National Scholarship and Bursary
The Ministry of Education and others issued several opinions on improving the national student loan policy

The Ministry of Education and others issued several opinions on improving the national student loan policy

According to the website of the Ministry of Education,Ministry of Education、Ministry of Finance、People's Bank of China、Some opinions jointly issued by the Banking Regulatory Commission on improving the national student loan policy。

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Provinces、Autonomous Region、Municipal Education Department (Education Committee)、Department of Finance (Bureau),Education Bureau of Municipalities with separate state plans、Finance Bureau,Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Education Bureau、Finance Bureau,People's Bank of China Shanghai Headquarters,All branches、Business Management Department,Central branches in provincial capital cities,Central branches in all sub-provincial cities,Banking Regulatory Bureau,Relevant departments (units) Education Department (Bureau),Universities and colleges affiliated to central departments,Banking financial institutions:

Currently,The financial aid policy system for students from families with financial difficulties in ordinary colleges and universities in my country has been basically established。As an important part of the student financial aid system of colleges and universities,National student loans have been explored and improved for many years,Gradually formed a development model that is in line with China’s national conditions and the characteristics of universities,Remarkable results have been achieved,Played an important role in ensuring that students from poor families in colleges and universities successfully complete their studies。In order to further improve the implementation effect of the national student loan policy,With the consent of the State Council,We now offer the following opinions on improving the national student loan policy:

   一、Improve loan policy,Effectively reduce the financial burden of students who borrow money

(1) All interest while students are studying will be subsidized by the finance。The national student loan interest rate is based on the benchmark interest rate of the same grade announced by the People's Bank of China at the same time,No floating。Loan interest for borrowed students while they are studying is fully subsidized by the finance department。m88 online bettingLoan m88 online bettingstudents after graduation,Continuing to study for a degree during the repayment period,You can apply for continued interest discount,Should promptly report to the handling agency (the university that organizes the processing of national student loans in the campus or the county-level education department that organizes the processing of credit student loans in the student’s place of origin,hereinafter referred to as the handling agency) provides written certification,After review by the handling agency,Report to the handling bank for confirmation,Loan interest incurred while continuing to study for a degree,The original interest subsidy financial department will continue to provide full interest subsidy。Borrowing students who are suspended from school due to illness or other reasons while in school,Written proof should be provided to the handling agency,The handling institution submits an application to the handling bank,Loan interest during the leave of absence will be fully subsidized by the finance department。

(2) The maximum loan period is extended from 14 years to 20 years。The term of the national student loan at the original campus is the academic length plus 6 years、No more than 10 years,The term of the credit student loan from the student’s place of origin is the academic year plus 10 years、No more than 14 years,Now the unified adjustment is to the academic system plus 13 years、No more than 20 years。When the borrowing student graduates or terminates his studies,Should confirm the repayment plan with the handling bank and handling institution,The repayment period shall be implemented according to the contract signed by both parties。

(3) The grace period for principal repayment is extended from 2 years to 3 years。Borrowing students who do not continue to study for a degree in the year they graduate,When confirming the repayment plan with the handling institution and handling bank,Optional to use debt repayment grace period。Students who borrow money during the principal repayment grace period only need to pay back the interest,No need to repay the loan principal。The grace period for principal repayment has been extended from the original 2 years to 3 years。The grace period for principal repayment starts from the confirmation of the repayment plan,Calculated to the end of the 36th month after the borrower’s graduation。Borrowing students who continue to study for a degree during the repayment period and then study for a degree after graduation,You can still enjoy the 36-month grace period for principal repayment。

(4) Establishing a national student loan repayment assistance mechanism。Provincial student financial aid management departments、All colleges and universities must rationally utilize the remaining reward funds of the national student loan risk compensation fund、Social donation of student funds or student scholarship funds,Establishing a national student loan repayment assistance mechanism,Used to assist graduating students with particularly difficult circumstances。For those who lose the ability to work due to illness、Family encounters m88 slot machine casinomajor m88 slot machine casinonatural disaster、Graduation loan students whose family members have serious illnesses and whose economic income is particularly low,If you really cannot repay the loan on time,You can submit a rescue application to the handling agency and provide relevant written proof,After verification by the handling agency,The rescue mechanism can be activated to repay the principal and interest。

(5) Simplifying student loan procedures。All agencies and banks must simplify loan procedures,Students are not allowed to provide materials unrelated to the loan application。When a student issues a certificate of recognition as a student with m88 slot machine casinom88 live casino and sports bettingfinancial difficulties,It is strictly prohibited to charge any fees。All handling agencies and handling banks should improve their services,Simplify the process,Students borrowing money to continue their degree studies,Just complete the relevant procedures for applying for continued interest discount,You can no longer sign a loan extension agreement。The borrowing student repaid the loan in advance according to the loan contract,The handling bank calculates interest based on the actual term of the loan,No additional fees shall be charged。

  二、Sound operating mechanism,Promote the sustainable and healthy development of national student loans

(1) Arrange interest discounts and risk compensation in full and in a timely manner。Financial departments at all levels and universities must fully arrange the national student loan interest subsidies and risk compensation they should bear in the annual budget。The provincial financial department is responsible for coordinating and collecting the interest subsidies and risk compensation borne by all levels of finance and local universities in the province,Ensure funds are received in full and on time。

(2) Improve the national student loan assessment system。When financial regulatory authorities at all levels supervise the national student loan business,Comprehensive consideration of the mitigation effect of risk compensation,Apply zero risk weight to the portion of risk compensation coverage that meets relevant policy requirements,The uncovered portion adopts a risk weight of 75%。When various financial institutions conduct internal supervision on the national student loan business,Should be done while meeting regulatory requirements,Fully consider the national student loan business and risk characteristics,Accurate measurement of capital and provision requirements。Each handling bank must maintain separate accounts for the national student loan business、Single subject、Separate statistics and assessment。

(3) Actively carry out integrity education activities and credit reporting publicity。All colleges and universities should strengthen students’ credit awareness and integrity concept education。Education administration departments at all levels should strengthen regular assessment and business guidance on integrity education in schools。All handling banks shall comply with the "Credit Information Industry Management Regulations",Strictly perform information m88 best betting websitem88 slot machine casinocollection and reporting responsibilities。The handling bank uses the personal credit information of the borrowing student with the written authorization of the borrowing student,No need to inform students who borrowed money again; for students who do not repay the loan as agreed in the contract,The handling bank shall report bad information about student borrowers to the personal credit reporting system in accordance with the law。

   三、Strengthen organizational leadership,Continuously improve the level of national student loan management

(1) Further implement tuition fees and loan reimbursement policies。According to the provisions of the "Notice of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Education on Issuing the "Interim Measures for Tuition Fees and National Student Loan Reimbursement for College Graduates"" (Caijiao [2009] No. 15),Provinces that have not yet introduced policies should introduce tuition and student loan reimbursement measures as soon as possible,Encourage local college graduates to find employment in grassroots units in difficult and remote areas in the administrative region。In principle, compensation funds for local college graduates shall be borne by the provincial finance,The central finance is based on the financial status of the western provinces、Factors such as tuition fees, the scale of national student loan reimbursement, and the implementation of financial aid policies for students from poor families in colleges and universities,Rewards and subsidies to the western provinces。

(2) Strengthen the construction of handling agencies and personnel。Each county-level government should establish a dedicated county-level student financial aid management center as soon as possible and ensure normal operation,Strengthen the construction of personnel team and ensure wages and benefits、Professional title evaluation, employment and other aspects of treatment。Local education administrative departments at all levels should promote linkage mechanisms between handling agencies,Establish a funding center、Cooperation platform between universities and financial institutions,Realize information sharing,Promote collaboration,Effectively strengthen loan management work。

(3) Increase the publicity of state funding policies。Local education administrative departments at all levels should comprehensively list the majors in the "General Higher Education Enrollment Catalog"、Complete introduction to college student financial aid policies,To facilitate students to know the national funding policy,Reasonably choose schools and majors。General high schools should vigorously carry out publicity work on college funding policies,Introduction to national student loans、Scholarships and bursaries and other funding policies,Free students from families with financial difficulties from worries。While giving full play to the role of traditional media,Make full use of new media communication channels in the Internet era,Innovative publicity methods,Enhance publicity effect。For areas with a concentration of students from difficult remote mountainous areas and rural families with m88 slot machine casinom88 live casino and sports bettingfinancial difficulties,Relevant regional education administrative departments should organize specialized personnel,Go to the grassroots and rural families with financial difficulties to publicize the funding policy。

  IV. Other matters

(1) This opinion will be implemented from the date of issuance。Provinces、Autonomous Region、The people's government of the municipality directly under the Central Government can take into account the actual local conditions,Develop specific implementation rules。

(2) The loan students referred to in this opinion refer to undergraduate and junior college students (including vocational students) in full-time colleges and universities whose families have financial difficulties and have received national student loan funding、Graduate student、Second Bachelor's Degree Students。

(3) The relevant policies and regulations on national student loans issued previously will continue to be implemented。Anyone who disagrees with this opinion,Subject to this opinion。

                                        Ministry of Education, Ministry of Finance, People’s Bank of China and Banking Regulatory Commission

                                                     July 13, 2015


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