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July 18, 1936

Mao Zedong Tongsuo talks about the internal policy of the Soviet government for internal policy,It is emphasized that if Chiang Kai -shek is willing to resist Japan,Our army can be placed under his command。Talk pointed out: In China, it is facing an urgent juncture that is going to become a Japanese slave,To form a national front of all patriotic elements formed a national front,Our policy has changed in many aspects。Since the Soviet Movement,,We will always welcome intellectuals。All freelancers,All rights to Soviet citizens。petty bourgeoisie、Little businessman, etc.,Give political rights。Born in a capitalist or landlord family,But I participated in the revolution,Give all the rights of Soviet citizens,and can be elected as an official position。The land of rich farmers is not confiscated,The confiscated landlord also gives them a land。The property of the small landlord is not confiscated。Landlords participating in the Anti -Japanese Movement,Give special views。War against Japanese imperialism,It cannot be limited to the participation of any class,It is also impossible to conduct on a separate front。Some capitalists,Some bankers,Even many landlords and many military officers in the Kuomintang army,It has expressed their volunteers for their nation's liberation,We cannot refuse them to take on a position in this struggle。and even Chiang Kai -shek,If he decides to participate in the Anti -Japanese War,We will also welcome him to participate。As you know,We have written a lot of letters and official documents for him,Show our sincerity for this,And proposal: On the day he is willing to resist Japan,Put our army under his command。But only Chiang m88 best betting websiteKai -shek can decide,Never delay it for a long time。Now our purpose,Not socialism,Not to be communism,What we require is the establishment of the Democratic Republic of the whole nation。Even if the Republic of Democratic Republic is achieved,We cannot immediately implement socialism。In China,Realizing socialism,It will not be as fast as the Soviet Union,Because China is a semi -colonial and half -feudal country,There is a longer and more difficult road to go。

July 18, 1948

At an attempt for Chiang Kai -shek to "seek peace",The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued instructions on exposing the Kuomintang's peaceful conspiracy。Instructions point out: the so -called peace movement of the reactionist,It's just that when the war fails, find the chance of breathing to use the conspiracy plan for war again。The Kuomintang reactionary government must defeat,The reactionary army must lift the armed forces,People's Democratic Government must be established nationwide,American aggression forces must withdraw from China,China must achieve complete independence,China can have real peace。If we are unwilling to be destroyed by the enemy,You must fight the war to the end,Do not go to the reactionaries。Mao Zedong wrote a paragraph on the manuscript and stated that: Our party's exposure work nationwide,The situation after the enemy peace movement should be launched,On the one hand, resolutely expose the deception of enemy and transport,Make the masses from being deceived。On the other hand,Call the masses to get up to oppose false peace,Requirement of true peace。Its specific requirements,It should be the United States stop assisting the Kuomintang,US military and US military delegations withdraw from China,Cancel China Treaty of China to all the traitors of the United States,The Kuomintang and its government publicly acknowledged the error of launching civil war to the people,Punish all war criminals,Cancel the reactionary government established m88 online bettingin accordance with the pseudo -constitutional University and the pseudo -constitutional pseudo -national University,Call the People's Congress,Establishment of democratic co -government, which does not include reactionaries,Cancel the special agency,Performing speech rally,Anti -hunger,Anti -persecution,Conflict bureaucratic capital,Implementation of land reform。When the above slogan is proposed in the Jianguan District,It should be increased or decreased according to the emotions and environment of the masses,Taking it on your way,and must cooperate with the urgent requirements in the lives of the masses,It takes the US Emperor and the Kuomintang to be more isolated,instead of causing yourself to be isolated。This passage written by Mao Zedong's income "Mao Zedong Collection" Volume 5。

July 18, 1981

Deng Xiaoping said when he talked about the four basic principles: "Four persistence" can not be done,The core of "Four persistence" is the party's leadership。A country like China,There are so many population,The foundation is so thin,How to achieve revolutionary victory,How to build the country,Leaving the party's leadership without a way out。When will the modern history of China really be unified? For more than a hundred years,The real unity of China is obtained under the leadership of the Communist Party。After the establishment of the People's Republic of China,Except Taiwan,The country is really unified。China as a great nation,Stand up in the world,It can only rely on the leadership of the Communist Party of China。Of course the Communist Party must also be good at leaders。To adhere to leaders,Also good at leaders,This is what we did not solve in the past,Now to solve this problem。When talking about economic adjustment: We are engaged in long -term planning now,The target is placed at the end of this century to reach $ 800 per capita.。If this goal is achieved,At that time, we were 1.2 billion people,GDP is $ trillion。With such a foundation,We increase the education funding m88 live casino and sports bettingfor 2 % to 5 % accordingly,Education can develop faster,There are more talents,Scientific undertakings can also develop faster。If the appropriate proportion is drawn again to engage in national defense modernization,Defense development is faster。The life of the people will gradually increase。

July 18, 2015

Xi Jinping inspected the 16th Group Army and emphasized,To persist in thinking leaders、Persist in training for military preparation、Persist in the strict word、Persist in leading the example,Adapt to the new situation, new tasks, and troops to bring good soldiers,Focus on cultivating the new generation of revolutionary soldiers,Promote the goal of strong military targets at the grassroots level。He emphasized,To persist in thinking leaders,In Guoben Peiyuan、Gunning Soul Gathering。Perseverance uses the party's innovation theory to build a continuous education,In -depth grasp of military soul education,Guide officers and soldiers to strengthen their ideals and beliefs、Building a ideological defense line、Enhanced political immunity,Under any circumstances, firmly adhere to the fundamental principles and system of the party's absolute leadership of the army,Resolutely obey the Party Central Committee、Command of the Central Military Commission。To persist in training for military preparation,Increasing skills、Easy bloody up and down。Specialty for strict training for different combat tasks,Practicing officers and men under actual combat conditions,Strong military quality,Cultivation is not afraid of suffering、Er The spirit of fighting that is not afraid of death。To adhere to the strict word,Strict management、Bringing soldiers up and down m88 online bettingin accordance with the law。Strict talent can be positive,Strict talent to Su Junwei,Strict can combat power。To strengthen the thinking of rule of law,Affairs in accordance with the regulations and rules and regulations,Improving the ability and level of improving troops in accordance with m88 online sports bettingthe law。To persist in leading the example,In self -cultivation morals、Positive Feng Su Ji Kung Fu。Leading cadres at all levels, especially leading cadres, must take the lead in implementing the "three strict and three real" requirements,Take the lead in compliance with various regulations for integrity and self -discipline,Take the lead in opposing corruption,Tree has a good image,Standing good looks。

Looking back at party history


On July 18th, the State Council made the "Decision on Deepening the Reform of the Urban Housing System",Clarify the basic content of the reform of the urban housing system,Among them, the method of changing the method of distribution of real housing welfare to the distribution of currency wages based on labor、Establish a housing provident fund system, etc.。


July 18th to 21st, Zhu Rongji inspects work in Anhui。He pointed out: The reform of rural taxes and fees is the Party Central Committee、A major decision from the State Council,It is necessary to fully understand the significance of this reform from the high degree of global and strategic;,Rural tax reform is a very difficult and complex task,It must be actively and securely promoted。Current,Research new problems in the pilot work,Continuous improvement policy,Do a good job of reform pilot,In order to conduct experience and accumulation experience in rural tax and fees in rural areas across the country。

History moment

On the 11th day after the Lugou Bridge Incident, on July 18, 1937, Yan'an held a mass meeting and Mao Zedong delivered a speech. According to the report at the time:

On the 11th day after the Lugou Bridge Incident, on July 18, 1937, Yan'an held a mass meeting and Mao Zedong delivered a speech. According to the report at the time: "The words are exciting, the audience all rubbing his palms, the blood is hot, and he is willing to go to the Anti -Japanese battlefield and fight with the Japanese invaders."

Source: Communist Party Member Network

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