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July 21, 1947

Mao Zedong's speech at the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China at Xiaoshe Village, Jingbian, Shaanxi。Speech point out: struggle against Chiang Kai -shek,It is planned to solve it in five years,From the results of the past year, it is possible。Shandong's situation can be changed recently,Shaanxi -Gansu Ningbian District cannot be yet,But basically stopped the enemy's offense,This laid a foundation for the future change situation。In the past year, 112 million people were eliminated by Chiang Kai -shek's regular army and the informal army,Thirty hundreds of thousands of casualties,Suppose II、The war in the third year is more intense,Two million casualties will be prepared in five years。Now we have 900,000 people in the main force,600,000 local troops,If it can extend the main force to 1.5 million people,It is enough to solve the problem。Chiang Kai -shek is more solitary politically,That is to say, the people do not trust him more,He has more rebels。In the past, the policy of our stubborn faction against Chiang Kai -shek during the War of Resistance was isolation him,In the united front, we must make several concessions,On the other hand, we must adhere to political independence,Implement rent reduction and dividend at the base area,Carry out mass work in the Kuomintang area,Criticism Stubborn molecules。We did not wait until the end of the Anti -Japanese War.,So it is too late。After surrendering in Japan,The National Republican talks are necessary。Although we hope that the purpose of all problems and politics has not achieved,But Chiang Kai -shek is indeed more isolated。Only after a long -term education of the masses,Our party can propose 16 slogans in the "Seventh Seven" this year。The struggle plan for Chiang Kai -shek is solved in five years,Not spoken out now,Still prepare for a long -term struggle。also pointed out: Since the end of the Anti -Japanese War,The composition of the party's united front is changing: some people have reduced,Some people have added。The landowner in the liberated area is reduced,Because we are engaged in land reform now,Unlike the Anti -Japanese War, just rents and reduce interest rate reduction。But the landlords in the south first made a trouble with Chiang Kai -shek because of recruitment.,and have not broken with us。The middle school is added,These people also believe in Chiang Kai -shek during the Anti -Japanese War,Now we will resist Chiang Kai -shek with us,This situation is what it did not not during the ten -year civil war。Now we have adopted a policy of defeating m88 online bettingbureaucratic m88 online bettingcapital to protect national industry and commerce。When listening to the participants' speech,Mao Zedong pointed out: In the future, you should insist on self -sufficiency、External control、Principles of both military and civilians。This problem is difficult to solve it,Must be done in step。Full of everywhere、long -term thought,This slogan is very important,To explain it in the whole party and army。The enemy puts the winning to our cannot support this for a long time。Our countermeasures are the main force to turn to the outer rays,Internal streamlined contract。A brief administration must be implemented in each border area,Reduce living standards,Lost from the cadre。Foreign trade must be strictly unified,Not only luxury goods、Non -essential products are not allowed to enter,It is not allowed to enter when the daily necessities are necessary,produced by yourself。Reminder: The land policy in our ten -year civil war,It must be changed during the War of Resistance Against the War,Otherwise, it will not allow domestic contradictions and contradictions within the base area,Develop the strength of the Chinese people,Jointly hit Japan。At that time,The regime of our base is "three -three systems",The same landlord class also engages in a united front,This does not affect the lower regime,No restrictions on the struggle of the masses。Generally speaking, the "three -three system" is still unchanged,But the explanation of it is the Communist Party member、Progressives and middle schools each account for one -third,excluding reactionary landlords。Land policy is available today and needs to be further than the May 4th instructions,Because farmers' requirements are required to go further,Land pushing。Flat -dividing land is a principle,However, there can be some telescopic,If you are right to Du Bin、Hou Waulu,But there should be no exception to the Communist Party members。The land of Zhongnong should not move,But under the consent of the great trend of the mass movement,It is also permitted to take a little land to be rich in China,Do not formally write this method on the file。After our troops hit the outer rays,With the land of the landlord immediately,It is better to levy tax on the class route first,Immediately implemented a farmer, and its fields will inevitably cause forced people to do it。Also said: First,There are local leadership backbones; second,Political and reliable army; third,The people are good; fourth,Reserved many good work style of the old district during the Land Revolution。With these conditions,The enemy can be defeated。

July 21, 1956

Zhou Enlai spoke at the first congress of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China,Emphasizing the need to pay attention to expanding democracy frequently。Speaking point out: Since our dictatorship m88 online bettinghas been more consolidated,m88 online sports bettingThe power of the working class is even stronger,So our democracy should be expanded,instead of shrinking。We need to be vigilant,Pay attention to expanding democracy,This is even more essentially meaningful。To solve this problem,It is necessary to think of some ways in our national system,Expand democracy。This speech income "Selected Works of Zhou Enlai" below。

July 21, 1998

When Jiang Zemin met with the chairman of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China, when the chairman of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China did not break the Japanese Communist Party delegation led by Zhekong,Explained the connotation of socialism with Chinese characteristics。He pointed out: What is socialism with Chinese characteristics? Or,What is the theory of Deng Xiaoping? general speaking,On the basis of adhering to the basic socialist system,Exploring and answering how to build and consolidate socialism。On the issue of the development of socialism,We emphasize that Marxism is guided by Marxism,Take your own way according to China's national conditions。On the issue of the development of socialism,We propose that my country is still in the primary stage of socialism。On the issue of the development of socialism,The essence of socialism is to liberate and develop productive forces,We must adhere to economic construction as the center,Promote the comprehensive progress of society。On the issue of development of socialism,We emphasize that reform is also a revolution,It is the only way for China to realize modernization。On the issue of political guarantee in socialist construction,We emphasize adherence to the road of socialism,Adhere to the people's democracy specialized,Adhere to the leadership of the Communist Party of China,Persist in Marx Leninism、Mao Zedong Thought。

He proposed to explore and answer some major questions of world socialism according to the changes in the world situation and the characteristics of the times: first,Socialism is a new social system in human history,In the end, it will be able to replace capitalism。but,Socialist generation、Consolidation、Development is a long -term historical process that intertwines success and failure。Second,Marxism is science,Be with the times、Development of practice and scientific development,Can't stagnate。Real Marxists should be under the guidance of the basic principles of Marxism,Combined with the new situation and new features of the development of today's world,Continuous innovation and development in the struggle to realize socialist ideals。Third,Marxism must be combined with the actual situation of various countries,Focusing on theoretical thinking of actual problems,Focusing on new practice and new development。Fourth,The situation of countries around the world is very different,The road and mode of realizing socialism m88 slot machine casinocan be a variety of。Fifth,m88 online bettingTo correctly understand the development and change of contemporary capitalism,Sober estimation to a developed capitalist country will still maintain a stronger productivity during a long historical period,Socialism replacing capitalism will be a long and complex historical process,Speed ​​wins is impossible。Socialist countries must handle the relationship with capitalist countries,Continue to develop yourself。Part of this conversation is the title "Determine the Construction of Socialism according to the national conditions",Income "Selection of Jiang Zemin" Volume 2。

July 21, 2020

Xi Jinping presided over the entrepreneurial symposium to emphasize,Since the reform and opening up,my country has gradually established and continuously improves the socialist market economy system,The market system continues to develop,Various market entities are booming。The new crown pneumonia epidemic has a huge impact on my country's economy and world economy,Many market entities in my country face unprecedented pressure。Market subject is the power carrier of the economy,The main body of the market is to protect social productivity。Tompass to protect the market subject,Stimulate the vitality of the market subject,Promoting entrepreneur spirit,Promoting enterprises to play a greater role and achieve greater development,The basic force of savings for economic development。

He pointed out,Since the reform and opening up,A large number of gall knowledge、Entrepreneurs who are innovatively thrive,Forms a distinctive characteristics of the era、National Features、The world level of Chinese entrepreneurs。Entrepreneurs must lead the company to defeat the current difficulties,Future to a more brilliant future,It is necessary to promote the entrepreneurial spirit,Patriotic、Innovation、Integrity、Social responsibility and international vision constantly improve yourself,Efforts to become a new development pattern in the new era、Construction of a modern economic system、Shengli Army that promotes high -quality development。To enhance the feelings of patriotism,The development of the enterprise is prosperous with the country、National prosperity、The people's happiness is closely combined,Actively act as a country、For the country's parting,Lead the company to work hard、Strive for first -class,Better quality、higher benefits、stronger competitiveness、Development with greater influence。Be brave to innovate,Explorer of doing innovative development、Organizer、Leader,Courage to promote innovation of production organization、Technical Innovation、Market Innovation,Pay attention to technical research and development and human capital investment,Effectively mobilize employees' creativity,Strive to make the enterprise m88 online sports bettinginto a powerful innovation m88 online bettingsubject。To do an example of integrity and law,Driven the improvement of the moral quality and civilization of the whole society。To bear social responsibility,Efforts to stabilize employment,Care employee health,Working together with employees。To expand international vision,Based on China,Looking at the world,Improving the ability to grasp the development of international market trends and demand,Improve the ability to grasp international rules,Improve the ability of international market development,Improve the ability to prevent international market risks,Drives enterprises to achieve better development at a higher level of open opening

Review of Party History


July 21 -23 The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held an enlarged meeting at Xiaoshe Village, Jingbian, Northern Shaanxi,Focus on the deployment of strategic offense and land reform in the liberated area、Financial and financial work and other problems。Mao Zedong proposed to plan to solve the problem of struggle with Chiang Kai -shek in five years (from July 1946)。


July 21 with the approval of the State Council,The People's Bank of China announced: from that day,my country begins to implement market supply and demand、Reference to a basket of currencies for adjustment、Managed floating exchange rate system。RMB exchange rate forms a more flexible exchange rate mechanism。


On July 21st, Xi Jinping emphasized when visiting the theme exhibition of "Remember Glory History Create a Strong Army",90 years,The People's Army continues to move from victory to victory under the leadership of the party,Liberation for national independence and people,Establishing the outstanding merits for the country's prosperity and the happiness of the people。90 years of the People's Army forging ahead,condensed firm ideals and beliefs、Excellent Revolution Tradition、Stubborn fighting style,Is our valuable spiritual wealth。We need to remember the glorious history、Inheritance Red Gene,Constantly pushing the great cause created by the revolutionary ancestors at a new starting point to move forward,Encouraging the majority of cadres and the masses of the masses and the majority of the army to strengthen the socialist road confidence in socialism with Chinese characteristics、Theoretical self -confidence、System self -confidence、Cultural self -confidence,Efforts to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation、Strive unremitting struggle to build the people's army into a world -class army。

History moment

On July 21, 1919, Zhou Enlai was created by the

On July 21, 1919, Zhou Enlai was created by the "Tianjin Student Federation" edited by Zhou Enlai. Under the title of the journal, "Democracy: A government with democracy: a government, the governance of the people, and the people enjoy -our motto."

Source: Communist Party Member Network

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