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September 7, 1937

Mao Zedong wrote an article "Opposition Liberalism"。The article points out: We advocate positive ideological struggles,Because it is a weapon that reaches the unity within the party and the revolutionary group。Each Communist Party member and revolutionaries,Should pick up this weapon。But liberal cancellation of ideological struggle,Profitting without principle。List the main manifestations of liberalism in the text,It is pointed out that it is a serious harsh tendency,Very harmful to the revolution,Emphasizing proposal and overcoming liberalism is one of the tasks of the ideological front。This article includes the second volume of Mao Zedong Selected Works。

September 7, 1942

"Liberation Daily" published by Mao Zedong's editorial "A extremely important policy",Explaining the m88 online bettingnecessity m88 live casino and sports bettingand importance of implementing the policy of simplified military abilities。The editorial pointed out: the fifth and sixth year of the Anti -Japan,Contains the so -called "darkness before dawn",Material difficulties must be more than the current,We must overcome this difficulty,One of the important methods is the simplified military administration。If we still need to maintain a huge institution,Then it will be the rape of the enemy in the middle。If we shrink our institution,Make soldiers precise politics,Although our war agencies are small,It is still powerful; and because of the contradictions of the large fish and small water,Make our war institution suitable for war,We will look more powerful,We will not be defeated by the enemy,and finally defeat the enemy。So we say,Policy of the simplified military administration proposed by the Party Central Committee,It is an extremely important policy。This editorial income "Mao Zedong Selected Works" Volume 3。

September 7, 1947

Zhu De spoke at the National Land Conference。He pointed out: Let go of the masses,completely eliminate feudal forces,is the most basic condition for defeating m88 live casino and sports m88 slot machine casinobettingChiang Kai -shek。To achieve the victory of the war soon,The first key is to divide the field,Destroy feudal forces,Dig out Chiang Kai -shek's root; the second key is to win the battle。After the farmers get the fields,Pay attention to vigorously developing production,Except farming、Sub -business production outside,Also develop industry、Handicrafts and transportation,This is beneficial to the military and development of the economy。He also pointed,Need a check class、Check Thought、Movement of the style,Make the army support the land reform in ideology,Pure strictness on the organization。This speech revenue "Zhu De Selected Works"。

September 7, 1985

Deng Xiaoping meets the Prime Minister of Spain、The General Secretary of the Spanish Workers Socialist Party General Gonzales,When talking about China's independent foreign policy, it is pointed out: China's development requires an international peace environment。Not only the peace of ten years and eight years,Not just the peace of this century,Also focused on the peace of the next century。The foreign policy of our country is against hegemony,Maintaining the m88 online sports bettingworld m88 slot machine casinopeace。Only the hegemonism of the Soviet Union is not enough,Who is engaged in hegemony,We don’t agree with who,This is only in line with the interests of the people of the world,Including Europe、The interests of the people of Japan and Oceania。To maintain world peace,The power of peace must be developed,That is the power to restrict the war。China regards itself as the power to maintain peace,We regard the entire third world as a maintenance of peace、The power of restricting the war,Europe also regards Europe, including Western Europe and Eastern Europe as maintaining peace、The power of restricting the war。Based on this judgment,China is not involved in group politics,Adopt an independent foreign policy。Implementation of independent foreign policies is most consistent with the interests of maintaining world peace and the third world,Also in line with Western Europe、Eastern Europe and other other countries in the world are not willing to war.。This is the basis for our foreign policy from the "one line" to an independent and independent foreign policy。

Looking back at party history


On September 7th, my country successfully launched m88 best betting websitea m88 slot machine casinoexperimental meteorological satellite "Fengyun No. 1" with the "Long March 4" carrier rocket。This is the first polar orbital meteorological satellite developed and launched in my country。


September 7、On October 3rd, Xi Jinping was at the University of Nazarbayev, Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan、Indonesian Parliament delivered a speech,It has proposed to jointly build the "Silk Road Economic Belt" and "21st Century Maritime Silk Road",That is the "Belt and Road" initiative。

History moment

During the negotiations of Chongqing, in order to fight back the attack of the Kuomintang army, Liu Bocheng and Deng Xiaoping launched the battle for the party in September 1945. The picture shows the Jinji Luyu Military Region troops are charging to the Master Ridge.

During the negotiations of Chongqing, in order to fight back the attack of the Kuomintang army, Liu Bocheng and Deng Xiaoping launched the battle for the party in September 1945. The picture shows the Jinji Luyu Military Region troops are charging to the Master Ridge.

Source: Communist Party Member Network

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