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October 22, 2021 08:53  点击:[]

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October 22, 1935

The Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a meeting in Wuqi Town, northern Shaanxi。Mao Zedong made a report on the current action policy,point out: The Shaanxi -Gansu detachment has gone two thousand miles from the Russian community,The mission to reach this area has been completed。Now the National Revolutionary General Headquarters is here,The center of becoming a counter -revolutionary attack。The enemy has to come to an end for our pursuit,Now is the enemy "encirclement and suppression"。Our task is to defend and expand the northern Shaanxi Soviet area,Leading the National Revolution in Northern Shaanxi Province。Shaanxi、Gan、The three provinces of Jin are the main area of ​​development。Now with Wu Qizhen as the center,The first phase of Xiang West,Later to south,You can be east after freezing the Yellow River。We must pay great attention to the relationship with comrades in Northwest,Meet them with a happy and happy attitude。The current World Revolution enters the new stage,Empires conflict everywhere。Japanese imperialism monopolizes North China,The anti -emperor movement rose,The anti -imperial revolution is brewing nationwide,Northern Shaanxi people urgently need revolution,This is a favorable condition for crushing the enemy's "encirclement"。Crusting the enemy "encirclement and suppression" also has good leadership。He also pointed out: After one year of long -distance running army,Start a new sports war in the rear。Improve combat power,Expand the Red Army,Solve material problems,Is the central work of the current army。To strengthen the white zone、Coordination of the White Army's work and guerrilla work。Respect the opinions of the local masses,Don't suppress them from high to the ground。Mobilization of the masses depends mainly on local work,No way to rely on them。Zhang Wentian concluded speech,point out: the task determined between the long -distance army has been completed and completed the last,A historical period has finished,A new historical period began。Let comrades understand,Now defending the Soviet Area to become a direct national revolution war,It is necessary to combine the land revolution directly with the anti m88 online sports betting-emperor。Should explain our new m88 online sports bettingtask,Improve the troops' self -confidence in consolidating and expanding the Soviet area。This meeting approves the strategic decision of the Baron Town meeting,announcement of the Central Red Army Long March End。

October 22-29, 1978

Deng Xiaoping visit Japan,Attendance of the Sino -Japanese Peace and Friendship Treaty's approval letter exchange ceremony。This is the first time that Chinese leaders visited Japan after the founding of the People's Republic of China。23rd,During talks with Japanese Prime Minister Fukuda,Deng Xiaoping said: The signing of the China -Japan Peace and Friendship Treaty,For China,For Japan,Even for the world,All are big things。Although our social system is different,It doesn't matter。From Asia、The situation in the Pacific region is about,The two countries must have a good relationship,Expansion,The relationship between our two countries is done,It is also important to the entire international situation。In this visit,We talk many times,The two countries have to be friendly for generations。The relationship between the relationship between our two countries is not a measure of right。Frankly say,In this turbulent situation,Single is for the East,China needs to be friendly with Japan,Japan also needs to be friendly with China。We understand that Japan must be friendly with all countries in the world,This is also a national policy formulated by Japan。The same is the same for us,You must be friendly with all countries in the world。Europe、Japan has adopted any one of the economic autonomy to develop them in poor countries、Political independence measures,We all support。I hope that Japan will do more work in this area。

October 22, 1996

Jiang Zemin explained the connotation of the Long March Spirit at the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Red Army。He pointed out: The great Long March left the great Long March spirit to the party and the people。This spirit,Just see the fundamental interests of the people and the Chinese nation higher than everything,The ideal and belief of firm revolution,The spirit of firmly believes that the cause of justice must win; it is to save the country and the people,Not afraid of any difficulties and dangers,Pay all the spirit of sacrifice at all; that is, insist on independence,Seeking truth from facts,All the spirit of starting from the actual situation;、Strict discipline、The spirit of tightly united;,depends on the life and death of the people、Difficulty and common,The spirit of hard struggle。Long March Spirit,It is the Chinese nation.m88 slot machine casino、The highest manifestation m88 online bettingof self -improvement of national spirit,It is a strong spiritual force that ensures our revolution and construction cause from victory to victory。This speech is based on the title "Passing the Spirit of the Long March",Income "Selection of Jiang Zemin" Volume 1。

October 22, 2006

Hu Jintao's speech at the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Red Army's Long March,To vigorously promote the Sinicization of Marxism。He pointed out: We inherit and carry forward the glorious revolutionary tradition of the Long March of the Red Army,It is necessary to vigorously promote Sinicization of Marxism,Constantly pioneering the new realm of Marxism in the development of contemporary China。We must persist in combining the basic principles of Marxism with the specific practical of China,Continuously make new theoretical generals that meet the requirements of my country's social development and progress and the needs of people's practice,Make the Marxism of Contemporary China more vivid practical characteristics; take root in China's soil,The vitality of the power of Marxist truth deeply casts the vitality of the nation、Creative、In the cohesion,Make the Marxism of Contemporary China more vivid national characteristics; always go at the forefront of the times,Schobial grasping the characteristics of the times,Accurately reflect the requirements of the times,Make the Marxism of Contemporary China has a more distinctive characteristics of the times,to better provide scientific theoretical guidance for the development of the party and the people under the new historical conditions。This speech income "Selected Editors for the 16th CPC National Congress" (below)。

October 22, 2015

Xi Jinping attended the opening ceremony of the Confucius Institute and the Confucius Classroom Annual Meeting。He pointed out in his speech,Language is the best key to understand a country,Confucius Institute is an important platform for the world to know China。Window and bridge as a Chinese and foreign language and cultural exchange,Confucius Institute and the Confucius Classroom have played a positive role in learning Chinese and understanding Chinese culture,It is also promoting humanistic exchanges between China and the world's countries、It has made important contributions to promoting the development of diverse and colorful world civilization。He pointed out,In recent years,The rapid development of the Confucius Institute in the UK。Current,The United Kingdom has established 29 Confucius Institutes and 126 Confucius Class,Quantity ranks first in Europe。The results obtained by the Confucius Institute m88 slot machine casinoof all British are also the m88 online bettingepitome of the booming of Chinese and English humanities exchanges。Communication through humanities,The essence of the Chinese and British cultures is producing a wonderful "chemical reaction" for the thinking and lifestyle of the people of the two countries。"Don't get tired of it,Tired of people。"I hope all teachers here will continue to work hard,Add bricks to China -British friendship。I hope that the Confucius Institute will continue to adhere to "mutual respect、Friendly consultation、Equality and mutual benefit "school motto,is a communication culture、Communicate the mind、Promoting the diversity of world civilization to make new and greater contributions。

October 22, 2020

The Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a meeting,Listen to the implementation of the "Thirteenth Five -Year Plan" plan and evaluation report。Xi Jinping presided over the meeting and delivered a speech。He pointed out,"Thirteenth Five -Year Plan",The Party Central Committee united to lead the people of all ethnic groups in the country,Coordinating promoting the overall layout of the "five -in -one"、Coordinated and promoted the "Four Comprehensive" strategic layout,Persist in the general tone of the work of steady progress,Fixed implementation of new development concepts,Adhere to the supply -side structural reform as the main line,Promote high -quality development,Contradictions that are strongly ordered to resolve the imbalance in development,calm and calm about the complex situation of obvious increase in external challenges,A serious impact of resolutely decisively fighting the epidemic of new crown pneumonia,firmly move forward towards the established target task,"Thirteenth Five -Year Plan" plan is implemented smoothly,The main indicators will be realized as scheduled,Major strategic tasks and 165 major engineering projects are fully effective,The target tasks determined by the plan will be completed soon。

He emphasized,After the development of the "Thirteenth Five -Year Plan" period,my country's economic strength、Technology strength、Comprehensive national strength jumped to a new step,Economic operation is generally stable,Continuous optimization of the economic structure,Agricultural modernization steadily advance,The results of poverty alleviation have attracted attention,Pollution prevention and control is unprecedented,Ecological environment has improved significantly,Comprehensive deepening reforms Get major breakthroughs,Continuous expansion of opening to m88 live casino and sports bettingthe outside world,m88 slot machine casinoThe results of the "Belt and Road" co -construction are abundant,The living standard of the people has increased significantly,Modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities accelerates。Special important thing is,In the practice of "Thirteenth Five -Year Plan",The advantages of the leaders of the Communist Party of China and the socialist system of our country have further demonstrated,New development concept is more deeply rooted in people's hearts,The political quality and spirit of the majority of party members and cadres are refined,The spiritual appearance of the people of all ethnic groups in the country is more vigorous,It provides strong political guarantee and strong forgiving power for the start of a new national journey of socialist modernization.。

Looking back at party history


October 22 The Supreme People's Court、Establishment of the Supreme People's Procuratorate。1954,The Supreme People's Procuratorate was renamed the Supreme People's Procuratorate。


October 22 -29 Deng Xiaoping visited Japan。This is the first time that Chinese leaders visited Japan after the founding of New China。


On October 22, Jiang Zemin wrote to the Party History Research Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China,point out: "Learning theory must understand historical events、Summary of historical experience combination。Our party leads the people for revolution、History of Construction and Reform,It is a part that contains and reflects Marxism -Leninism、Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping's Living Textbook。"Jiang Zemin said:" I hope that party committees at all levels to attach importance to party history,Give full play to the role of party history and capital。Comrades engaged in party history work,To see the responsibility on your shoulder,Take out more results,To commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee,Welcome to the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the arrival of the new century。”


On October 22, the State Council announced the "Regulations on Optimizing the Business Environment"。

History moment

On October 22, 1936, the Red One and Red Army were divided into divisions in Longde (now Ningxia Xiji) in Longde, Gansu. The picture shows the Castle.

On October 22, 1936, the Red One and Red Army were divided into divisions in Longde (now Ningxia Xiji) in Longde, Gansu. The picture shows the Castle.

Source: Communist Party Member Network

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