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There are only 10 days left for the 2020 National Master’s Examination,The postgraduate entrance examination enters the final review sprint stage。The leaders of the college send sincere warmth and blessings to the students of the college who are about to take the 2020 postgraduate examination。

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Afternoon of December 15th,College leaders walked into the training room of Zhongnan College,Inquired carefully about everyone’s study status、Ideological state and living situation,Prepared love “refueling m88 online bettingpacks” m88 online bettingfor students,Distributed to postgraduate entrance examination students, etc.,Tell students to relax,Science test preparation。

Warm greetings,Warm-hearted care,Let students preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination feel the care and expectations of the college。Everyone expressed their opinions,The college’s care gave them great encouragement,It also increases confidence,They will definitely go all out,Stick to the end,Submit a satisfactory test paper,Get excellent results。

This postgraduate entrance examination condolence activity is the epitome of the college's earnest implementation of the mission of cultivating m88 best betting websitemoral m88 best betting websitecharacter and cultivating people,It is helpful to enhance the confidence and courage of students preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination,Help students face the exam in the best mental state。

Here,I sincerely wish all students taking the postgraduate entrance examinations success,Dream the future,Dreams come true now!

Previous article:The College Party Committee (Party Committee Student) Work Department held the Integrity Examination Oath Ceremony