National Defense Education
    National Defense Education
    The 41st issue of Mingde’s “Pro-Youth Lecture Hall” begins

    To inspire the patriotic sentiments of Mingde youth,Enhance the national defense awareness and national self-confidence of college students。m88 online sports bettingPre-report meeting,Vice principal Liu Xing warmly received teacher Wang Xiaoli。


    m88 slot machine casinom88 online bettingReporting meeting,Teacher Wang Xiaoli said,October 2009,She is a senior at the Academy of Fine Arts, Tsinghua University,Seeing “good children” on campus,Recruitment banner of "Go Soldiers",The long-buried dream of being a soldier was instantly ignited。She said: "My grandfather participated in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea,But he didn’t come back in the end... I respect those warriors who took up arms to defend their homeland。”So,She gave up the opportunity to study abroad,Go directly to the Ministry of Armed Forces to register。After a series of physical examinations、Political review、Interview,Wearing the military uniform as expected,Become one of the college student soldiers who enlisted in the army in 2009。During service,She is diligent in self-discipline、Dare to challenge,Take the initiative to join the frontline combat troops,Honourably join our army’s first female missile launch unit,And serves m88 live casino and sports bettingm88 best betting websiteas the number one operator,Due to outstanding performance,Won the second-class personal merit once,And be widely publicized as a model of outstanding college soldiers of the Second Artillery Force;December 2011,She was discharged from the army and returned to school to continue her studies,The military camp shaped her brave and resolute character,Also plant more responsibilities and missions in her heart。She hopes to let more students understand national defense、Participate in national defense,Applied to serve as the ideological and political counselor of the school and the counselor of the Armed Forces Department,Received an outstanding graduate from Tsinghua University,Tsinghua University “129” Counselor Award,Beijing Outstanding Graduates and other honors。


    Reporting meeting,Teacher Wang Xiaoli threw three pairs of keywords to the students: "Ideal and Reality", "Opportunities and Challenges" and "Youth and Home",Then explain in simple m88 slot machine casinoterms,Speakingly,Told the students his story m88 slot machine casinoof growing up with the “Green Military Uniform”。


    Teacher Wang said,If you already have the voice in your heart to join the army,Then don’t be afraid,Take the first step bravely。The longer the time,You will feel more and more that the military camp gives you more things,This intangible spiritual wealth will stay with you for a lifetime。Wang Xiaoli used her own experience to inspire batches of students to join the army and serve the country。


    National defense education is a basic project for building and consolidating national defense and a strong people’s army。As a young person in the new era,We should deeply understand the importance of national defense thought,Actively participate in the great national defense cause,Contribute to the construction of China in the new era。Time has brought changes to everyone,“Youth is fleeting but your soul will last forever。”Salute to the confident and strong self in every period of time,Salute m88 online sports bettingto every passionate and brave bloom。

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