a telegram for the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China。Telegraph's resolution on the Northeast situation and tasks on the Northeast Bureau on the Northeast Bureau,Mainly: (1) The important part of the proposal to rewrite the first paragraph is: lost the Northeast guilt、Chiang Kai -shek, who recovered the Northeast Northeast,Under the aid of the US reactionary,Violation of Peace -in -law,Great attacking Northeast Liberation Zone。My Northeast Democratic Allied Forces and the Northeast People's,Since the battle of Shanhaiguan last November last year,Until this period of the two armies of the two armies on June 7 this year,Holding the heroic self -defense war。At present, although the two sides are still in the state of war,But there is still possible outbreak of war。Solution of mass work and land issues in the vast region of Northeast China,Starting stage,My rural base is not yet consolidated,Many of my cadres still do not know the necessary and importance of building a long -term hard struggle to establish long -term hardships。At present, the international and domestic situation is conducive to the establishment of the Northeast base and crushing Jiang Jun's possible again,But you must admit your weaknesses and overcome these weaknesses,can achieve the purpose。(2) The important part of the proposal to rewrite the second paragraph of A. The whole party must make the biggest determination,Work hard to prepare all conditions,Crush Jiang Jun offensive,Get peace with the victory of the war。All the ideas of unwavering and lucky gaining peace,Both should be cleaned。m88 slot machine casinoUnder m88 live casino and sports bettingthe general policy of being prepared to achieve peace for a long time with a long -term hardship,Our method,is from war、Work from the masses、Improve people's life from solving land problems,From all other efforts,To increase revolutionary forces,Reduce reaction force,Compare the strength of the two parties to the changes that I have favorable。The most important thing is to fully mobilize the masses,Put our party closely combine with the people。As long as the power of the people increases to us,It will make the enemy's power change that is beneficial to me,Establish a consolidation base,Makes the enemy from defeating us。In short,Peace is a must and can be obtained,But the main dependence should be dependent on the external force。Only self -reliance,Self -reliance,I have a way,I am invincible,Then the international and domestic parties help me for power,,Only to obtain peace,Otherwise, it is unreliable,Is a dangerous。

July 11, 1985

Deng Xiaoping pointed out in the report of the economic situation: the meaning of reform,It is the foundation for laid a good sustainable and sustainable development for the next ten years and the first 50 years of the next century。Without reform, there is no future sustainable development。So,Reform is not just for three years and five years,Instead of seeing 20 years,It depends on the first 50 years of the next century。This matter must be resolutely done。Price reform is a big difficulty,But this is too much。But this level,The foundation of continuous development will not be obtained。Practice of 19 months since the Third Plenary Session of the Twelfth Central Committee,Price reform is right。I am afraid that the price of life information may be used for three years,Reform of the price of production materials,longer time。If you use five years to straighten the price relationship,That's a great thing。This job is very difficult。The momentum m88 best betting websiteof m88 online bettingreform is good,To persist,This way must go。Even if there will be a storm in the future,Even a big storm appears,Reform must also persist。Otherwise,There is no hope for the next ten years。We have to seize the opportunity,Now is the best time to reform。Production of industrial production, especially export products,Center is to improve quality,Put the quality to the first place。Township enterprises must also grasp quality。To improve quality,It must be reformed。It is necessary to make some ways,There must be a set of quality inspection standards,And there must be a strong institution to strictly implement。This level holds it,can reduce many disadvantages,Stuck in those acts that falsify。Quality problems, although often mentioned,But now it is just a normal way,Make it prominently,Grab it effectively。Part of the conversation income "Selection of Deng Xiaoping" Volume 3,Title "Seize the timing,Promotion Reform。

July 11, 2001

Jiang Zemin emphasized at the legal lecture held by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China,To promote the rapid and healthy development of my country's information network。He pointed out: Today's World,Solidarity of scientific and technological progress,Especially information technology and network technology develops rapidly,Politics for the world、Economy、Military、Technology、Culture、Social and other fields have a profound impact。This must attract our high attention。The Fifth Plenary Session of the 15th Central Committee of the Party proposed,To vigorously promote the national economy and social information,Drive industrialization with informatization,Exception after performance,Leapy development of social productivity。This is a strategic measure that is related to the global construction of my country's modernization。Questions on information networking,Our basic policy is: active m88 slot machine casinom88 slot machine casinodevelopment,Strengthen management,Profitable to avoid harm,I used it for me,Efforts to occupy an active position in the development of global information network。This speech is based on the title "Promote the rapid and healthy development of my country's information network",Income "Selection of Jiang Zemin" Volume 3。

July 11th to 12th, 2013

Xi Jinping pointed out when investigating and guiding the party's mass line education and practice activities in Hebei Province,For our Communists,The history of Chinese revolution is the best nutritional agent。Multi -heavily warn the great history of our party leading the people to carry out revolution,A lot of positive energy will be added in my heart。He pointed out,Comrade Mao Zedong proposed "two must" in Xibaipo that year,It contains a deep reference for the rules of historical chaos in my country,It contains a deep summary of the hard work of our party's hard work,Contains the advancedness and purity of the party that is victorious、Deep worry about the long -term security of the people's regime that is about to be born,It contains a deep understanding of the fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly for our party,The ideological significance and historical significance are far -reaching。Comrades of the whole party must continue to learn to understand the deep thoughts of "two must",Always be humble and cautious、Hard struggle、Seeking truth from facts、One heart for the people,Continue to take the people's "test" for our party、The "exam" test that our party is undergoing and will undergo various tests,Makes our party never deteriorate、Our red rivers and mountains will never change color。

Looking back at party history


July 11th Member of the Central Committee of the China Democratic Alliance、One of the heads of the Yunnan Branch Li Gongbu,was assassinated in Kunming on the 11th。15th,Member of the Central Committee of the China Democratic Alliance、Professor of m88 slot machine casinoSouthwest United University Wen m88 online bettingYiduo was also assassinated in Kunming。Zhou Enlai held a press conference in Nanjing,Published "Strict Statement of Raising Civil War and Political Assassination"。Statement states that China is currently the most serious,1 is the civil war,The second is political assassination。"Kunming twice political assassination,enough to fundamentally shake the overall situation of unity and cooperation between the democratic parties of the country and the Kuomintang authorities "。


On July 11th, the Chinese government submitted an application for the general director of the World Tariff and Trade Agreement on the resumption of the status of China -General Agreement on the General State of Customs and Trade,and prepare to negotiate with the parties to the General Confederation of the Guanfeng General Agreement on this issue。


July 11 The Great Proletarian Revolutionary、Politician、Famous social activist,firm Marxist、Excellent leaders of the party and the country,The pioneer of the Chinese Women's Movement Deng Yingchao died in Beijing due to illness,88 years old。


On July 11, the State Council issued the "Notice on Establishing the Minimum Life Guarantee System in Rural Rural"。Point out,All eligible rural poor people are included in the guarantee range,Stable、Long -last、Effectively solve the problem of food and clothing for poor people in rural areas across the country。


On July 11th, the Chinese People's Liberation Army in Djibouti Sales Base was established。

History moment

The picture shows Mao Zedong in the early days of the Anti -Japanese War.

The picture shows Mao Zedong in the early days of the Anti -Japanese War.

Source: Communist Party Member Network

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