Targeted funding for grassroots

In order to fully implement the policy on financial m88 slot machine casinoaid m88 best betting websitefor college students,Understand the actual situation of students from families with financial difficulties,​​Give full play to the role of home-school collaborative education,In accordance with the document requirements of the "Notice of the Office of the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education on Carrying out the 2024 "Precision Funding Grassroots Tour" Visit",Combined Four Hundred Projects,Our school is personally led by the school leaders,Each college has formed a visiting team full of love and responsibility,Across hundreds of kilometers,Go deep into remote villages,Sending warmth and hope to students’ families with financial difficulties。

During the visit,Teachers and students、Parents have face-to-face and cordial communication,Deliver m88 live casino and sports m88 online bettingbettingthe warmth and care from the school。They introduced in detail the funding policy system of the country and the school,Especially various scholarships and bursaries for students from families with financial difficulties、Work-study and other special funding measures,Ensure more comprehensive provision for students、Precise assistance。At the same time,Teachers also consider students’ specific situations,Provides personalized academic planning suggestions and psychological counseling,Encourage students to face difficulties actively,Go forward bravely。

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Visit to secondary colleges

Carry out the "Targeted Funding for Grassroots Bank" grassroots visits and condolences activities,Not only achieved the precise implementation of funding policies,Promote m88 online sports bettingthe educational synergy m88 slot machine casinobetween school education and family education。Next step,The school will further build a home-school education platform based on the visits,Insisting on equal emphasis on “assisting students” and “educating people”,Enrich the carrier of funding and education,Carry out more targeted assistance to students with financial difficulties。

Previous article:[Four Hundred Projects] The school carries out the 2024 summer "Targeted Funding for Grassroots Tour" and home visits to ethnic minority students

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