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November 22, 1936

Mao Zedong delivered a speech at the establishment of the China Literature and Art Association。The speech pointed out: We have to stop the civil war in the first place。How can I stop the civil war? We want both aspects of civil and military。To persuade those civil warrs from the aspect of the text,To promote and educate the people of the country to unite and fight against Japan。If the text is not persuaded, those who are unwilling to stop the warrior,Then we have to use martial arts to force him to stop the civil war。Your writer will also go to the front line to encourage soldiers,Defeat those who are unwilling to stop the civil war。Promoting the Soviet Union's Popularity of Workers and Peasants,Anti -Japanese Literature and Art of Promoting the National Revolutionary War,This is your great glorious task。This speech income "Mao Zedong's Collection" Volume 1。

  November 22, 1985

Deng Xiaoping met with Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir,When it comes to strengthening the cooperation between developing countries, it is pointed out: To deal with the trade protectionism of developed countries, it is necessary to strengthen cooperation between developing countries,This is the only way out。When we are considering our own development m88 slot machine casinoproblems,m88 online sports bettingIt has been opened to the public。Who is open to? Of course open to developed countries,To get technology from there、Fund and Market。But China opens an important content to the outside world、An important policy,Open to the Third World State。We did not do enough in the past。We found that the field of cooperation with the Third World State is very broad。The third world has the most population,accounting for more than three quarters of the world's total population。We become each other's market,This market is the world's largest market。We help each other in many aspects,Cooperate with each other,It is good for each other。Even in terms of technology,Can't say that we are all behind,We have their own advantages,Each has its own characteristics。Now World Public Opinion,The 21st century is the Pacific Century。Our countries in Pacific must strengthen cooperation。

 November 22, 2016

Xi Jinping attended the opening ceremony of the China -Latin America Media Leader Summit。He emphasized in his speech,The first China -Latin Media Leader Summit was officially held,It is a pioneer in the history of China -Latin America media exchanges,It is also a big event。,Donald is not seen without seeing a blind date "。Media communication is an important part of the Sino -Latient relations。China -Latin America media has a great role in inheriting and developing people's friendship。He put forward 3 propositions on deepening China -Latinner media cooperation。One must borrow each other,Working together to enhance the influence of China -Lined media,m88 online sports bettingShow m88 online bettingthe world more real and lively China and Latin America,Make a sound on major issues such as world peace and development。Second, we must strengthen their beliefs,Combat pragmatic cooperation together to achieve new development,Enhance the enthusiasm and confidence of cooperation between the two parties,Promoting the cooperation mode of innovative spirit。Three to learn from each other,Promoting China -Latinos' media exchanges and cooperation will go to a new level。China has announced that it will set up China -Latinny News Exchange Center,Invite some media reporters in Latin America to work in China for work。At the same time,In the next 5 years,China will also train 500 media practitioners for Latin America and the Caribbean National Training,Realize the common prosperity of the media cause of both parties。

 November 22, 2019

Xi Jinping pointed out when meeting with foreign representatives at the 2019 "Innovation Economic Forum",Innovation is the major proposition of today's era。The world is undergoing a big change in a century,The rapid development of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial change。The common challenges faced by humans need to be dealt with in hand。No country can become an independent innovation center,or exclusive innovation results。Innovative results should be benefited to the world,instead of becoming a treasure buried in the cave。China and the United States are all innovative powers,China is willing to carry out innovative cooperation with countries including the United States,m88 live casino and sports m88 slot machine casinobettingbetter benefits the people of the two countries and the people of the world。

He emphasized,China is a big country with a history of 5,000 years of civilization,The four major inventions in history have made great contributions to the progress of human civilization。Since the Opium War,China has become a semi -colonial semi -feudal society,But the Chinese did not yield,Instead of exploring the road of national rejuvenation。70 years since the founding of New China,Dynamic changes have taken place in China,The root cause is that we have found an in line with China's national conditions、Conform to the trend of the times、Correct road to obtain the support support of the people,This is socialism with Chinese characteristics。Today,The Chinese people are full of high confidence,It will be unswervingly along this road。We propose the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,But this dream is by no means "hegemony dream"。We are not ready to replace who,It's just that China will restore the dignity and status of its due dignity。We have achieved brilliant achievements,But we will not refer to the world in the world,Instead of continuing to uphold the traditional concept of "and different",Persist in the road of peaceful development,Dedicated to carry out mutually beneficial cooperation with countries around the world。China insists on reform and opening up,Bold innovation,Crossing the river with stones again,The more resistant to resistance,The more difficult it is to get up,Increase open。My confidence m88 slot machine casinoin m88 slot machine casinoChina's development prospects。

Looking back at party history


November 22 to December 16 The Seventh Expansion Plenary Session of the Communist International Executive Committee,Discussion of the Chinese Revolutionary Issues。Stalin made a report on "On the future of the Chinese Revolution" at the meeting。According to this report,Plenary "Regarding China Issues Resolution",Focus on: Imperialism has adopted a new strategy of a differentiation revolutionary camp,The large bourgeoisie will inevitably leave the revolution; currently,The development of the development of the Chinese National Revolution is the land revolution; the future of the Chinese revolution may develop in the direction of non -capitalism, that is, socialism,The proletariat should strive for the leadership of the revolution; the revolutionary army is the extremely important factor in the Chinese revolution,Armed Revolution opposes the anti -revolutionary counter -revolutionary,is one of the characteristics and advantages of the Chinese revolution。

History moment

Yangjiagou, Mizhi County, Shaanxi. This is the place where Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and Ren Bishi moved to northern Shaanxi from November 22, 1947 to March 21, 1948.

Yangjiagou, Mizhi County, Shaanxi. This is the place where Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and Ren Bishi moved to northern Shaanxi from November 22, 1947 to March 21, 1948.

Source: Communist Party Member Network

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