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May 05, 2021 11:09  点击:[]

If not2 months ago  

The lifting of life for that time  

This representative of the people's congress guarding the motherland border  

It should have been put on a long -prepared clothing  

The venue of the two conferences of the National Two Council  


He is Rizini& middot; Ba Yica, a border guard  

January 4, 2021  

In order to rescue children who fell into the ice cave  

His unfortunate heroic sacrifice, only the year41 years old  

Recently, the Central Propaganda Department decided  

Protoly Laqini& middot; Bayika "Time Model" title  

"Save children, save children!"  

On the afternoon of January 4, 2021  

Next to Xinquan Lake on the campus of Kashgar University in Xinjiang  

A mother emits an eager call for help  

Lazani, who is studying at Kashgar University  

After hearing the call for help, quickly rush to the ice surface of the accident  


However, just as Lazany stretched out his hand  

You can pull the child's moment immediately  

The ice surface under the feet suddenly collapsed  

He fell into the cold and bitter water  

At this time, roommate Mu Shajiang& middot; Nurdun also ran over  

Lazani in ice water  

While putting the child struggling to lift up  

While shouting towards Mu Shajiang:  

"Ice is too thin, don't come here  

Save children, save children  

At the time of one hair  

Mu Shajiang will be more than two meters long scarf  

Roll up and throw it to Lazani  


However, a scarf  

Can't drag both of them up at all  

Lazani in ice water  

holding the child's legs,  

Ranged the roommate again to shout:"Save the Child"  

Dangerous appears again  

m88 online bettingA large ice layer suddenly collapsed  

m88 online sports bettingMu Shajiang also fell into ice water  


At this time, the people on the shore came to the sound and rescue them together  

Time has passed in a minute and a second passed  

Snowflakes floating in the sky  

Lazani is already in the biting ice water  

I persisted for more than ten minutes  

Due to long -term support  

His ups and downs in the water  

But always keep the child's head exposed to the surface  


Fire rescue staff rushed to arrive  

Mu Shajiang, Children of Water and his mother  

It has been saved on the water one after another  

In the ice water at this time  

I can’t see the figure of Lazani for long time  

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The rescue staff found it at the bottom of the lake  

Laqini, who has already been cold& middot; Ba Yica  

He who supports life with life  

Always staying41 years old  

It is a veteran and a representative of the National People's Congress  

Yes"Warriors" of "No Military Uniform"  

After sacrificing Lazani  

His story moved the entire China  

Actually, this lovely and laughing Tajik man  

There are many identities and stories hidden  

He is the father of two children  

It is a veteran, member of the Communist Party  

Is the representative of the National People's Congress  

It is a national model of labor, national patriotism for military model  

It is a three -generation border guard who guards the border guards of the motherland  



Lazany's grandfather Kelly Bigk  

Become the first border guardian of Hongqiraffa's border defense  

Guarding the world's tallest national gate  

Red Qilafu Port  


In 1972, Grandpa could no longer move  

Give this glorious mission to  

Lazany's father, Ba Yica  

"Can't let the monument move even 1 mm"  

"Where are we, where is the frontier line  

Be sure to keep it  

Bayika took the father's relay stick  

Climbing ice and snow with border guards  

Use the cement to cultivate the monument with the concrete  

Carefully described with red paint"China"  

In 2001, Lazani put on military uniforms  

Become a armed police border warrior  

m88 best betting websiteBefore joining the army, the troops asked Ba Yica:  

m88 slot machine casino"Are you just a son, are you willing?"  

Baga said carefully:  

"Baojia and defend the country is a big deal, I am willing!"  


△ Laqini wearing military uniforms  

Two -year military career  

Let Razani have a deeper understanding of the mission of soldiers  

In 2003, my father's body deteriorated  

He chose to retire, return to his hometown  

In 2004, my father Ba Yica  

Bring it24 -year -old Rizini toured together  

On the road, Bitca will hand -painted itself  

"Patrol Map" handed it to Rizini and said to him:  

"I gave you the most cherished things  

You have to pick up this stick  

From then on, Lazani is the same as Grandpa's father  

Become it"Warriors" of "No Military Uniform"  


△ Lazany's three generations  

On the road of patrol, border officers and soldiers changed their stubbles  

Lazani always walks in front  

With rich experience  

Help border guard officers and soldiers to turn insurance  


△ After each point of reaching the point,Lazany is engraved with the word "China" on the stone,Oath of national sovereignty。  

"There is no boundary of the motherland,  

How can we have our happiness?  

Listening to my grandfather and father from a young age  

Laqini, who grew up in the story of the Bian Bian  

Remember the beliefs that they stick to their lives in their hearts  


After sacrificing Lazani  

His father, Ba Yica, said with tears in his eyes:  

"I also feel distressed  

But my son is the best thing to save people  

I am very proud, my grandson will also be like this in the future  


Lazany's son: I have to go to the soldier when I grow up  

As a border guard, Lazani is responsible for  

But as a father  

He has again and again for his children"Food Word"  

Speaking of dad, her daughter, Delhan, cried  

"His time with us is particularly less  

I can't go home for a month  


A family came to Beijing  

Participate in the recording m88 best betting websitegap in the "Model Publishing Hall" in the Time  

Director group replaceLaqini  

Completed his promise to his children  

Take them to Beijing to see the flag -raising  

Look at the place where dad meets  

In the center of the stage  

A family who has never taken the family portrait  

Together with the clothes of Razini  

I took a special family portrait  

Lazany's son  

Only this year11 -year -old Radir said:  

"I want to go to the army like my father in the future  

Veterans returned as a border guard in my hometown  

Like Grandpa and Dad  

Become a perseverance and brave Pamir Eagle  


"Pamir Eagle", go all the way  

We will take the torch in your hand  

Guarding the motherland  

Each inch of territory, every inch of mountains and rivers


Source: Communist Party Member Network


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