School elite psychologist long-term coaching camp8month9Sunday11Participated in Kunming on the same day“Yang Xinguo’s fourth special training course on practical techniques for m88 online betting in colleges and universities”,This training aims to comprehensively improve the recognition of m88 online betting crises among coaching camp members、Coping and intervention capabilities,Build a solid line of defense for campus m88 online betting safety.
In the process of training,Professor Yang Xinguo systematically explained the core theory of crisis intervention,Includes definition of m88 online betting crisis、Development stages and processing procedures。Through theoretical teaching in simple and easy-to-understand terms,Students have a more comprehensive and profound understanding of crisis intervention,Laid a solid foundation for subsequent learning of practical skills。
In the practical skills training session,The training uses a combination of m88 best betting websitemultiple teaching models。Students not only passed case analysis、Group discussion and other forms,In-depth discussion of screening techniques and assessment methods for m88 online betting crises,Still in the simulated crisis situation,Having personally experienced the tension and challenges of on-site intervention。Scenario simulation、Use of teaching methods such as case supervision,Let students continuously consolidate and deepen the skills they have learned in practice,Improved ability to deal with complex m88 online betting crises。
At the same time,The training also covers individual counseling and group counseling skills,Help students master how to establish trusting relationships with visitors、Carry out effective consultation,And how to provide necessary m88 online betting support and counseling after crisis events。
This training not only m88 live casino and sports bettingimproved the trainees’ m88 online betting abilities,It also further enhanced everyone’s understanding of mental health education。This training will be used as an opportunity in the future,Further improve the mental health education system,Strengthen team building,Improve the professionalism and effectiveness of mental health work,Provide more comprehensive services for students、Detailed、Intimate psychological care,Create a safer place、Health、Harmonious campus environment。